


  • Lucy1752
    Lucy1752 Posts: 499 Member
    I have never been a big breakfast person. I drink hot tea and eat a banana on the commute. Then eat yogurt once I have things opened up and going at work. I log it all as breakfast but it stretches out over about a 2-3 hour time span.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited May 2016
    crabiecrab wrote: »
    start with a low cal protein shake, then mid morning a protein bar, light lunch of salad with some meat, and then have a good balanced dinner with a light protein snack before sleeping a full 8 hours, don't ever skip meals as your body with go into a starvation mode and you wont lose anything, remember to have 8 8oz glasses of water each day. even if you drink other liquids to. You will loose

    First off.... Starvation mode is a myth unless you are on Biggest Loser or in a concentration camp... It isnt going to happen.
    Next up 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water is also a myth. If your pee is clear you are hydrated no madtter how much fluid you are drinking.
    I do not believe in drinking my calories so protein shakes are a supplement not a meal same with protein (candy) bars.
    Skipping meals is fine if you are not hungry

    [edited by MFP moderator]
  • kathygk56
    kathygk56 Posts: 28 Member
    There are so many great options, and everyone's preference may not be the same. At our place, we tried various things until we found something that both my daughter and I like and leaves us feeling good. (full, but not stuffed)

    We usually start the day with an egg, basted or scrambled, with potatoes, spinach or power greens, meat, cheese, peppers and onions, tomato, and toast. Everything is measured and generally breakfast (with coffee) is about 250 calories. My daughter will usually add a 100 calorie smoothie with unsweetened cashew milk, protein powder and fruit.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited May 2016
    The most filling breakfast for me involves a nice blend of macros. Carbs with protein and some fat.

    A small (or part of a larger) weighed baked sweet or white potato topped with a cooked egg or two or an egg and egg whites, a little salsa or hot sauce, and a weighed dollup of plain greek yogurt is very filling.

    I also make breakfast taco or burrito. Scrambles eggs with salsa and/or other veggies and sometimes cheese and sometimes a little lean chicken or turkey sausage.

    Oatmeal flavored how you like with an egg cooked into it so you get more filling protein. If you mix the eggs in while it's cooking you won't even know it's in there as far as taste. It makes the oatmeal rich and luscious.

    Toast or english muffin with a small omelet or scrambled eggs/whites. Make a sandwich out of that too. Smear on a little laughing cow cheese for more flavor.

    All of this is easily tailored to your calorie needs. If you do eggs I'd recommend at least 1 whole egg then either another egg or add some egg whites (less calories) to make the meal bigger. There is a wide range of breads available for different calories. A taco shell or corn tortilla can be pretty low calorie. Tweak amounts of each ingredient to fit your needs - do this in your food diary before cooking.

    Cereal and smoothies or other liquid breakfasts do not keep me full at all and I end up eating more calories overall or staying hungry that day. I save cereal as a late night snack (if I have calories left) and smoothies I treat as a snack or dessert since some can be pretty high calories.
  • wroubs
    wroubs Posts: 19 Member
    Spinach, ripe banana, hard boiled egg and a cup of tea without sugar.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I had 2 cups of coffee with heavy cream and Korean brown rice cakes.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Whatever fits into your goals

    I find this kind of response is quite hilarious. It goes without saying that most people's goal here is to lose weight. So, yeah, do whatever that fits into your goal of losing weight! Very helpful. LOL.

    OP, for breakfast I tend to have only a fancy coffee (a bit richer in creamer and sugar). I don't need much after a good dinner from previous evening and a rest. Try skipping bfast if you don't have heavy activities in the AM.

