SBF January 17

Good morning ladies.
Hope you all are well and warm this morning! CP, how are you feeling? Kicked that cold yet?

DH and I had a talk last night. I have no control over my eating right now. I'm really depressed I guess and feel the need to eat.(I gained back the three pounds I lost a couple of weeks ago.) He told me he understands why I am depressed (and he wants his happy wife back) but that he can't really relate to why I eat so much. He can eat all he wants and at the most gains 5 pounds which comes off in two days anyway. He said I really need to start counting my calories again. I probably do, but I loathe it. I don't know why. I just hate entering everything in. Its time consuming. Maybe I also hate it because it puts me in restraints and I don't like that. I am stuck between wanting to lose weight and not caring either. I care because my jeans are too tight. Other than that I really don't care. I didn't think I'd still be this depressed. I'm sure it's still hormones, but if I'm still feeling this way in a few weeks, I'm not so sure I can keep blaming hormones. And when my throat is sore I eat more because it helps my throat while I am eating.
Anyway, I am going to try to log my food intake, within cals or not. If I could log everything a week ahead of time that would be nice but I change my mind on what I want or things come up.
So my goal today, my only one, is to log my food. I'd like to get some exercise in too since I took yesterday off pretty much, but logging is my focus.
Sorry to be such a downer, my pebbles. Thanks for listening. Once I get my logging back on track I am sure I will feel better.
Have a good Saturday!


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Hope you all are well and warm this morning! CP, how are you feeling? Kicked that cold yet?

    DH and I had a talk last night. I have no control over my eating right now. I'm really depressed I guess and feel the need to eat.(I gained back the three pounds I lost a couple of weeks ago.) He told me he understands why I am depressed (and he wants his happy wife back) but that he can't really relate to why I eat so much. He can eat all he wants and at the most gains 5 pounds which comes off in two days anyway. He said I really need to start counting my calories again. I probably do, but I loathe it. I don't know why. I just hate entering everything in. Its time consuming. Maybe I also hate it because it puts me in restraints and I don't like that. I am stuck between wanting to lose weight and not caring either. I care because my jeans are too tight. Other than that I really don't care. I didn't think I'd still be this depressed. I'm sure it's still hormones, but if I'm still feeling this way in a few weeks, I'm not so sure I can keep blaming hormones. And when my throat is sore I eat more because it helps my throat while I am eating.
    Anyway, I am going to try to log my food intake, within cals or not. If I could log everything a week ahead of time that would be nice but I change my mind on what I want or things come up.
    So my goal today, my only one, is to log my food. I'd like to get some exercise in too since I took yesterday off pretty much, but logging is my focus.
    Sorry to be such a downer, my pebbles. Thanks for listening. Once I get my logging back on track I am sure I will feel better.
    Have a good Saturday!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Oh MM I feel your pain. I too am eating emotionally. If it takes concentrating on just one goal at a time then by all means just concentrate on that one. I hope you feel better soon. People don't just get physically sick, there is other ways to feel sick, I call it an emotional cold lol. Somedays are just harder than others . I keep coming here and trying to eat healthy one meal at a time right now. I come here because people are supportive and everyone needs that. I wish you all the best. You aren't a downer. You just need a little support, and that is what we are here to do. Give it your best and know that's enough for the day! Take care, kjl

    Oops forgot to state goals. Waters and a short walk on my snow shoes. Why? Because it is actually sunny today and my hips hurt from walking the other day. I need to loosen them up, and the shower didn't do it. LOL
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Think of the positive side, MM - at least you realize what you are doing. You are using food as a means to deal with your emotions. Now you can think of ways to deal with that.

    Yesterday - all elliptical. Today - bike. My feet/ankles are still a little sensitive. Also - yard work. Time to mulch all the leaves. I don't have a lawn mower, but I borrowed my parents blower - I plan on getting very messy.
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Happy Saturday Ladies!!!

