What does your workout week look like?



  • thenewkrissy
    thenewkrissy Posts: 6 Member
    I workout at home, i prefer it over going to the gym. Right now im primarily doing a lot of cardio particularly HIIT tabata 6 days a week for about 45min to an hour. I love it, it leaves you dripping in sweat :). My rest days are mondays and so far the intense cardio has helped me jumpstart my metabolism. I found great workouts on YouTube.
  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 and 30 minutes cardio (usually HR training on treadmill but sometimes other) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. One hour walk on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (active rest) .
  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    Mine varies from week to week. I have been training for a while and often the "pump" or "burn" dictates how many sets and exercises I do. I work most muscle groups paired, but I occasionally give either chest, back or shoulders their own day or add in accessory leg work.

    Sunday: Back/Bi's, HIIT
    Lat Pulldown, Seated Cable row, Dumbbell one arm row, close grip pulldown, cable curl, incline curl, 21's
    HIIT 30 min treadmill

    Monday: Shoulders, HIIT
    front press, military press, front raise, upright row, lateral raises, rear fly
    HIIT 30 min treadmill

    Tuesday: Rest

    Wednesday: Chest/Tri's, HIIT
    Dumbbell chest press, cable incline fly, Seated hammer strength chest press, skullcrushers, dips, rope pressdown
    HIIT 30 min on stairclimber

    Thursday: Legs, Steady state cardio
    Back squat, Bulgarian split squat, Romanian deadlift, goblet squat, walking lunges, leg curl, leg ext

    Friday: Active rest or yoga

    Saturday: Hiking or longer run
  • chalaivy
    chalaivy Posts: 101 Member
    loving the diversity here, that's awesome :smiley:
  • Lenco007
    Lenco007 Posts: 28 Member
    I have only been working out for 5 months now, but the gym I belong to has a great instructor who helps us develop a plan tailored for our needs. He also modifies exercises for those of us in his class to match our abilities, yet challenge each of us. Here is a general outline of what we concentrate on. The actual exercises vary from week to week.

    Monday: 45 exercise class at gym:
    Lower body exercises
    Strength training
    Cardio and Conditioning
    10 minutes of stretching afterwards

    Walking 1-2 miles (depends upon how much times I have)

    Wednesday: 45 minutes exercise class at gym
    Upper body
    Strength training
    Cardio and conditioning
    10 minutes stretching afterwards

    Thursday: Rest

    Friday: Gym on my own
    Upper/lower body nautilus equipment
    Kettle Ball or pushing/pulling the Sled
    Some core
    10 minutes stretching

    Saturday: 45 minute exercise class
    Cardio and Conditioning
    10 minutes stretching afterwards

    Sunday: Yoga (believe me this can be just as much a workout as my gym sessions)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I do:
    Monday + Wednesday (before work): Run 6-8 miles (dependent on how much time I have)
    Tuesday + Thursday (lunchtime): Run 3 miles (either hill work, tempo pace, or sprint intervals), 1/2 hr strength training sessions with upper body focus
    Saturday: Long run (12-14 miles)
    Sunday: Short recovery run or kettlebell session

    Clearly my focus is running, but I try not to ignore the rest of my body and make sure I at least do some pullup/tricep dip/pushup/OHP type work so my arms don't look more like cooked spaghetti than they already do. I really don't enjoy lifting, though, so I keep it short and sweet.
  • reevess113
    reevess113 Posts: 29 Member
    Walk 8-15k steps per day and fit in an elliptical workout and some weights at lunch 2x weekly. Row 3 times per week in the evenings.
  • powercycle
    powercycle Posts: 22 Member
    Cycle to work Monday to Friday. Anywhere from 40km to 125km a week depending on office location.
    SL5x5 three times a week (I use the app to track) in my garage.
    A full day of paintball every three weeks or so.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited May 2016
    Monday - 15ish mile ride AM/Lifting PM

    Tuesday - 60 minutes of hills on my bike...sometimes rolling, sometimes I just climb a big long hill like Tramway Blvd, sometimes I do hill repeats on smaller but steeper hills.

