New and a little discouraged :(

nanny3580 Posts: 7
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Ok so this is my first time on this site however I have had the app on my phone for 21 days.
I have gained a lot of weight over the past 2 years. I decided this summer that enough was enough and I was going to lose weight! I found the mfp app and I fell in love!! I lost 6lbs the first week! I lost 4 more the second week. Then the 3rd week I noticed the scale wasn't going down. I know that your weight fluctuates so I wasn't first now its been 8 days without losing a single pound and actually when I checked this morning I had even gained a pound! Anyone know why???


  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    It happens. Stick with it!
  • Oh, no. Please don't be discouraged. i am new to the Message Board and I have had the app on my phone for a minute so I understand. Sometimes life gets in the way. I absolutely adore this site/app. It takes the guess work out completely.
    Sometimes stress can alter weight loss. You have lost around 10 lbs, right? That's a good thing. We can be our biggest critics sometimes. Don't be so down. You can do it! It is just a small setback is all. :smile:
  • Hi
    I am also new on this site (joined today!) I have been on a general low fat diet for about 2 months but began on the Diet Chef programme in the UK nearly 2 weeks ago because I felt the ready meals were easier for me as I am very busy at work etc. I add in the fruit and veg etc as instructed. However, they are constantly saying to us on their forum that if you don't consume the maximum amount of calories that you need per day you will stop losing weight. Are you sure you are taking in the max amount you need and not eating less calories than you should be? The body of course can go in to starvation mode and then you stop losing weight. I have reached a bit of a plateau (not helped by buying a new set of scales that is weighing me heavier than the ones at work I began with so I am sticking to my work ones at the doc's surgery and forgetting my new home ones!) I have five stones to lose but if this diet doesn't work after the 3 months I plan to use it for, I will not be happy. I lost a lot in the first week (probably fluid) but seem to have slowed down although they do say that losing a pound a week is a healthy loss. I guess I just want more to come off and quicker!
  • JCGilbert
    JCGilbert Posts: 33
    Patience is the key. I think you are doing great so far! Weight on the scale can fluctuate up to 5 lbs during any given day depending on a lot of factors. Just keep going. Drink all your water, try to cut down on sweets and sodium. I'm guilty of being VERY lazy, but we all need to get up and move. Good luck. MFP is a cool tool to log/keep track of your cals & exercise. Welcome aboard! :smile:
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    cannot see your diary so cannot really say

    but will ask:

    are you drinking enough water? you need it.
    are you getting too much sodium? it retains water = weight
    are you eating all your base calories and at least 1/2 of your exercise calories? your body needs the assurance it is getting enough healthy 'fuel' so it feels safe to burn what it is getting rather than storing it as fat cause it thinks it is not sure when it is going to get 'enough'.
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    I would also include:

    How much processed foods are you eating?
    Drinking lots of water?
    Too much sugar?

    If you open your diary we can help more...
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    I would also ask, are you drinking alcohol? That will slow you down as well.
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    One. The scale is NOT your friend - instead check your own body. Do you feel better? Do you have more energy? Do you look slimmer? My husband had the same reaction last week but he's back on track again now. Our scale is also not the most accurate (and probably most people's aren't). I, for example, go back and forth by .6lb all the time - up and down, up and down but really it's probably water weight, the time since I last ate, if my hair is wet, etc - so the scale isn't the be all end all!

    Second, you will lose more initially, because that's on the surface, but then your body will start hording, since it doesn't understand what you are doing. Stick with it though and your body will start letting go at a good rate (1-2 lb per week).

    Third, you need to add in exercise to see the best results - muscle is better at burning calories, working out will give you more energy, and it helps tone as you lose. Even doing a half an hour of fast walking a day would be great! At minimum, try tightening your stomach as you sit and picking up your legs at your desk. Run up and down stairs a few times and raise your arms above your head for a minute at a time.

    Finally, come back here, get support, and realize that REAL weight loss and body changes take time - it's not a fad, it's a lifestyle choice.
  • katieb63
    katieb63 Posts: 26 Member
    Hard as it is, try not to be discouraged, it will happen and some weeks it will be fast and some not at all. Try to remember how long it took to put all the weight on, so it is going to take that time to get it all off (at least).

    I have been doing this a couple of months now and some weeks I drop pounds, some I do nothing and some I went up a bit but overall it is going down.

