Weekly Weigh In

So I went on holiday/vacation on the 8th April - 22nd April(2 weeks). I was
still logging my foods & beverages,but
it was all guesstimate food logging
though. Got back on the 24th April,then needed a few days to start
over my normal routine(5 days). I was eating 3,500 calories on my 2 week
holiday/vacation while also working out,I made sure I stayed under my
BMR/TDEE. Then I reduced my
calories to 1830 & started eating
normal again when I came back. Next
step is whether I should wait to weigh in 1-2 weeks after or just weigh in to
see were I am,it is a dilemma!!.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Just doeet :) for kittens and giggles. It may not be as bad as you think
  • I_amnr
    I_amnr Posts: 129 Member
    don't worry too much about it
    just keep it to every week
    i had one week where i was 113. 6 kg and the following week i did a lot of guestimation and had a large cheat meal and i was 115.2 kg eating a lot more calories like you did during your holiday .. i just told my self i want to be under 113.6 kg the following week and i weighed in at 111.6 kg .. so don't be scared about what you see on the scale and make sure you measure your waist as well
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I weigh daily and track it in Happy Scale. It's kind of nice to see the fluctuations in your weight and see where they come from. I ate a pizza two weekends ago, and was up almost 5 lbs for the next few days!
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Weigh in to see where you are at!
  • Anabbee
    Anabbee Posts: 25 Member
    I often wait a week after I get home from holidays before weighing in. Usually I wish I had weighed when I got home just to see what the water weight was!
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Every is here to support each no matter what it says!
  • WalkingQueen1979
    WalkingQueen1979 Posts: 119 Member
    I weigh once a week on sun mornings I sometimes weigh twice a week but try to limit once a week. Weight flunculates thru out the day so don't worry too much it will be OK
  • I_amnr
    I_amnr Posts: 129 Member
    just depends on you really
    i don't do daily because i just hate the scale going up and down lol
    i do weekly because i have a loads of weight to lose and i want to make sure my diet is tight and on track and adjust it if needed.. if your goal is to lose 1 kg a month i wouldn't see the point of doing weekly weigh ins because you will hardly see a difference on the scale
    Is weighing monthly ok

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited May 2016
    Just get on the scales, its nice seeing the water weight coming off over the next few days, after about 5 days you'll know if you have any real gain and then can get back on track to get rid of them.
  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    The best thing is to know exactly what's going on - get on the scale and face it, and then you can effectively work it off with knowing exactly how your progress is!
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    You're asking for advice, but it is up to you. Honestly? Just get up on that scale! Knowledge is power.

    If you would find it helpful weigh everyday, then just do it (thank you Nike). Remember that our weight fluctuates many times in a day, so, if you're going to go this route, keep weighing everyday for, say, a month or more to see how changes happen daily. If daily weigh-ins would cause you stress, stick with once a week - same day same time frame. When I was in my initial weight loss mode (I am currently trying to figure out maintenance mode), I would weigh in once a week and use a measuring tape once or twice a month. When the scale seemed to not budge, the measuring tape usually showed me improvement.