Vicious cycle of “loss & gain” game – What’s your story?

Hi! I’m a first time loser. I was never inspired to lose weight until February 2015. After 40+ pounds gone, I have been in maintenance for over month now. I see a lot of posts out on community about people “being back” or “returning for the X-time”. I say, now, that won’t happen to me, but what if your story can help others like me…keep the weight off for good!

This is me thinking outside the box. There are a lot of successful maintainers that can easily tell us how they have done it but I’m hoping this post can act as prevention by those who struggle and are learning about themselves. By reading your story, we can motivate ourselves to intercept the gain issue before it starts.

Why do you think you gained your weight back?
At what point of your life did you decide to start losing again?
What words of wisdom can you forward on to others so they keep their achieved goal?

Thank you in advance! I cannot wait to read your contributive story!


  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    This is the 3rd time I've been back to mfp, I've lost the most this time about 37lbs not quite to goal but pretty happy with how I look and have to put it on hold now as I'm expecting again.
    I think the reason I got slack and had to return is that previous times I never saw it as a lifestyle change that I could sustain.
    I was was jumping from paleo , to low fat , back to low carb worrying too
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    edited May 2016

  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    Posted too soon ....

    Meant to say worrying to much about healthy and what my definition of it was , trying to cut out 'processed ' eating 'clean' blah blah blah.
    Anyway it may work for some but not for me. Sometimes I fancy a biscuit or a canned soup or cake and it doesn't mean I've failed.
    My all or nothing attitude previously was sabotaging me.
    This time round I eat within my calorie goal, I am mindful to move a bit more (Fitbit) with walking and I enjoy life.
    I eat the same as the family, I eat takeout, I eat in restaurants.
    A lifestyle change is just that and your WOE should fit it.
    I'm continuing on here to keep mindful of a healthy pregnancy and I will return to continue on to maintenance eventually.
    I hope this helps X
  • emmaprocopiou
    emmaprocopiou Posts: 246 Member
    Oh forgot to say, gained the weight back because I stopped logging, paying attention to the quantity I was eating and being generally afraid to step on the scale and just face up to it.
    Soon realised I wanted pictures of my young family with me in it , and it was only me that didn't like what I saw so I'd better do something about it
  • cb2bslim
    cb2bslim Posts: 153 Member
    @emmaprocopiou - Congratulations on your pregnancy! How wonderful! Your story has been very insightful and I thank you for it. I was able to relate to all that you shared. I too, feel I made a lifestyle change so maybe I do have a chance at this. The healthy foods I had chosen at home are the ones I really enjoy. I still indulge in fast food, processed food, and of course baked goodies and I'm loving that I don't restrict it. I weigh myself periodically but did stop weighing and logging food. Hope the latter doesn't bite me in the rear but so far it's working. ;-)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I first came to MFP in 2012. I'd always lost weight via exercise before, but was having issues with my knees, and my sister told me about MFP. I lost 30 pounds. Then I broke up with my boyfriend, and while in the midst of a move, stop logging. I met a wonderful man in 2013. Over the next two years, I regained 25 pounds. This time last year, we started talking about marriage, and I thought, "Oh *kitten*, wedding pictures!" and came back to MFP. I've lost 30 plus pounds.

    I haven't reached my goal weight yet, and have not yet developed a plan for maintenance. I know I will be successful if I continue to log, weigh, and exercise. I may slack off the logging if I stay within 5 pounds of my goal weight.

    @rabbitjb are you still here? What do you do?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I yo yo'd the same 20-30lbs for years and years...getting to my lowest of 165 and highest of 205...

    I yo yo'd because I tried silly diet fads like atkins etc.
    I tried just exercising to lose it
    I tried starving myself with VLCD
    I tried everything but what works.

    I came here in 2013...bought a food scale, rediscovered calorie counting and weight lifting.

    I haven't left...I keep logging and have been in maintenance for about a year now. I gained some weight over holidays/vacation and business trips so just losing 5lbs now to get me back to my maintenance range.

    I have watched friends come and go on MFP that are friends irl...they come and go because they stop logging...or think they can let lose for a season ie summer because they are more active.

    I have learned that this is life...I can have fun and eat food I love and crave just need to do it in reasonable portions.
  • cb2bslim
    cb2bslim Posts: 153 Member
    @kshama2001 - great plan! I'm keeping to a 5 pound range as well. Congrats on your wedding or soon to be wedding. I'm sure the pictures will turn out wonderful!