    I found that although I was losing my recommended calories was not updating so it might be worth checking your goals and seeing if changing those means you should be reducing the calories.

    Best of all get some friends on MFP they are the most supportive people and can help you through to your goals.

    Good Luck
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    Hormones? TOM? Water retention? All can affect ur weight. Not a lot u can do about the 1st two but make sure u are drinking enough water - 8 glasses a day is recommended. Also try not to weigh yourself everyday - I find once a week best as otherwise I get a distorted picture which I find disheartening!! If u are exercising a lot u could now be building muscle which will affect ur weight too - have u tried measuring yourself?
    I have lost 20lb since Jan & have had a couple of plateaus in there where I didn't lose for a couple of weeks but lost inches. If u jig ur eating plan around or alter ur exercise slightly this may kick start things!!
    Dint give up though, u are doing really well so keep going & u will get there!! Stay positive!!
    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • tuscaroragal
    tuscaroragal Posts: 78 Member
    Plateaus happen...I've gone through that with my weight loss too...hang in there and switch up your exercise a bit! Challenge yourself physically, and you'll see the scale move patient too...weight loss takes time, and you aren't always going to have big weight loss weeks. I agree with previous comments about sodium. I can pretty much predict when I am going to go up a pound based on what I've been eating. High sodium days almost always affect your weight the next few days. Hang in there! :)
  • I am 3 days In and I love it!! it is going to take alot of dedication to make this work for you but I am sure you can do it or you would not have joined this site! We are all in this together!! hang in there:)
  • LaneDraven
    LaneDraven Posts: 13
    Hi! I've only joined recently myself (a week ago), but one recurring theme I've found on the message boards, is that some people are reaching a plateau at a certain weight...
    However, have you taken your measurements? You may be getting thinner, but gaining muscle weight. Make sure to keep track of those measurements as well as your weight!
    Also, gaining a pound could just be a factor of the time of day that you weighed yourself...

    Overall don't give up hope! You can do it!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    In addition to the other advice already posted, don't forget to measure yourself. Often you'll find that you won't be losing pounds, but you will be losing inches. MFP provides a place to track measurements with your weight and you can add more, too. I'd suggest adding thighs to what is already there since that's a place most of us are trying to lose inches.

    Also, I always say that if what you're doing isn't working, then it's time to change something. Take a good hard look at what you're doing and see if you can make a few changes. Not exercising? Try walking for 30 minutes a few days a week? Or already walking 30 minutes every day? Can you up it to 45 minutes? Or start jogging a little during your walk? Can you drink more water? Eat a vegetable with that sandwich instead of some chips? All of the little things we do can help.

    Good luck and don't give up, you can do this!
  • nanny3580
    nanny3580 Posts: 7
    Thank-you for all the wonderful advice and encouraging words!! I think I realize now what the problem WAS!! :) I have never been a "salter" (I have had the same 1/2 full salt shaker since I moved into my house 2 yrs ago) However since I changed my eating habits I have had an uncontrollable craving for salt, and I have started salting my foods in the past week :( Not only that but I have been ONLY watching the calorie counter. Before this morning, I was under the impression I could eat 8 candy bars as long as I stayed under or at my daily calorie count. (* I never attempted the candy bars theory!* lol)
  • premcogal
    premcogal Posts: 1
    Have you tried "No Salt". It's not as good as salt but it might help you.
  • nanny3580
    nanny3580 Posts: 7
    No! I have never even heard of it but I will definitely check it out thanks
  • Hendrixsgrandma
    Hendrixsgrandma Posts: 6 Member
    Water will quickly impact weight. When I start sliding I find my water intake slides first. If you are drinking the full 1/2 your body weight in ounces could it be your personal cycle? Through the years I have had what I call my magic number(s) that I just cannot seem to get below. I do believe our bodies have a set point and it has nothing to do with where our bodies should be. Maybe change your intake and exercise up a bit, but be sure to get enough calories or your body will store it.
  • nanny3580
    nanny3580 Posts: 7
    Wow! I have been on this site for less than 8 hrs I have already learned so much! I have never been told to drink half my body weight in ounces, in water a day. I gave up soda the day I started MFP ,a HUGE thing for me to do, I was ADDICTED. I drink only water now (maybe 1 glass of tea a few times a week) but I can assure you I am not drinking that much water. Thanks that really helps
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