Am I the only one whos bored at the gym?

stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, so I like the idea of the gym but I commute by public transportation in a city where you MUST have a car. My gym isnt too far from home its also open 24hrs so i figured I would go even at 11pm but the last bus back home `is at 9pm at night. I find it very difficult to leave home, go to work, then go straight to the gym. While I'm at the gym I work really hard but its super noisy and crowded, mind you this gym is dirt cheap thats why its crowded. I feel as if I'm in line at a factory and we are either moving at the same pace or racing each other and I'm not at the gym to compete with anyone but myself. Its kind of a drag and really not motivating me to continue going there but I love to do something like dancing, or boxing, or maybe a home video.

I know some of you are gym rats and thats great! but for me I rather have a quiet gym thats its easy for me to get to at any time of the day.

Any suggestions? Thanks for listening.


  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Check the local community centers. I'm a member of the community center and they have a cardio room, a weight room & classes. One of the instructors is a certified personal trainer and she does personal training in addition to teaching classes. It's all the benefits of a gym for a lot less money and a lot fewer people!
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Truthfully, that's why I enjoy working out at home. We don't have a whole lot of room, but we make it work and we can workout whatever time we choose. Right now we're doing Insanity, which doesn't need any weights, but it does need some room to do push-ups and some jumping. If you have an area the size of your body length in a square shape, you'll have enough room.
  • maxjgreen
    maxjgreen Posts: 1
    I don't pay attention to the meatheads around me at my gym- I plug into my mp3 player and bring my Nook- it's way easier to read when you're doing cardio because there are no pages to turn/ sweat on. I forget anyone else is around me and also how much I hate doing cardio...the 30 minutes goes by before I know it. As far as the transportation goes- maybe invite a friend and he/she could drive? Maybe (depending on how cheap the gym is) offer to pay/help pay for their membership in return? Motivation and mutual cooperation- you never know where it can take you...
  • cagirl2188
    cagirl2188 Posts: 9 Member
    i'm not a really big fan of the gym either. i workout at home using and it's killer. It's a website that is totally free and you can use things at home to do the workouts. i also like Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and her other DVD's. I hope some of these recommendations help. if you want to stay at the gym but are bored, maybe give some of the classes a try. good luck :)
  • I HATE the gym...that's why I do yoga, or get on my home elliptical. I also dance at home, lift weights and do dvd's....I have wasted too much money on gym memberships!! Oh and I agree about the local rec centers...our new one has so much stuff, including a pool and it was super cheap to join!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Maybe because I was raised in NYC, but that's one of the thrills. The crowd, the sounds, the sights. So much to see. How can you be bored? That's just me once again. OR...or, you can put some head phones on with whatever music you like that'll energize you, and focus on become the goddess you want to become. The outside world shouldn't matter when you're trying to conquer your world. Best of luck!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    ipod and a book! i listen to music, read my book and people watch. i can see how some people like it quiet - sometimes its a chance to relax. I like when some people are there, but not when it's crazy busy.
  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    Maybe because I was raised in NYC, but that's one of the thrills. The crowd, the sounds, the sights. So much to see. How can you be bored? That's just me once again. OR...or, you can put some head phones on with whatever music you like that'll energize you, and focus on become the goddess you want to become. The outside world shouldn't matter when you're trying to conquer your world. Best of luck!

    I was raised in NYC too and trust me i love the sounds, lights etc, but when the noise in the gym overpowers the music im listening to, theres a problem. oh and the community gym is great if i still lived in ny, i used to go to one of those, but my community doesnt have one, i only pay $10/mth at my gym and they dont have classes just the machines and trainers that help u at no cost but everyone is literally racing to get an empty machine is annoying! but thanks guys for the suggestions, i look in to them, i guess i will have to suck it up and stay at the gym until i find something i really enjoy.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Befriend somebody who lives at an apt with a nice, accessible (as in, don't need a keycard to get in) gym. Or find a gym that offers classes for cheap... try a yoga studio or dance studio so you could get a work out in for not as much money or about the same as a pricier gym membership. Or, DVDs are great! I would suggest getting one of Jillian Michael's DVDs and then one of someone else's that is more cardio... I hear Bob Harper's Yoga is pretty badass... do you have any video game consoles that you could get work out games for? That's another option. Or Netflix. They have work out videos on there and I know a lot of good (better selection than Netflix) ones can be found On Demand.
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