    @SezxyStef - I tried a strict protein diet in the month of Feb 2015 but tired of it after a month. I don't like being told what to eat and when to eat but it opened my eyes to healthier eating. My new love: Greek yogurt. lol Also, the food scale was my best friend regardless of family making fun of me ;-)

  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    I never really had the motivation to lose more than 10 pounds. Last spring, I stumbled on some clean eating recipes and thought 'wow, I could do this!'. I lost 23 pounds by September. Then I got sick with a terrible sinus infection and I just couldn't keep up with diet and exercise. Two surgeries, countless antibiotics and 6 months later, I was losing the will to live, let alone lose weight. I had gained back all the weight I'd lost, plus ten pounds. One day, after two weeks of getting three IV antibiotics, I woke up and felt better than I had in months! My infection was finally dying, and the first thought I had was weight loss. My blood pressure was really high, and my doctor wanted to put me on medication for it. I think that was the wake up call I needed. I've lost 10 pounds and my blood pressure has dropped back to a normal level. I am now infection free and I feel great.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited May 2016
    cb2bslim wrote: »
    Hi! I’m a first time loser. I was never inspired to lose weight until February 2015. After 40+ pounds gone, I have been in maintenance for over month now. I see a lot of posts out on community about people “being back” or “returning for the X-time”. I say, now, that won’t happen to me, but what if your story can help others like me…keep the weight off for good!

    This is me thinking outside the box. There are a lot of successful maintainers that can easily tell us how they have done it but I’m hoping this post can act as prevention by those who struggle and are learning about themselves. By reading your story, we can motivate ourselves to intercept the gain issue before it starts.

    Why do you think you gained your weight back?
    At what point of your life did you decide to start losing again?
    What words of wisdom can you forward on to others so they keep their achieved goal?

    Thank you in advance! I cannot wait to read your contributive story!

    The last time I lost a significant amount of weight was in 2005/06. I got pregnant in 2009 resulting in a gain of 50 lbs and the following year my ex-husband left me and I just yo-yo'd since then pretty much. I've tried to lose that extra weight the last seven years but it's been up and down for me. I did get down to 125 in 2012 but gained it all back rather quickly due to stress at that time.

    I just started back in February of this year and lost 25 lbs already and feel so much better but want to lose about 10 more lbs.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    cb2bslim wrote: »
    @SezxyStef - I tried a strict protein diet in the month of Feb 2015 but tired of it after a month. I don't like being told what to eat and when to eat but it opened my eyes to healthier eating. My new love: Greek yogurt. lol Also, the food scale was my best friend regardless of family making fun of me ;-)

    My family makes fun of me too, but we're a "the more I pick on you the more I love you" type family. Sometimes I wish they would stop, but it kind of makes me determined too.
  • cb2bslim
    cb2bslim Posts: 153 Member
    @AlyM725 - Medical problem are tough enough and to place "losing weight" into the mix. It's great you pulled through everything and are on your way to the healthier you!

    @perkymommy - Recently, I noticed I had been stress eating. I never did it before so it through me off. I'm glad I was able to understand quickly what was happening so I can prevent it from happening in the future. It's amazing how our emotions can play a big part in our actions. We are strong and we will defeat!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I lost a bunch on here originally and then I got lazy and gained back 10lbs. I still have a pretty decent amount of weight to lose, but I've never left. Still keeping up the good fight and finding motivation where I can.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    I regained because of pregnancy, but I fully expect to come back at different intervals once I've weaned off of needing to track to maintain (I'm losing now, but I'll keep tracking in maintenance for awhile). The reason is that I'm short at 5'3" and I expect to shrink to closer to 5' over the next 40 or more years. This means my caloric intake will shift over time and I'll likely go through periods where I need to get used to a new maintenance intake. Here's hoping I stay "tall" and active but I think that the shrinking is a genetic inevitability. That might sound a bit depressing but I'm trying to look at it as something I can control and that I can be gentle with myself about.
  • Danimri84
    Danimri84 Posts: 262 Member
    This is my second time back. I lost 70lbs in 8 months the first time. I was about 15lbs from goal. Then I suffered an emotionally devastating event, got a sedentary desk job, and over the period of two years, I gained back all but 11lbs of my original loss. I'm 18lbs down now out of an 80lb goal. The biggest lesson I've got to learn is to stop turning to food for comfort.
  • Dana_E
    Dana_E Posts: 158 Member
    I've lost weight and gained it back so many times. I've been working on figuring out why and developing a maintenance plan. I used to binge eat and never thought of calorie allotments as finite. When I was young, I was tall & skinny and ate tons of food. I carried those eating habits with me as I grew older and sedentary. So I'm training myself to think of calories in terms of money. I have an all-or-nothing perfectionist personality, which I've been working on. I think it's been really helpful for me to have days where I go over my calorie allotment and still continue to lose weight. I learn that I don't have to eat perfect, and if I go over it's not the end of the world. Dust myself off and try again tomorrow. Pregnancies have been a two-fold challenge for me. Instead of morning sickness, I get extreme fatigue. And I always had the mindset that I can eat whatever I want now (usually unhealthy stuff because I'd be too exhausted to prepare food) and lose the baby weight later. And even though I gain 50 pounds with each baby, I usually lose it within 6 months without much concerted effort. But I almost always start 70 pounds overweight. Next time, I will log and try to gain a moderate amount of weight, do more batch cooking and food prep, and enlist the help of my older children. My maintenance strategy is to give myself a 5 pound +\- range to stay within and weigh myself every day. I like weighing myself every day because I like to see trends in how I eat and monthly cycles and how it corresponds with weight fluctuations. I really do need to get the weight off for good, though. I had spinal surgery fifteen years ago, and I may need disk replacement in the future. In order to be a candidate for surgery, you have to be at normal weight, so that's a big motivator for me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,109 Member
    I have only been overweight 3 times in my life.