    Wednesday - 15ish mile ride AM/Lifting PM

    Thursday - 15ish mile ride AM

    Friday - Lifting PM

    Saturday - 30-50 mile ride

    Sunday - rest

    My trainer structures my lifting program but it is always full body rather than splits. I only see splits as necessary if you're actually trying to put on mass and you need that kind of volume. My cardiovascular fitness is very important to me so I prioritize it over spending oodles of time in the gym lifting. 60 minutes 3x per week in the weight room is plenty for me and what I'm trying to accomplish.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Monday - ballet
    Tuesday - heavy lifting, upper body. Running
    Wednesday - boot camp
    Thursday - ballet
    Friday - ballet, heavy lifting full body (sometimes I don't have time to change out of my leotard, tights and legs warmers and people always look at me weirdly when I'm lifting heavy dressed as a ballerina)
    Saturday - running
    Sunday - heavy lifting full body.
  • chalaivy
    chalaivy Posts: 101 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    My trainer structures my lifting program but it is always full body rather than splits. I only see splits as necessary if you're actually trying to put on mass and you need that kind of volume. My cardiovascular fitness is very important to me so I prioritize it over spending oodles of time in the gym lifting. 60 minutes 3x per week in the weight room is plenty for me and what I'm trying to accomplish.

    That sounds like it might be something that would work for me! I prefer cardio as well. I may be giving this a try!
  • ChrisR0se
    ChrisR0se Posts: 1,855 Member
    Monday shoulders and back (abs)
    Tuesday Zumba and run
    Wednesday legs and booty (abs)
    Thursday Zumba and run
    Friday biceps and triceps (abs)
    30 mins of cardio on all gym days :)
  • NissyJournal
    NissyJournal Posts: 17 Member
    1 hr weight-training circuits 2-3 days a week and one day of high intensity cardio. Otherwise, chasing my 2 year old and playing sports with my 12 year old. 6 days a week leaves me injured and de-motivated.
  • LifeinReboot2018
    LifeinReboot2018 Posts: 28 Member
    I finally did 4 miles today! I started with half a mile and worked my way up. It was amazing to see my stamina increase. No heavy breathing but plenty of sweat.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I'm doing texas method

    Monday- Squat 5x5 @ 90% of 5rm
    Bench or OHP 5x5 at 90%
    Deadlift 1x5
    plus accessories

    Wednesday- Squat 3x5 at 80%
    Bench or OHP 5x5 at 90% (whichever I didn't do on monday)
    Neutral grip pull ups 3xamrap
    Back hyperextensions 4x10
    plus accessories

    Friday- Squat 1x5 trying to get new 5rm
    Bench or OHP 1x5 trying to get new 5rm
    BB row 5x5
    Shrugs 5x5
    plus accessories

    I do whatever cardio I feel like, usually 30 minutes on the stair master or a few hours walking a day.
  • MindPump1
    MindPump1 Posts: 77 Member
    There are so many programs out there. I used to to split body parts, but found I would plateau easily after a while. If your just starting out, almost any program you pick up and do will give you results, any! But be mindful what your doing to your body. I have recently dropped to 3 days of heavy lifting and 2 days to anabolic training. I have seen far more gains doing this workout this then split body parts. Now I am doing full body while I lift my 3 heavy days, squats, deadlifts are the cornerstone of my workouts.

    Do yourself a favor and do some research. I came across Mind Pump and they have helped me tremendously. They are a fitness podcast on iTunes, and I follow one of their programs while I lift. Honestly it's the best thing I have ever done in my lifting career. Best of luck in your journey!
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    5-6 days of cardio (elliptical, arc trainer, rower or recumbent bike)
    Lately I've been trying hard to get in weights more on a schedule so I'm doing at least 3 days of that.
    Some days I do cardio after work, go home, eat and then go back to the gym later for weights.
    Weights are full body. I'm not following a plan like most here, I haven't been able to get that regimented just yet, but working on it!
  • Sassie_Lassie
    Sassie_Lassie Posts: 140 Member
    M: Chest/Abs (or legs)/Cardio
    T: Back/Legs (or abs) /Cardio
    W: Shoulders/Abs (or legs)
    Th: Tri's/Legs (or abs)/Cardio
    F: Bi's/Abs (or legs)/Cardio

    I'm also going to be adding in some yoga and a run (have a race coming up next month) and/or walk/bike ride in the evening a few times a week and on the weekends as well.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I do at-home strength training, You Are Your Own Gym.

    Two days on, one off. Cycle through Push, Leg, Pull, Core workouts. No gym for me, and works great.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    @sobriquet01 Love YAYOG work outs. I've followed the program a couple of times and still use the work outs occasionally, despite being a gym member.