Hi everyone!

Hi, my name is Emily, I'm 32 years old and live in St. Louis, MO. I am not new to MFP, but haven't been active in a couple of years. I am currently aiming to lose 149 total pounds, and, as I've been well over 300 lbs my entire adult life, I have understandably tried countless methods to lose weight. My greatest success to date has been the loss of 80 lbs more than 10 years ago, but unfortunately I did eventually gain all of the lost weight back, and then some! This time I am trying something different - a high protein, low carb diet. So, we shall see if that works!! I have not begun logging my food yet, but I plan to start that Monday, April 25th in addition to an exercise program (just walking at first, then working my way up to more strenuous activities). I am always looking for new friends, so feel free to add me! I look forward to giving and receiving encouragement throughout this entire journey! :)


  • yuko_125
    yuko_125 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Emily. My name is Yuko. I have about 100lb to lose. I lost 50lb in the past, only to gain back even more. I totally know how you feel. Feel free to send me a request. We can do this together.
  • fitnessdahlc
    fitnessdahlc Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm new to my fitness pal (about 2 weeks) and this is the first time posting on the blog. How do we add friends? I would love to hear how the low carb diet is going! I used to be pretty athletic and then after an injury 3 years ago I went from 120 to 162- stopped running and ate fast food. I've been losing on average 2 pounds a week in the past 2 months of so and am 146 today. I am exercising as well but notice when I'm too aggressive in cutting calories I don't have as much energy so I try to eat more earlier in the day. I'm new to cooking but have started making all my food at home which is healthy and really really helps!! I tend to be all or nothing so I'm aiming to have balance and eat some chocolate every day!
  • lalasmiles1
    lalasmiles1 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me it's been a struggle have 100 plus to lose