weight loss at a stand still.

Hi everyone! I am 24 and have two kids. I've always been in shape my whole life even after my kids were born but when I became a stay at home mom I started gaining weight. Before I knew it I gained 40lbs. I tried loosing it many timez but it never lasted long about a week or 2 and I would give up and go back to bad eating habits and not being active. Then we went on vacation and I saw how I looked in our pictures. I decided I wanted to change for good. I started 5 weeks ago. Logging my food and working out 5 times a week. I do 1hr of zumba 5x a week and a minimum of 30min walk daily. I lost 12lbs in the first 3 weeks and felt great but the last 2 nothing. I do have trouble sticking to my diet on the weekends but I am trying to get better at that. I am so serious about wanting to loose weight this time but am feeling so depressed that I haven't lost anything lately. I could use any tips or advice. Thanks!


  • FindingLiz016
    FindingLiz016 Posts: 79 Member
    You have to switch it up after awhile the body becomes use to your routine and it takes more to loose the weight...message me or add me,I know how you feel but you can overcome it
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    2 weeks isn't a plateau.. weight loss isn't linear. You've only been at this 5 weeks, give it time. Also, are you logging on the weekends to see how much you are going over? It may be undoing your weekly deficit.
  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    We ALL get here. You have to be accepting of the fact that the weight comes off FAST at first.. After it slows down, but it's ok cause it does add up. Be patient. Are you diligent in weighing and counting? You have to be..

    Also, if you just started working out your body may be holding onto more water for muscle repair..

    A lot of things could be the reason.. But 2 weeks is nothing. Could be hormones, water weight, could be that you're not at a deficit..

    Just keep going. It's frustrating but if you're adamant about it all then you will see results soon.

    Keep your head up, be patient. All will be well
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Losing 12 pounds in the first 3 weeks! WOW! Pat yourself on the back because typically weight loss should be 0.5-2 pounds per week (depending on how close you are to your goal). I think the rapid loss set you up to believe this would continue, but sorry this initial loss was probably mostly water weight. Weight loss isn't linear. You will have ups and downs. Stick to your goals. Make sure you are weighing your food (don't use cups or spoons and don't eyeball). Make sure you are logging correctly (don't use homemade or generic entries). Drink at least 64oz+ water daily. Don't worry. You are not on a plateau. You will lose again, but just at a more normal rate.
  • FindingLiz016
    FindingLiz016 Posts: 79 Member
    edited May 2016

  • sarahfadell87
    sarahfadell87 Posts: 182 Member
    How bad is it, actually to use cups and spoons cause I totally do that
  • FindingLiz016
    FindingLiz016 Posts: 79 Member
    You have to switch it up after awhile the body becomes use to your routine and it takes more to loose the weight...message me or add me,I know how you feel but you can overcome it

    No, this is not necessary. Over time as you lose weight you may need to cut calories further in order to keep a deficit, but you don't need to constantly change routines (in fact, that can harm your ability to consistently track your progress).

    Also, often when people ask to be messaged like this, they are trying to sell you something.
    'm not trying to sell her nothing lol that was just silly to say!!! please don't jump to conclusions!!! I've been on mfp for awhile now and my weight loss has its ups and downs but what works for me is switching It up and cutting calories here and there. I only asked her to message me because half of what I wanted to say w
    Is not being added in.... I was trying to tell her it takes time and she will get to her goals!!! Just hang in there it will change around.Maybe her weekends can be throwing her off.
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    edited May 2016
    How bad is it, actually to use cups and spoons cause I totally do that

    the difference is pretty substantial in many things. Scale for solids (weight) - cups for liquids


    (I have no idea how to embed that properly)
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    How bad is it, actually to use cups and spoons cause I totally do that

    Watch this. Real eye opener.

  • lassyn77
    lassyn77 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for all the advice, tips, and positive feedback it really helped! I know I can do this and I am 100% willing to put in the work. In the past I would have given up by now and I dont want to ever do that again. So this definitely helped. I am very new to working out and all of this health stuff and want to learn as much as I can about it. I want to make this a life style now and not just something I do until I reach my goal. Thanks again everyone! :)