Ok to have a day...or two.....off a week?

Miffy23 Posts: 4
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Is it ok to have a couple of days off a week - for example, the weekend? Especially if I am going way over my exercise target for the week? I've totally pigged out this weekend and I'm feeling a bit guilty!!


  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I think taking 2 days off every week is a bit excessive. I don't see how you will lose weight that way. We all have our off days though so try not to feel guilty about it.
  • fitnesschange
    fitnesschange Posts: 1 Member
    Definitely! I wouldn't do it consciously, like planning a treat day a week for example but if every so often you have a take away, or a big desert or chocolate or something, don't stress! I've had off days and it hasn't affected my weight loss :)
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I try to limit my off days to just 1 day a week. Two might be a bit much to recover from.
  • I only try to take one day off no less than every two weeks. Taking too many off in a short period will make you lax and eventually lazy.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    of course its ok....actually its better for your body to have rest days because when you come back from them you are actually stronger and you will notice a difference. If you just constantly work out you dont allow your muscles a chance to rebuild themselves so it will actually take you longer to get stronger that way. Even if you are only doing cardio like me you need rest cause those muscles are getting burned up too. 2 days a week is fine. This is what I do

    Monday n Tuesday Workout
    Wednesday Rest
    Thurs Friday Workout
    Saturday Rest
    Sunday Work out

    Hope this helped! N yea...some days I feel guilty for not going...to the gym. I just make sure on those days I keep my calorie intake strict. and Have my daily dose of protein.

    Depending on how much weight you need to lose. This can definitely work. Look at me. I have lost 38lbs with this routine. ;)
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    Depends on how "off" you are. If maybe, you only go over by a couple hundred calories on those days, you might be okay, just keep up the exercise, but if you normally eat, say, 1400 a day and work out-- then eat a total of 7000 calories between those "days off", you've just screwed up all your progress that week.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I don't take a day off but on the weekends I don't count calories. I pretty much have a handle on what and how much i am taking in so I know if I go over. I will put stuff in sometime on the weekend if its new to see the stats but I need to break from counting, but I'm still eating very clean.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What do you mean by "days off?" Off from exercise? Or off from calorie counting?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    It is totally Ok to have an off day or two or week. Infact I have them all the time cause guess what.. I'm not on a diet. I can eat what I want but just in smaller portions or modified versions. Hell, yesterday I went to the taste of Chicago and ate and ate until my little piggy heart was content.. and did the scale go up today by like a pound? yes. Was it because I didn't eat well yesterday and did not drink all my water? Prob. yes. and will it go down again? Oh yes.

    Bottom line, don't feel bad for eating what you want. If you eat what you want but healthier versions, you're more likely to stick with this long term I feel.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I dont think its ok to take days off if your left feeling guilty about them..and have setbacks due to them...I think its more sensible not to restrict yourself and eat within your caloric range ...and exercise as planned....and what are you taking a day off from? Eating sensible portions..or exercising?
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Ask yourself what works best for YOU...if you feel like you can stay strong enough and lose the weight then okay. Knowing from experience it is very hard to go back and forth with days off and on.
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    No one eats perfectly all the time - even the supermodels. However, two days of pigging out a week is over 28% of your week. That's a significant percentage of your week to be "off". Ten percent would be 3 days a month at most, and you'd probably be better off shooting for 5% which would be 1-1.5 days a month.

    That way you *do* have some special days, but you're not trying to pretend that EVERY day is 'special'.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    You beat me to it...
    What do you mean by "days off?" Off from exercise? Or off from calorie counting?
    One or two days off a week from exercise is probably good for you.

    Two days a week off of calorie counting, I wouldn't recommend. Yes you will still see results from the net weekly calorie deficit, but it is way too easy to fall off of track.

    I recommend having a cheat day every few weeks to help overcome that "I'm on a diet and can't have any fun" feeling.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I'm looking at this thread as it would be about calories and overall diet..

    Just glancing at the title of the thread sent warning flares off in my head, one "off" day becomes two and two becomes three and pretty soon it's back to the old ways. It's like asking if it's okay to cheat on a final in school. It certainly is not.

    Yes, it's okay to eat a favorite food (even if it's not the healthiest for you), but it's all about moderation, portion size, and overall control. If there's an event like a party, wedding, etc.. Enjoy the food, but all with a cautious mind and good wiilpower.

    I think it's necessary to stay strict to the allowed calorie regiment and zig-zag here and there if need be, but I don't think one should take a break from their healthy lifestyle on the weekends because it's building you up just to get knocked down.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Honestly, it's not. How can you expect to make lifestyle changes if you aren't making lifestyle changes? Don't deprive yourself from things that you love, just eat them in moderation :)
  • Miffy23
    Miffy23 Posts: 4
    Thanks folks - I think maybe a did go a bit overboard and I like the idea of smaller portions / healthier options of what you love. Doing support for my friend on a 50 mile walk (munching all the time in the car) and then my Mum's sunday roast with cake and ice cream did not do me good!!

    What do you do when you have a night out? I think I could drink my calories in one evening!

    PS I have been very good today and back under my calorie count.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Personally I wouldn't plan to do it every week. I think occasional lapses are fine but to plan in 1-2 days each week to slack off and go over in cals isn't a great idea.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Agree with the above - what do you call a 'day off' and what are your goals?

    I would say that a day off from exercise is essential - In fact most training programs recommend no more than 5 days per week, although we are talking about body building / fitness training - not a daily 30 minute walk :)

    Calorie counting - well - if your goal is weight loss then basically its a question of calories in vs calories out: its definately OK to balance that over time, so you might say 'My goal is 1600 per day, but I will have 1400 per day Sunday - Friday and have 2600 on Saturdays'. If you are trying to get fit its a bit more complex but if you use the type of balancing I suggest here you should be fine.

    If you want a day off completely - I wouldn't recommend it myself - most people are looking at a 3500 Calorie deficit per week and its pretty easy to eat that in an evening - a whole A medium peperoni pizza from Dominos is 1952Calories (12 slices) - wash that down with 6 pints of Larger @ 180 calories each (1080 Cals) and then a large packet pringles (750cals): Thats it: No weight loss that week!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Sorry - started to write this before your response.

    RE drinking - see my above post about 'saving' a few calories for a night out - maybe a portion of your exercise calories? Stick to spirits with diet mixers (60-80 cals per shot), or white wine (120) and work out how much you want to have before you start. You'll be fine.
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    in my opinion...this is a lifestyle change...so i wouldn't really take a day 'off'. if you eat crummy one meal, make up for it in the next. just my two cents!

    and don't feel guilty about this wknd--so what, you slipped up...you lived, you learned. life goes on. you can't flip about stuff like that--ish happens. birthdays happens. weddings happen. everything in moderation is ok...in my opinion.

    take a breather, and get back on the horse!
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