    Sorry some of you are feeling down or aren't feeling well. I think being aware of where we are emotionally is a good first step to moving in a more positive direction. I'll pray that we all feel more at peace and comfortable with where we are right now and that we will all keep moving in a forward direction with our fitness and nutrition goals and everything else in our everyday lives.


    I got up and walked/ran a mile on my new treadmill. I've got some endurance on my recumbent bike but my heartrate got too high when I tried to get to a speed where it was most comfortable on my ankle. I'll keep at it. Hoping to maybe be able to run a 5K if I can find a very flat course to do it on. We will see! I'll plan to get in awhile on my bike later or maybe I'll just pull out the wii fit and use that this evening.

    MORE +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! (You can never have too many of those, can you?!)
    Niccole :flowerforyou:
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    It's ticker is 5 pounds off in the WRONG direction! I'm still mind boggled over how one week could do so much damage (I've been good for the last two weeks too!) I think I'm going to leave my ticker as a reminder of how far I got otherwise I don't see me coming back :frown:

    Well, Dh and I are going to watch some tv and eat breakfast then we're going to the gym. You girls have fun...I need to go find my motivation today.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Plan for the day is:

    Gym w/ treadmill intervals and weights, followed by light housecleaning and dinner cooking. I'm once again trying to break the "so many restaurants so close" syndrome I slip into from time to time. I've been retaining water like crazy, and I'm blaming that on the fact that there's tons of sodium in restaurant food.

    So, water, vits, gym and making my own dinner!

    Take care of yourselves, ladies!:flowerforyou:

    Oh, and Niccole, how good to "see" you. I was thinking on you the other day. . .as our Valentine's day challenge from last year somehow rose from the dead. . .
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hey I'm glad I checked back here, nice to hear from you Niccole. Long time no "see" lol.

    Renae you can do it! I have faith in you. And yeah isn't it a bummer to see the ticker move the wrong way. I actually put in my actual weight so I could see progress as I go along again. But I am only weighing myself once a week. That is what I did last time and it worked well for me.

    Mary, I would love to go out and work in my yard but I would have to shovel at least 3 feet of snow to find the dirt! But I know summer is coming, I just ordered my seeds for my garden. And today includes a trip to Home Depot for some potting soil for my flowers. It's my only greenery except for the pine trees. But I do love winter trees. I think they are just as pretty as when they have leaves

    Vivia we have no restaurants anywhere nearby which is a blessing. So DH and I take turns making dinner and he puts up with my healthy ones and I put up with his oh so calorie laden ones but lately he has been really great and the other night he told me he put no salt in any of the veggies and no butter so I guess he really wants me to lose what I found:bigsmile: He is trying to cook healthier for me.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey there, everyone. I've still got the cold, so I am staying inside and away from that frigid air! I think I'm a little better today, but coughing more. I slept in REALLY late this morning, which probably helped. :smile:

    :heart: MM - be careful and kind with yourself. I have flirted with depression a lot through my life. It is great to work on pulling yourself out of it - but there's nothing wrong with getting help from a doctor or counselor if you feel like you are getting stuck. I still find myself turning to food when I am depressed or stressed. It is basically when I don't know what else to do with myself, and I figure that I don't matter much anyway. But you - and your health and happiness - do matter! Logging your calories is a good way to take control of your eating for emotional reasons. If you have to log it, you have to acknowledge it - and if it's just eating to feel better, you can at least acknowledge that.

    Nice to meet you, Niccole! I've been on MFP for over a year but only found the SBF crew last summer (I think?). Now it's one of the only threads I read. :love:
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I just got back from the gym! 12 miles on the bike! :drinker: I burned about 360 calories but I'm taken a day off from counting since we are going over to a friends house and it's going to be impossible to "count" since it's more of a snacking thing :ohwell:

    My goal for the rest of the day...skip the alcohol and not get that "oh I ate way to much" feeling!