Thinking about skipping breakfast or just eating 1 banana



  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    Today my breakfast add up to 770 calories. I'm trying to find where my problem is but it's hard ...

    That's an epic breakfast :D Nothing wrong with a higher calorie meal, as long as you can fit it into your total daily calories. But, if you eat a 770 calorie breakfast and are really hungry a few hours later, than yeah you need to switch things up and move more of your calorie allotment to later in the day.

    Meal timing/frequency/how big the meals are don't matter-what does matter is how many calories you've consumed when your head hits the pillow at night.

  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    if your chicken biscuit is 770 cals, i'm guessing it's either fast food breakfast, or a frozen microwave thing. I think that's part of the problem. Those tings are super high calorie for what you're getting. If it's homemade - you said you could grill instead of fry the chicken - that would be helpful. If there's gravy or lots of cheese or bacon on it - those things add up big time - maybe only choose one of those additions. Or use half a biscuit. I'm thinking if you're cooking something, surely you could use the ingredients in a different way to make something less calorific. What about things like oatmeal or cereal or eggs? you could have fairly large portions for half that calorie count. I always calorie count before deciding what to eat, so i never get surprised by the number of calories eaten.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    Well I live with my mom so I don't have a lot of food choices I kind of have to eat what's here so I had a chicken biscut this morning. Thinking back I probably could have just ate the chicken, grilled not fried. My goal is 1200 calories a day I think eating one big meals and smaller other ones. I can just pick which meal I want to be my biggest

    Some people like big breakfasts so they plan the rest of their food around it.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    The real question should be what are you eating for breakfast? I can eat 2 eggs, sauteed veggies, 2 slices of bacon, a bowl of fruit with cream, and toast with butter for less than 770 calories. Use your calories wisely to eat things that are more filling and healthier.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Good for you for posting and asking. Hopefully we can help you figure it out! A couple of things come to mind--are you posting your meal log? cityruss--has the right idea--Can you post the 770 calorie breakfast?

    For openers, the fitness path is a process. None of us came to MFP with it ALL figured out----so try to be gentle with yourself. <3 Consider letting go of the idea of eliminating a meal. I dunno----it feels sort of punitive?

    If you need to take in more food at the beginning of the day --and let's not judge that--okay? That's what's throwing you off--that to do that is "bad." Or 770 calories is "bad." Maybe in the morning, evenings---your particular body chemistry type requires more food,more fuel, or at least, requires it for now. No big deal. So now you can prepare for it.

    You are post is very smart and intuitive. It reveals you are starting to notice and identify your eating pattern--that's huge information! Moreover, you are linking up the caloric content and taking notice. You are becoming more aware.

    My suggestion? It might be helpful to have some substitutions lined up.

    You are absolutely on the right track--a banana is definitely going to make you feel fuller. Posting your breakfast can help supportive MFP-ers see where you can substitute the caloric -rich foods with similar healthier options!
    Second suggestions is to prepare your fridge --with healthy bites--so you can eat without guilt --when hungry or when you need to. In my humble opinion, Intermittent Fasting might backfire---if you are resorting or reacting to it as an extreme punitive measure ---rather than thoughtfully choosing it as different way of balancing meals,calories, exercise.

    The point is to still enjoy your meals, feel full---and even better, feel healthy,while doing so!

    And not feel guilty---that's the part you can afford to eliminate :p
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    I also don't eat anything for breakfast. 2 cups of coffee, a bit of cream and sugar. No solid food until 1pm-ish or so. This is primarily because I've trained my body not to be particularly hungry until then. Seems to be working :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    Well I live with my mom so I don't have a lot of food choices I kind of have to eat what's here so I had a chicken biscut this morning. Thinking back I probably could have just ate the chicken, grilled not fried. My goal is 1200 calories a day I think eating one big meals and smaller other ones. I can just pick which meal I want to be my biggest

    When I was new to MFP I prelogged a lot so I could see the calories ahead of time and make adjustments if needed.

    Don't you have input on the grocery shopping list or can buy your own groceries? When I lived with my mom as an adult we collaborated on the shopping list and meals.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I think ultimately the problem is self control. Absent of any medical issues, there shouldn't be a problem from suffering a bit of hunger (when you will eventually have all your allotted calories by the end of day). Exercise your self control and you'll be golden.
  • ummijaaz560
    ummijaaz560 Posts: 228 Member
    Why are you setting your goal to lose 2lbs a week at 1200 calories a day? I understand people wanting to lose the weight quickly but I would rather lose slowly than manage the 1200 a day. Maybe give yourself more calories and go from there.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    There's nothing wrong with having a big breakfast if that's what you want your main meal to be. Personally, I like eating a big dinner so I save my calories for the evening. I usually have homemade juice, and banana, and some kiefer for breakfast, but that's me. You have to decide what's best for you. My goal is usually 1200 calories so I try to save 800 calories for the evening. If you like quantity, you can have some HUGE vegetable based meals. I have salad for lunch sometime and I bring it in a large mixing bowl. Takes me 30 minutes to eat it, and it clocks in at 220 calories. Usually during the day I just stick with raw fruits and veggies, maybe with some hummus. Try planning ahead a little and pre logging. Pick one thing you really want that day, and then choose other foods around it. Since your referencing breakfast, eggs are pretty low calories and their filling. I'm horribly allergic to egg yolk, but I can have five or six hard boiled egg whites with some fruit and it keeps me full all morning.
  • ElJefePerron
    ElJefePerron Posts: 88 Member

    Proper planning will take you far. I run a hectic schedule, so I try to have my meals packed the night before. Sundays, I cook several meals to be portioned. When I bought my food scale and measured my portions, weight started falling.

    I keep a couple of protein bars for emergencies.

    What I found is eating healthily can be delicious and only requires a little more work ahead of time.

    Lastly, look for high protein breakfast recipes. Proteins take longer to digest. ( I love my frittatas and breakfast burritos)

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Meals like that are lessons. You'll be more careful next time. Do you like hard boiled eggs? You can cook up a bunch and have them ready in the refrigerator so you aren't interrupting your mom in the kitchen. Eggs are a wonderful package of protein goodness and they can really set off your day right.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    Good point jgnatca - I make two dozen Sunday so they're ready during the week. Very convenient. I also prep all my fruit and vegetables so they are also ready to eat. By doing this I always have something to eat when I'm pressed for time or feeling lazy.
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    Actually, there isn't anything wrong with skipping breakfast if you aren't hungry. I'm not usually hungry until 11am. There was a recent study that showed people who skipped breakfast lost more weight (because obviously they ate fewer calories).

    My husband really wants a savory breakfast every day. I honestly don't but I do like to eat late at night so I have my breakfast at midnight. There are a lot of filling, lower calorie options though. My go-to is a hard boiled egg, a toasted english muffin and a little cream cheese.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Why are you setting your goal to lose 2lbs a week at 1200 calories a day? I understand people wanting to lose the weight quickly but I would rather lose slowly than manage the 1200 a day. Maybe give yourself more calories and go from there.

    You answered your question - people want to lose the weight quickly. I tried the calories for losing 2 pounds a week for about a half day and decided I'd rather lose weight more slowly than suffer.