What drives you to be unstoppable in reaching your goal weig

What gets you going- specifics, dates, etc.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    My grandchildren are my motivation.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    feeling better in my own skin than i have my whole life! the lowest weight i remember was 132... i was in 6th grade. i now weigh 148.8 and i feel great! i've even been able to show people my tummy, which i've never done before! (well except when i was pregnant and that was because it was like 100 degrees out and my belly was big because i was pregnant)
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Right now, I want to prove to myself I can do something difficult. Hope I can hold onto that motivation.
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    setting a good example to my kids.
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    Many things drive me...the main one is my husband and our 10th anniversary cruise:-) We have 12 days before we leave and I can't wait. I started this journey in February and I have lost about 44 pounds so far. I have another 20-25 pounds to go and I will get there!!! Also one of my best friends Amanda, she has been an amazing support and motivator, without her I don't know if I could have gotten to where I am. My kids are always a main reason because I want to be around for a very long time. I had health issues during my pregnancies because of my weight and I was destined for diabetes, heart disease and an early death:-(
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I had a taste of what it means to be sick when I was pregnant last year, diabetes and high blood pressure. I will do everything I have to do not to feel this way again. Stuffing my face is really not worth it.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Going to Vegas to visit friends in September.
    Family pictures this December with my Dad.
    College graduation next spring.

    Getting fit and healthy before I start trying to get pregnant.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Sixpack baby!!!! It's not about goal weight for me, but bodyfat %...I want to get down to 10%...my motivation is that and the fact that I do P90X and I want to do it just a little bit better than the time I did it before...the only way I can do that is getting harder, better, faster, stronger...I am addicted to being in shape...I don't need motivation, the drive is already in there (with the exception of the six pack).

    Plus, I am going through a divorce and at my age, I need to look as good as I can for the next lady in my life...
  • McKnightAM
    McKnightAM Posts: 125 Member
    Myself is my number one motivation. I want to be pleased with who I see in the mirror, I just want my outside to match my inside!

    My husband... I was pregnant at 16 when we got married, he has only ever seen me pregnant (3 kids in 4 years) or recovering from being pregnant. LOL

    My Children, I want to be able to run, and play, go on outtings, go swimming with them without holdnig back because of my insecurities.
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    Paddling faster, harder than anyone else on the lake. AND finally seeing some nice definition in my abs after 3 weeks of doing the 30 Day Shred!!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Making myself feel confident and happy is what drives me to keep going! I want to look in the mirror and be really proud of everything I've done to get an awesome body! I want to feel confident in all photos taken of me, be able to look good in a bikini year-round, be very fit and feel like there's nothing I can't do physically, and be a "hot girlfriend" for my loving boyfriend. I know he thinks I'm hot and beautiful always, but I'd like to really FEEL sexy for him. :smile:
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    such a simple question with so many complex answers....

    I am driven by so many things.... I want to have a long healthy future. I want to play basketball at a high level again. I want to keep up with my sister who is doing good losing weight. I want to be able to grow old to see my kids have kids and be able to keep up with them.

    I always told my grandma before she past away that she would live to be 200 years old as our little inside joke, she passed away 2 years ago at 99. Now I tell her she won't see me for awhile cause I will live to be 200. Although knowing that's a joke, I take it semi-seriously because I hope to live as long as she did.

    The only way I can do that. is to get back into shape. And That fuels me to push harder every time.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    The hard part for me was deciding to lose weight. Once I made the decision it's pretty easy to stick to it, I just have to set mini goals that are not weight related to keep me going towards the larger weight related goal. I.E. it's enough for me to have a goal of "I'm going to run 40 miles this week" and focus on that in the short term rather than focusing on a goal of "I'm going to lose X pounds this week". It's certainly better, for me, to focus on those short term process goals than it is the overall "I need to lose 100 pounds" goal. I'd probably get discouraged and quit if I did the latter.

    But, that's just me. Like I said, I have a much harder time convincing myself to do something than I have sticking to something I've already decided to do. I guess since I spend so much time mulling something over beforehand, I've already motivated myself to stick to it when I get around to actually doing it.

    Here's the funny part: I really never noticed I was a great big unhealthy fatso until relatively recently. I wrestled in college, tore up my shoulder my sophomore year and gave it up...and when I did, I decided I did not want to exercise anymore. So, I didnt. I'd wrestled continuously from 5 years old until 21 so I was always in shape at a ridiculously (and unhealthy, probably) low body fat %, always in the single digits. So you would think I'd have noticed 20 years later when I was basically twice the weight I was in college...but I didnt, at least not really. I mean I knew I was heavier but I never really cared or thought it was a problem. Then I took my daughter to the state fair about a year ago, and tried to ride this new ride they had...and couldnt, because they could not latch the harness over my shoulders/belly. That was really the first time I consciously became aware of a weight problem.

    So i guess another honest answer to your question, What drives me to be unstoppable in reaching my goal weight, is: being able to ride amusement rides.

    *as an aside, I really wish one of my friends would have told me I was a fatass oh...10 years ago or something. This would probably be a whole lot easier if I'd started losing weight before I got so big....and I never really paid it any attention before. Now my wife laughs at me when I tell her she should have told me!
  • ashleyrg
    ashleyrg Posts: 85 Member
    more self confidence for myself
    and want to be a healthly weight
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Self-esteem issues, basically
  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    I'm working through the many emotions of a separation and I gained weight at the beginning because being depressed/upset about it all. It's been a roller coaster of awfulness and now I'm using fitness as a way to work through the feelings. Losing weight is really just a nice side effect.
  • dovenotes
    dovenotes Posts: 46 Member
    These are all great motivations, everybody. Thanks for sharing!

    My unstoppable drive comes from recovering from serious injury a year ago to both legs. I was unable to walk for 6 months, then was limping around for another 6. I also have recurring foot injuries. I used to love to hike and years ago I was a runner, until injuries got in the way and I no longer could do either which really upset me greatly.

    I also have back injury and recurring injuries to both hands/wrists, which has been a battle for me since I am a full time sculptor. At 44 I was starting to feel old, and constantly in pain, shut away from people, with no friends left and alone.

    I finally decided that I was not going to let injuries stand in the way of my health and happiness. I have found a way to work out around them.

    When I get down another 25 lbs, my feet should have less pressure from weight, and I will do what was impossible for me before- I will do a 1 mile run!

    Also I'd like to be able to move around freely as a child, and look good and feel healthy for my first open studio tour in October!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    The first thing that got me motivated to get healthier was that my husband and I wanted a baby. I was 6 months away from being put on medications for many different health problems and I wanted to have a healthy pregnancy/baby with as little complications as possible. I achieved that goal and am now trying to eat healthy and stay active during my pregnancy for my baby’s health. My motivation after she is born is that I want to set a good example for her. I want to be around to watch her grow up and live a long life with my husband.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Self-esteem issues, basically
  • skinnyminimoni
    Proving my mom wrong when she says I can't do it.
    Raising my self esteem.
    Seeing heads turn when I go back to school in August.
    Feeling healthier.