Any stuggle daily with husband or wife

OK here it goes.
I'm about 105 days into my second try here on mfp. I'm craving chips horribly. That's pretty much how I got here in the first place, I could eat two bags of potato chips and still be looking for food. I need a little help figuring out how to create a healthy diet while living with a person who doesn't support me at all. As an example I was going to make chicken tenders for dinner a suggestion he made he also mentioned chili dogs. I decided chicken and coleslaw was a good choice, no he wanted chili dogs. So he had chili dogs and I had chicken sausages and had to listen to how disgusting they are. Most people argue over money, 90% of our arguments are over food, it's a daily struggle. Most days beef is what is for dinner. I'm free to make my own choices for breakfast and lunch, Mon-Fri.
I'm tired of saying cook your own crap and leave me to eat what I want in peace. I'm tired of hearing "why does everyone say wow you've lost weight I'm pretty sure I could stick my finger in your bellybutton up to the second knuckle." I'm tired of having someone breathing down my neck if I try to get a walk in. I'm tired of explaining that I'm sick and weak and overweight that if I don't try to get healthy now I'll be sitting in a corner crying into my oxygen bottle. I tired guy's I'm so overwhelmed, but I keep chugging along. I have a goal 160. If I can pass it cool, but I can't stop ever I'm sure I'll be on mfp for life.


  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    That sounds exhausting! Have you politely asked him to refrain from commenting on your health or fitness activities? That may be best since his comments tend to be discouraging
  • camy4dfied
    camy4dfied Posts: 26 Member
    I'm sorry you have to deal with that :'( perhaps voice how you feel to him or tell him that it needs to stop. Have you tried kale chips? Much healthier, tasty and easy to make.
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    He sounds all consuming .. If it comes down to it choose yourself over anyone.. Anyone who really cares for you would not make you choose between yourself and them . Be strong and work on yourself .. If that is a problem for him .. Let it be his problem not yours.. You are doing this for you. don't let anyone stop you. For the chips try to find other healthier alternatives to munch on .. Like cucumbers or nuts or sunflower seeds (I know not the same thing but at least there's a crunch) also I don't know if you like pork rinds but those have about half the calories and zero carbs .. Just have to try out different things see what works for you . You can do it!!
  • AnneMelody
    AnneMelody Posts: 51 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    That sounds exhausting! Have you politely asked him to refrain from commenting on your health or fitness activities? That may be best since his comments tend to be discouraging

    It sounds like being polite will not work with this one! Sadly he sounds like a non caring bully, I am so sorry, but you do have to be strong here, and put your own health and well being first, he really wants to belittle your effort, it's time to invest in you!!!!
  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    edited May 2016
    Although my boyfriend is mostly supportive, he also doesn't want to eat what I eat, so I have started cooking 2 meals for each meal. One for him and one for me, and made him realise if he comments on my food he can go and cook his own tomorrow.

    As for the abusive comments, you should really let him know it's not okay. Relationships should be about supporting each other and not bringing each other down...
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    I'm so sorry you aren't being supported by your husband. That hurts, I'm sure. :(
    Glad you are <here> where you can find alternate sources to cheer you on your path to health!
    Try and keep focus on YOU and feel good about what you're doing. I think getting healthier and stronger will help you feel more empowered overall. Just remember to take it one day at a time.
  • DarthSamson
    DarthSamson Posts: 172 Member
    someday very soon when you're calm and its quite, decide what your life goals are and write them down
    now decide decide what your fitness health goals are and write them down.
    then make up a 2 week plan how you can do them with or without his support
    and do it like you life depends on it
    2 weeks from now tell him
    Honey here are my fitness goals I have been doing them without you and now I want you to help me with them
    See how he reacts
    respond accordingly...
  • heatherdoll40
    heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm tired of saying cook your own crap and leave me to eat what I want in peace. I'm tired of hearing "why does everyone say wow you've lost weight I'm pretty sure I could stick my finger in your bellybutton up to the second knuckle." I'm tired of having someone breathing down my neck if I try to get a walk in. I'm tired of explaining that I'm sick and weak and overweight that if I don't try to get healthy now I'll be sitting in a corner crying into my oxygen bottle.

    If you're tired of it, when are you going to wake up? No man is worth risking your health over. Put yourself first.

    First and foremost as a Woman being first in your own life is a rarity. It is the stuff of girly dreams. I have a life and that encompasses all the obligations I have put into it. Husband children pets home hell even the plants in the yard. And job.
    Life didn't start this way, I think he's afraid and hasn't got the coping skills to manage. Does it hurt, yeah sure does. Does it wear on my already frazzled nerves, you bet. And if I were to win the lottery I'd be gone in a heartbeat, but I'd make sure he was taken care of. Because despite it all still I love him(don't like him a bit at the moment), I suppose that can't be helped after 30+ years and three great kids.
    And sure I could run away from my responsibilities just abandon my pets like so many do, but I would be immediately terminated from the only job I've ever had that I love, and rightly so since I spend my days trying to find homes and caring for displaced pets.
    I'm sure you understand. There are worse situations to be in.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How over weight is your boyfriend?
  • DarthSamson
    DarthSamson Posts: 172 Member
    yes 100% correct you kids may come first church 2nd job 3rd husband 4th house 5th pets 6th you 7th
    I just want you to move up a spot or two probably to two would be great 3-4 ok :)
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    I agree for the most part with the other posters. Take care of you, a hard lesson I've had to learn

    You don't need his "support".

    We are all here for you we ALL struggle and we ALL have bad days
  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    I've been told many times in the past that "you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first." It took years of hard knocks until it finally sunk in, but it's very, very true. Take care of yourself first, it's important. Then you can take care of others more efficiently, effectively and passionately. Good luck to you.
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    brigg9 wrote: »
    I've been told many times in the past that "you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first." It took years of hard knocks until it finally sunk in, but it's very, very true. Take care of yourself first, it's important. Then you can take care of others more efficiently, effectively and passionately. Good luck to you.

    I fully agree,
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Your in a toxic relationship.
    To some degree I can relate. This is my 2nd time trying to drop off some weight. The first time almost ended my marriage. When I weighed less than she did, she did not handle that well. Was jealous with steroids... back to you, at the rate your going something IS going to give, it has to. You cannot sustain your relationship "as is" indefinitely.
    His position as a rectal cavity is easy to hold, so he's not likely to give ground.
    Your choice to do something positive for yourself is a much more precarious position, and your far more likely to buckle.
    If it's any comfort (and it's probably not) I may be in similar shoes in a few months.
    I'm so sorry.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    He's insecure. You are changing after 30 years of marriage and he is not dealing with it well. Continue with cooking what you want to eat and let him cook his own meals. If he negatively comments, get up and leave the room.

    As for your chip craving, I love Quest Protein chips. Some flavors are not so hot, but I like the Sour Cream and Onion and the Salt & Vinegar.