Whole Food Plant Based



  • heather_j20
    heather_j20 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a 90% WFPB vegan. Just started a couple of months ago, and I'm loving it so far. I feel amazing, and it's easy to feel full on all the veggies and legumes :smiley: I've read books by many of the authors you cited. Feel free to add me as a friend as well :)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I did it once for a day.
    No chocolate on this diet - forget that.

    Why couldn't someone have some chocolate while eating WFPB?

    Because cocoa beans are highly processed to make chocolate. In their whole food state, cocoa beans are very bitter.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I eat WFPB most of the time. I transitioned from no-meat, no-full fat dairy about a year ago.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I did it once for a day.
    No chocolate on this diet - forget that.

    Why couldn't someone have some chocolate while eating WFPB?

    Because cocoa beans are highly processed to make chocolate. In their whole food state, cocoa beans are very bitter.

    Is "Forks Over Knives" not a whole foods diet? I was under the impression that it was.
  • evelinamakeschanges
    evelinamakeschanges Posts: 1 Member
    Me! Me! I'm a whole food Plant Based person, High Carb, struggling with the low fat side of it, (avocados, just gotta eat them). For a year now. Of course, sometimes one can't get a whole food, while traveling, or what not, but I adapt. :wink: I have been primarily laco-ovu-vegetarian my whole life, with a few rare exceptions. For example the high meat diet the doctor put me on, and I managed on it for a year, with a good weight loss, before revolting and deciding to turn to WFPB eating. (From eating all the meat my pain levels increased, I could barely walk at this point in my life).

    My doctor didn't want me to to switch to WFPB diet. But, I did. I pointed out to him that he just complained about how bad my cholesterol was. So, he shut up about that. As I was walking out, he was calling out all the high protein plant products, "Peas! And Legumes, lentils, beans...remember!" Plus I stopped counting calories. On a follow up with the doctor 4 months later I had a 20 pound loss - and my cholesterol was wonderful. He told me to keep up with whatever it was that I was doing. LOL (he darn well knows).

    But, it isn't a magic diet - because I have also had a weight gain with it, gained back about 4 or 5 of those 20 pounds - and I bounce back and forth maintaining a 15 to 30 pound loss since going Plant Based, whole foods. Oh, the 30 pound loss I hit, I ate a small bit of turkey at one daughter's home on thanksgiving, didn't know the mashed potatoes had cream cheese in it and ate a lot of that, and at my other daughter's I couldn't resist a sliver of ham. Got sicker than a dog eating those items. Then went eating out a two weeks later for my birthday at an Indian restaurant with a ton of vegetarian, easily to turn vegan, options. It turned out that there was butter (ghee) in everything and I was sick, (vomiting) 15 minutes after leaving the place. Therefore, between those two episodes I lost 10 pounds of weight till my body bounced back. BTW, the doctor didn't want me that thin. I'm to maintain the last 20 pound loss I achieved going vegan.
  • MessyArts
    MessyArts Posts: 35 Member
    plant based in nyc here. looking for more plant powered friends. (: i also have an open diary... add me.
  • patalexander18
    patalexander18 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been WFPB for a year now with great results for pain. Now I just have to get the weight off that I gained while I was trying to get my lupus under control. I was vegetarian before the doctor put me on paleo, which made me sicker and unable to function. In a year I am off all meds but one. I want to be able to get this weight off and avoid knee surgery.
  • KaishaDarling
    KaishaDarling Posts: 23 Member
    So happy to have found you all!
  • laurasjoy
    laurasjoy Posts: 2 Member
    I have eaten a WFPB diet since October 2015 when I went through the CHIP program through Adventist Health. It changed my life. I had been mostly vegetarian (ate some dairy, eggs and little fish) for about 6 months before that, and felt better. But when my husband and I switched to WFPB, it was amazing. Within 2 weeks my chronic inflammation (gut and musculo-skeletal) which I have suffered for 8 years and food cravings which I had since a teen just STOPPED. My pain went from a 8/10 (constant) to a 4/10 but only on my L hip. My energy went through the roof and my mood drastically improved. This may be TMI but my libido which had been pretty much non-existent kick-started and has only increased steadily since. I am 49 folks. This changes were astonishing. Yes, I lost weight without ever measuring my food. Not a lot and not rapidly, but steadily. My weight does go up if I eat processed foods or eat out a few times a week, so I do need to stay true to healthy eating.

    Other changes since then: I got a FitBit for Christmas and have gone from about 4000 steps a day to now I usually log between 10,000 and 12,000. I have started exercising at the gym with a trainer or swimming. And for the first time in my life I have the energy to do it and enjoy it. I attribute that to the high levels of nutrition I now get from my food.

    I'm glad to meet others trying to life a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to add me on here or FitBit as friends.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    High Carb, struggling with the low fat side of it, (avocados, just gotta eat them).
    Low fat isn't good for anyone at all. It's absolutely essential to have fat in the diet (hormones, hair and skin, regularity, plus fat soluble vitamins), so eat your avocados. Go moderate fat, high carb, moderate protein. Don't skimp on the fats...
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Courtwag25 wrote: »
    judydelo1 wrote: »
    I've been a vegan and WFPB for almost 3 years now. I lost weight on it initially without exercising. More importantly, the diet (plus specific herbs/supplements) also helped me get over chronic Epstein Barr virus that I had had for 10 years! I feel great!

    Today I logged onto Fitness Pal for the first time in a long time so that I can keep track of my calories and exercising. I need to shed 25 more lbs and get stronger. I turned 60 on April 10th and feel the pressure of needing to do this now!! I want to get strong enough so that I feel comfortable rollerblading this summer.

    My daughter has chronic EBV and NON Hodgkin's lymphoma I would love to know what you did to cure it???

    you cant cure EBV I have it and it stays in your body.eating a certain way while having flare ups can help, but it can lay dormant for years and you can have flare ups from time to time!. I had it for the first time ever last year.There is no cure for it. I also have NO idea where I got it.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    I'm a level six vegan: I don't eat anything with a shadow. I also pocket mulch, which is exactly what it sounds like. Beat that!

    Simpsons episode. I remember that one. Quoted it the other day, too. ;)
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    High Carb, struggling with the low fat side of it, (avocados, just gotta eat them).
    Low fat isn't good for anyone at all. It's absolutely essential to have fat in the diet (hormones, hair and skin, regularity, plus fat soluble vitamins), so eat your avocados. Go moderate fat, high carb, moderate protein. Don't skimp on the fats...

    If you're going to make a claim like that, you should really include some proof. Please provide some links from credible medical journals or health organizations that show harm from eucaloric low fat diets in humans.

    Yes, SOME fat is essential. No one here has talked about a no fat diet.
  • mommy2ivy
    mommy2ivy Posts: 4 Member
    I am working towards being more focused on WFPB!