Lose 20 lbs by Sept 2016



  • michelle_more2live4
    michelle_more2live4 Posts: 188 Member

    Great post would love to join this challenge and keep myself accountable, thanks serafina57

    SW: 164
    CW: 162
    GW: 144

    Have a great rest of the day.
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    serafina57 wrote: »
    Can you break up the exercise through out your day. 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there, etc.

    I saw a treadmill online, that sits under a desk that looked great. "Cubii", I think it's called. I'm on disability because of the neurological stuff or I'd get this thing. I've seen cheap old fashioned types of these pedal things, but this looks legit.

    Walking outside for me is pretty risky. I tend to tip over. Haha! So I have to have a walking buddy or use the treadmill. I'm ok with that. My husband made a desk for the treadmill, so I can park my laptop on it or watch TV while walking. The distraction is super helpful!
    Take care!

    Yes, I can definitely break away from the desk and meetings for exercise10 minutes here, 15 minutes there... it's simply a mindset I have to adjust.
    I actually ordered and received a "Vari-desk" for the office, allowing me to stand at my computer. I may not be burning toooooo many more calories, but it feels good not to be hunched over like a cooked cocktail shrimp by the end of the day. :smile:
    I know when the weather finally breaks around here, I'll be walking during lunch breaks and finding those 10 minutes here and 15 minutes there.

    Today was a good day. I think this challenge is really helping me a lot!
  • onmyweigh115
    onmyweigh115 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join. I've overcome a lot of health challenges and it's time to drop the 20 I put on. I'll have to put a weigh in tomorrow. Thanks for starting this group, 20 is definitely doable, even for a 50 yo like myself.
  • mick28
    mick28 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all,
    I have just started using MyFitness Pal again and would like to join your challenge. I too am looking to lose 20 lbs and this group caught my eye.
    My weight has been up and down around 5 lbs but I really want to keep it going down for good. I do get in daily exercise and really need to change my eating habits. I struggle to stay on any "diet".
    Today my plan is to stay within my target calorie goal.
    I also plan on running on the treadmill. I am training for a half marathon and would love to get my weight down by then
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm going for the same goal! Good luck everyone. Add me if you wanna help share accountability! :)
  • marioernestonunez
    marioernestonunez Posts: 10 Member
    I'm at 270 goal 220 by Sept
    Do u think it can be done lol
    Add me
  • jenfra123
    jenfra123 Posts: 45 Member
    I would like to try this challenge. I had a goal in mind and I didn't make it. I just want to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise. I am being motivated to go to my gym more but the food part needs more work. I will keep going and not give up.
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome to all our new folks! Yes, to all of you for this being doable! For the guys it's even easier because guys typically have more muscle mass to burn the fat.
    Let's do this thing! Today and every day.
    I was able to walk 56 minutes today on my treadmill. It has a desk attached (my husband made for me) so I can multitask and not feel like I'm not getting things done while I work out. It's awesome! Plus a TV on the wall in front of me. Anything to distract me from the workout!
    What works for you?
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    I'm at 270 goal 220 by Sept
    Do u think it can be done lol
    Add me

    Of COURSE it can be done!!!
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Rough food day today; went over my 1200 calorie allotment by a few ... hundred. Ack!!! It was genuine hunger, no doubt. But still, I feel a weeeeee bit defeated for the day.
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    @julia123xyzabc don't worry! everyone has down days and up days. however, 1200 is low. if you're having trouble with sticking to your goal try upping the daily limit until you are used to it and then progressively lower it. Hunger will always strike when you're trying to lose weight, simply because you will be eating less than before. I had a down day yesterday, decided that I was hungry about 9pm and pigged out haha. But I won't do that today. I'm determined.
  • medicablasto
    medicablasto Posts: 37 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hey listen we should use a spreadsheet like this one https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ftni4Aul_k7DgUbrPiyReYbGAhOGqGciIhMpXNXJk3c/edit#gid=268211301 so we can have better view of our goals and progress... I can change the units to lb and Spanish to English.
    you just save the link and edit the new data every week!
  • heado4tmt
    heado4tmt Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'd love to have the support, accountability, and motivation to do this challenge. I feel like I have no willpower anymore. Please add me to this if it's not too late!

    SW: 184
    GW: 150
  • Jamidi
    Jamidi Posts: 233 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'd like to join too. I have almost 60 pounds to lose but losing 20 by September would be an awesome start. We try to eat clean but we're not strict with it. Main points for us are organic, grass fed, cage free, and no soy.

    SW: 211
    CW: 204
    GW: 145
  • ecsemich
    ecsemich Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to be down 20 by September. My sisters wedding is August 29th and I have a brides maids dress to fit into.
    CW 175
    GW 155
  • MellissaSaucedo
    MellissaSaucedo Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in!
  • mick28
    mick28 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all,
    1 day On Program. The scale was down a little this morning.
    Sometimes life is crazy and we can't plan out our meals and snacks or maybe we can't stick to our plans. But let it go and start again. I am hopeful my body will get used to less calories and I will not always be thinking about food. Have a great day everyone. I will be eating out tonight so that will be a challenge.
  • Amonet
    Amonet Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    I would love to join in. I will be 28 this September and I would like to be close to my pre kids weight. I'm shooting for 20lbs. I follow macros and I'm about to start 6 weeks to shred On Monday. I have been working hard since January and have only seen inches lost.
    I'm really struggling in the 1461 calories but I have not been perfect at it. Breastfeeding still and it makes me hungry! I have lost 35lbs since November 2014 But I have been around this weight since August 2015. Dispite working at it constantly. So here is to extra hard work in the next 5 months.
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    @jamesblood13, after seeing others' calorie counts, perhaps you're right; 1200 calories may not be enough. I read something recently, forgive me if it was on this forum, that said "Be stubborn about your goals, but flexible with your methods". When I find something that works, I can get pretty dogmatic about it.

    I got home this afternoon and hopped on the treadmill for 45 minutes. It was a moderate workout (slow pace but high incline), and I'm feeling more tired than I should be. I think I'll blame it on the calorie count! :-)

    I'll up my count a little bit and see how that goes for a couple weeks.

    Thanks James! Thanks everybody!
  • saransaran
    saransaran Posts: 30 Member
    "Be stubborn about your goals, but flexible with your methods"

    Julia -

    I love the quote and I think it is excellent advice. I am down one pound this week so I am a happy camper.

    I have given up watching shows like the biggest loser and extreme weight loss. Reality TV is not reality. The contestants may lose weight at that pace for a limited time and in a special environment but many have reported regaining the weight when they return home. In the end we each need to find our own way.