Really depressed about my weight

Hi I'm new to this app and I like the community

My weight is 310 lbs .
I'm really struggling to lose alot of pounds I just don't know what happens that makes me eventually give up .

I'm 24 years old guy .
Do you think its possible to lose at least 50 lbs by the start of 2017?

I really need some help of any ideas that can help me keep going



  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    It's absolutely possible to lose 50lbs in 7 months. What approach are you following? Healthy eating and exercise or something different?
    Get yourself checked over by a dr first and set reasonable goals. I think 50lbs by 2017 is a very reasonable goal. It's less than 2lbs a week and safe and reasonable to work with, you have to start somewhere. Make some realistic goals, ie stop drinking soda, cut down to 1 takeaway per week, reasonable ones. Reasonable is not eating salad for every meal and cutting to 800 calories per day. You will fall of the wagon very quickly.

    Think about WHY you want to lose the weight, have a goal or motivation for each step. After 50lbs maybe you'll buy something you've always wanted. For me, when I get to half way to
    My goal weight, I am getting another tattoo. When I reach my goal weight, I'm
    Planning on booking a beach holiday....I'm normally a city break girl rather than a beach one as I dislike being in swimwear.

    And be accountable, even if that's us lot
    On here, log everything, even if it's a bad day (I'm saying this as I'm great at giving advice not always the best at following haha) but even if it's a bad day, log it, draw a line under it and move on. It's a marathon not a sprint!
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Definitely possible. When you're bigger you tend to lose quickly in the beginning. I agree with @louisepaul16 about going to a doctor and getting checked out, and making goals and celebrating them with non-food gifts.
    Track your eating so you can see what you eat, and where you can make changes. Most people on here seem able to eat many things they enjoy by fitting it into their calories, or choose a lifestyle that meets their health needs, such as low carb or gluten free.
    Having the support on MFP is extremely helpful for me personally and even just reading the threads gives me ideas and assistance.
    You aren't alone, and there is hope when you feel like giving up.
  • JYereRun79
    JYereRun79 Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2016

    Hey! It's absolutely achievable! Use the app to monitor food consumption, log workouts, and connect with a support system that is trying to achieve what you are.

    You can do it, if you believe you can. I've yo-yo'ed with my weight for years. I had to take a hard look at my nutrition and fix it. I'm still working on it, but with a proper diet I've been able to lose ten pounds in a week. Granted, I was pushing myself and eating the same things all week. But this past Friday was a huge eye opener for me.

    Good luck!

    Jeremy Schlieve
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Welcome, and you can definately do it. MFP works and there are thousands of people that post about their weightloss and success. Many have lost over 100 lbs. What do you have to do? Plug your stats into MFP and it will give you a calorie number that you can eat everyday. Buy a digital food scale and weigh and measure everything you eat and drink. Try to stay within your calories everyday. Never give up. Move as much as you can. Good luck.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Welcome op !! You can so do this !! We all started somewhere. Get yourself a food scale and learn how to weigh all your solids and measure liquids . we have all felt overwhelmed at some point but this is all doable !
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You're giving yourself 7 months to lose 50 from a start over 300? I think you can achieve that. I've lost nearly 40 from a start under 300 in 13 weeks.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    OP, what part of the world do you live in?
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited April 2016
    Yeah, definitely possible to lose that much in 7 months.

    Here's a link to a description I gave of my first 100 lb lost (I started just under 320 lb). That basically describes the methods I use, if you're interested to see how that could be done.
  • Dhafer7
    Dhafer7 Posts: 14 Member
    OP, what part of the world do you live in?
    In the middle east .

    rankinsect wrote: »
    Yeah, definitely possible to lose that much in 7 months.

    Here's a link to a description I gave of my first 100 lb lost (I started just under 320 lb). That basically describes the methods I use, if you're interested to see how that could be done.

    Thank you and everyone else who responded to this post i feel motivated and its possible to not stop this time .

    You guys don't know how much this means to me. Thank you

  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    You can totally do it. Figure out what your motivation is and remember it when times get tough.
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Yes you can do this
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    Yes !you can do it !! Do it!!!
  • ddavenport63
    ddavenport63 Posts: 74 Member
    If we can do it ,you can do it !!! Good luck
  • Rincewind_1965
    Rincewind_1965 Posts: 639 Member
    60 pounds in 7 months can be done. I started mid-January and lost 50 already.
    Another positive side-effect: I don't need my blood-pressure medicamentation anymore.
  • KadeBeady
    KadeBeady Posts: 1 Member
    I think it's possible, I'm just 5 days into my weight loss but I don't like to refer to it as a diet, because I don't just want to lose weight I want and need a lifestyle change, so doing something that is manageable and sustainable for the rest of your life is more worth while than losing quickly. But, if you have the will power, and the support from this lovely community then you will sure be on your way!
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    I really recommend meditation.

