Just the wake up call I needed!

elowynip Posts: 5 Member
I am so grateful for this site, it's a chance to be motivated and encouraged as I pursue a healthy lifestyle change once and for all. I introduced myself as a 43 yr old diagnosed with HBP, Diabetes and anemia. What got me to the point of deciding I was sick & tired of feeling sick tired was being misdiagnosed with being in the first stages of renal failure. I was flabbergasted and terrified and I knew that something HAD to change!
I have lost weight before, but would seem to always gain it back (quickly). I would stay motivated for a few months, then it was back to my unhealthy habits and food addictions (emotional eating etc)...
I made excuse after excuse for my bad choices- too busy to work out, eating healthy costs too much, you know how it goes, well after years making excuses and paying for gym members that I only used after New Years resolutions I had had enough!
My best friend passed away a few years ago and that too was sent a message to me that life was too short to keep taking my health(life) for granted, she was only 44 and left two precious children behind. We both struggled with weight related issues and stress, but now I have come to realize that it's up to me to use the time I have RIGHT NOW to make a difference!
I started with small steps, eating better and working out at home. On my job, I would use all of my breaks doing something physical(walking, stretching, etc). I lost 10 pounds in a few months and started to feel more energetic.
I am really optimistic that this time I have more than a change of mind, but also a change of heart and I will stay the course for here on out.
I want to encourage anyone out there who uses food for a crutch to not give up! I have good days and bad days, but I am finding that my faith has really helped me to stay on track and not be too hard on myself when I mess up.
Don't ever give up, tomorrow is another day, and that means a new slate to start again!!!!
Let's Do it!!!!


  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    You are so right- today is a new day and this new healthy approach to weight loss is the only way to get the weight off and keep it off- Be encouraged and be Blessed!
  • elowynip
    elowynip Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much! It's a journey, but I believe that it can be done! Some days are more challenging than others, but I am fighting every day not to repeat the bad habits I have put behind me (emotional eating, stress eating).
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    I have found you need to change your thinking and your heart ( like you did) as well as healthier eating and exercise. You can add me if you want. It is a journey. It does get rough from time to time, not just from lack of weight loss or binging, but the emotional side of it is frustrating as well. They say it takes 90 days to break a habit and 90 days for new good ones to stick. That is so true. keep your chin up. You are on the right path. Small steps will grow to bigger ones. Success is success. a 1/2 pound loss is still a loss. 1/4 mile walk is still a walk.