What are the best ways to get rid of belly fat/muffin top?

Just looking for some good sound advice.


  • dirtyflamingo81
    dirtyflamingo81 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, I was able to lose fat from my belly and hips by doing cardio 6 days a week and weight lifting 6 days a week for 6 weeks. Now I do cardio 3-4 days a week and weight train 3 days a week. I also decreased my carb consumption and increased my protein. When you lose fat, you lose it from all over your body, so it could take a bit longer to see results in the belly/hip area. Hope that helps!
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    Basically...lose weight. You don't get to pick where the weight comes off but working on your core and losing weight will get you there.
  • jtcedinburgh
    jtcedinburgh Posts: 117 Member
    Ironically, the weight seems to come off first in all the places you don't think you need it to, with the places where you do always being the last to see the benefit. In my case, I start looking gaunt in the face before I lose belly fat....
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    As the pounds come off so will the muffin top/belly, it is the last area to go usually :/
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    It's the biggest annoyance, isn't it?! I'm down 24lb, several dress sizes (so I must have lost some from my stomach} but it's still the one area that looks really "fat". The thing is, the underlying muscles are there - I do pilates, and have moved into an advanced class on the basis of my core strength, but the fat layer over the top stubbornly seems to refuses to budge! I'm a classic pear shape, so I know my bottom half will look bigger than the rest of me, no matter how much weight I lose. I'm just trying to focus on the rest of my weight loss, and hope that the combination of good eating and regular exercise somehow leads to an endpoint of a reasonably toned stomach. I'm over 40 now (41 this weekend!), so I do realise that it's an uphill battle where this body part is concerned! I'll probably never have a totally flat stomach, and am OK with that, but I just hope that the stomach rolls are amongst the next 20-odd lb I plan to lose!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Ironically, the weight seems to come off first in all the places you don't think you need it to, with the places where you do always being the last to see the benefit. In my case, I start looking gaunt in the face before I lose belly fat....

    My midsection I'd starting to look pretty skinny, but my thighs still have lots if excess fat on them. As said above, it comes off the places you want last!
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    calorie restriction.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Ironically, the weight seems to come off first in all the places you don't think you need it to, with the places where you do always being the last to see the benefit. In my case, I start looking gaunt in the face before I lose belly fat....

    My midsection I'd starting to look pretty skinny, but my thighs still have lots if excess fat on them. As said above, it comes off the places you want last!

    Tell me about it! I wish I could swap the two inches I've lost from my bust with the one solitary inch from my stomach.

    But my thighs and hips are shrinking nicely, so I'm not complaining too much.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member

  • Pam_1965
    Pam_1965 Posts: 137 Member
    Currently my belly is the only thing on my body that looks fat. I am down 30 pounds from January. I can see my collarbone, xiphoid process and and my shoulders are super boney, but I still have belly fat! I will say that I see a huge improvement in my belly, but it is slow going. I still want to lose 10-15 pounds, and I'm pretty positive that fat will be coming off my midriff.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    It will probably be the last to go. I've lost almost 60 pounds and I still have about 7 pounds of fat sitting right on my stomach. It's the only area that still has visible excess fat.

    Just keep going. You can't target an area unfortunately, no matter what the commercials tell you.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    losing weight or wearing lose pants.