    Once for about 3 months back in 1991. I'd been through a major surgery and then almost as soon as I was somewhat recovered started packing to move to another province ... so I wasn't really exercising much or paying attention. About a week after we arrived in the new place I stepped on the scale and discovered I had crept up into the overweight range. A month later I was no longer overweight.

    In 2011, after recovering from a pretty major case of DVT and a move to another country + another move within that country, combined with several other fairly stressful situations ... I stepped on the scale again and discovered I was overweight. Again, not exercising much or paying attention. 13 weeks later I was no longer overweight.

    In January 2015, after going through 2 surgeries (both cancer scares) plus a whole bunch of unsettledness (more moves, new job, etc.) ... I was overweight again. I joined MFP toward the end of February and about 12 weeks later, I was no longer overweight. I've been within the normal range for the past year. :)
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have been on MFP for the last 3-4 years now. I keep going back between the same amounts of weight each time. My highest being 283, and my lowest being 255. It is hard, and it does suck, but I think I've realized some things now that I didn't quite realize before when I tried to lose weight. I went back up to 282 over the last year, and right now I'm down to 269.4 lbs There are many things I'm doing differently, and I do get scared that I will fail again, but I can't let that stop me from trying. I will keep trying and I will try my hardest to lose it all this time! I notice I always fall off the wagon as soon as I stop logging my calories on MFP, its happened the last 3 times I've used it. So, I'm simply going to keep calorie counting/food journal all the time until I've lost everything and gotten to my goal weight. I'm also trying to make it a habit to always be active, even if its just a walk or a small home workout and I'm trying to wake up in the mornings and do my workouts first thing after breakfast!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,502 Member
    I've not gained any weight back. My whole story reads like this:
    I was offered a job in a different country where I knew I'd have a lot of space to work out. Thus instead of doing YAYOG in an empty meeting room at the office during lunch time I could have my own workout room! Woohoo! Thus I bought some heavy kettlebells, a pullup bar and a good floor mat and moved. Slowly ramped up my workouts.

    At a certain time I decided that losing weight might be a good idea. I mean, I was just slightly overweight but was a bit fed up with it. Before venturing into this I got really sick and lost a lot of weight due to it. When I was fit again I continued working out and signed up here. Lost nearly 40lbs, and kept it off since then.

    How? I never restricted any food while losing weight, but instead of eating a whole bag of candy I took 4 and made sure they fit into my calorie allowance. And when maintaining I just continued, only ramped up the food intake again. I did log everything for a long time, and then kind of stopped. I also went on a 5 week vacation to SE Asia at that time and moved to a completely different country but things worked out well enough. I still go on a scale every morning after the bathroom, and track for a week of 2-3 every now and then, but other than that I'm fine with maintaining.
  • pipmcgrath
    pipmcgrath Posts: 26 Member
    I lost nearly 7 stone, maintained for about a year. Became unwell had to have an operation, sat on a waiting list for the operation for about 6 months. Took ages too recover, regained 2 stone ( 28lbs) over the space of about a year. I had to stop the gym and lost all interest in healthy eating. Been struggling now for ages trying to make a dent in the 28lbs that I need to lose.

    I thought I was one of those people that would never regain, but life and a chain of events can just get in the way and can throw you off track very easily.