    I know tonnes about food, I like healthy food, I'm not afraid to exercise. I know how to make time to exercise. But I sabotage myself or "forget" or give up 2 or 3 weeks in, whether I lose weight or not.

    I started 30 day shred on YouTube, and I lost 6 cm off my waist after only a few days. I then quit.

    Why? I really don't know?! I didnt find it particularly hard, I was enjoying it. When I delved deeper and really thought on it, I realised it is my mind that needs help first otherwise I just won't stick to anything. I've not been allowing myself to change subconsciously. Perhaps my brain thinks it's protecting me by staying this way?

    Meditation is a great way to learn how to listen to your mind, to strengthen your brain, to relax and to control the thoughts. I used it before to help general low confidence and it was amazing for me, I'd almost say life changing even 10
    years later. So I thought I'd look to see if you can use it for weight loss and indeed you can.

    There's lots of free apps, I like Buddhify for general daily meditation and stress help. I've just found a 21 day meditation programme for weight problems called the Jon Gabriel method which I'm going to try. I used the 3 day trial for 6 days along with Buddhify, and I do feel like I'm not so obsessed with food. I'm feeling more peace. I've lost 3lbs and 4cm off my waist without "trying" - just listening to my body and making sensible choices most of the time. Literally I've not tried, I've eaten what I wanted but still logged it all. E.g if I want pasta, I have it, but the last few days my brain hasn't desperately wanted a bowl full of it. It's just wanted a handful and I've been happy and full. I've been coming out "naturally" at 1800 cals a day which is 400 more than I'd tried before. So i signed up to the 21 course just yesterday.

    I can't recommend that fully yet but I'll post a topic at the end if I find it works for me.

    Sorry for blarbing on, it's nice to share as I've just started down this path and I don't have anyone to really tell about it. It's exciting though, I think this has been the missing piece all along?

  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome! I've been struggling my self since I started (45 days ago) I agree with the other posters
    Small steps to start, if you drink lots of soda, start cutting back slowly the (headache won't be as bad that way).
    If you eat a lot of white starches change them to whole wheat/grain and slowly cut back your portions slowly

    Do you have any support at home? If not we're all here for you. We all struggle in different ways and we ALL have bad days
    I added you to my friends list, I may not always comment on your posts but I'm here for you
  • raishiwi
    raishiwi Posts: 56 Member
    It's possible to lose more than that. I have lost 45 in 4 months, so just WILL YOURSELF TO GREATNESS man!
  • Dhafer7
    Dhafer7 Posts: 14 Member
    phyllis731 wrote: »
    You can totally do it. Figure out what your motivation is and remember it when times get tough.
    katie22mfp wrote: »
    Yes you can do this
    hzl22 wrote: »
    Yes !you can do it !! Do it!!!
    If we can do it ,you can do it !!! Good luck

    You guys are awsome thank you ! I will do my best to prove you were right !
  • Dhafer7
    Dhafer7 Posts: 14 Member
    60 pounds in 7 months can be done. I started mid-January and lost 50 already.
    Another positive side-effect: I don't need my blood-pressure medicamentation anymore.

    Excellent ! I truly hope that I lose that much .. I know i will with people telling me this .
    KadeBeady wrote: »
    I think it's possible, I'm just 5 days into my weight loss but I don't like to refer to it as a diet, because I don't just want to lose weight I want and need a lifestyle change, so doing something that is manageable and sustainable for the rest of your life is more worth while than losing quickly. But, if you have the will power, and the support from this lovely community then you will sure be on your way!

    jjansen39 wrote: »
    Welcome! I've been struggling my self since I started (45 days ago) I agree with the other posters
    Small steps to start, if you drink lots of soda, start cutting back slowly the (headache won't be as bad that way).
    If you eat a lot of white starches change them to whole wheat/grain and slowly cut back your portions slowly

    Do you have any support at home? If not we're all here for you. We all struggle in different ways and we ALL have bad days
    I added you to my friends list, I may not always comment on your posts but I'm here for you

    Actually i kind of don't have any support at all from home thats why i came to this community .

    Thank you everyone I feel very happy