    I'm glad you're starting to get it.
  • Adiemus200
    Adiemus200 Posts: 63 Member
    I quite enjoy porridge mostly made with water with a dash of milk and some fruit. It fills me up and it's about 250 calories.On the weekend when I get a bit more time I make a omelette with lots of veggies in and a little bit of bread on the side for about 450 calories. Both are very filling for me and I don't always want much lunch.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    If you're not hungry or a breakfast person, you don't have to eat breakfast. Some days I start my eating until lunchtime... or have breakfast at lunch. :D

    If I eat breakfast, I'll eat
    any kind of cereal with milk,
    PB&J sandwich,
    French toast,
    Beans & eggs with some fried plantains,
    Coffee with some pan dulce or donuts (any pastries),
    Breakfast from McD's,
    Eggs with carne asada and some tortillas (corn or flour, depending what I'm in the mood for),
    Chicken flautas with salsa verde and sour cream,

    ... the list can go and on. It's all about what you like to eat and at the end of the day you meet your calorie goal (after all, a calorie deficit is what's needed for weight loss). Make whatever foods you love fit into your day (some people like to pre-log their day to see what meals will fit throughout the day).


  • HavtaLose
    HavtaLose Posts: 59 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Whatever fits into your goals

    This is exactly what makes using MFP very easy and long term for me. Weight loss does not need to be eating bland foods or ones that you do not like.

    With that said, i had a chicken burger for breakfast. Was craving it, so ate it. Weighed everything, logged it and it was 304 calories. Perfect. I like to keep my breakfasts around 2-350 calories. This past week i was crazy about Bean burrito. Scrambled egg (whites), spicy pinto beans on a tortilla and topped with sour cream and Pico de gallo salad. 308 calories.
  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    If you're a "Big Breakfast" person, I recommend some Machaca con Huevos. Takes a bit of work to prepare, but well worth it. The extra prep is because you basically have to have a pot roast made before you can make the Machaca con Huevos. However, once that's done, you could do 1 egg + 1oz of shredded beef + 1tbsp medium salsa. That would give you about 15g of protein for about 122 calories. I personally go with double that, which I find to be a really filling meal.

    You can always add in some fresh fruit on the side and perhaps some form of milk (cow, almond, soy - whatever) to round it out nicely.

    Now, if you're the type of person who doesn't really dig the whole "fix up breakfast" every day, then something quick and simple might be a "ThinkThin" protein bar. They're about 230 calories and 20g of protein and they're a perfect "on the go" quick protein jump starter. They're also really good at keeping your morning calories low so you have plenty of calories throughout the day.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    Today I'm having a steak sandwich and tea. I usually have oatmeal, quinoa flakes, or another hot cereal with half a cup of milk or soy milk. I stopped adding sugar. I use some berries, bananas or dried berries to top it off. Otherwise you could do cereal, yogurt, eggs, etc.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I tend to have Greek yogurt and coffee with creamer most mornings.

    Some of my other go-tos:
    Warm avocado on toast
    Bagel thin with whipped cream cheese and lox
    Overnight oats
    Egg mini-frittatas
    Breakfast burritos
    Scrambled eggs with cream cheese on toast
    Pancakes with Greek yogurt instead of syrup
    A fried egg on a whole grain Eggo waffle
    Fried egg and cheese on a sandwich thin
    Oatmeal with protein powder and fruit
  • locolew
    locolew Posts: 36 Member
    I usually have two eggs over easy, 8-10 cherry tomatoes cut in half, two strips of bacon, coffee.
  • angerelle
    angerelle Posts: 175 Member
    I like multi-seed wholemeal toast with butter and Marmite with a cup of tea, today I had a cinnamon and raisin bagel with butter. The cafe at work does a really nice cheese scone, so I quite often have that or a bacon muffin, or on days that I get in early I might buy a fried egg and bacon sandwich. Trying hard not to waste money buying food at work though! Cereal never fills me up, porridge is a bit hit and miss, so I usually make my breakfast bread based.
  • tugsandpulls760
    tugsandpulls760 Posts: 206 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Whatever fits into your goals

    I find this kind of response is quite hilarious. It goes without saying that most people's goal here is to lose weight. So, yeah, do whatever that fits into your goal of losing weight! Very helpful. LOL.

    OP, for breakfast I tend to have only a fancy coffee (a bit richer in creamer and sugar). I don't need much after a good dinner from previous evening and a rest. Try skipping bfast if you don't have heavy activities in the AM.

    Why would you skip breakfast it CV gets your metabolism going and fuel's you for the day eat a good breakfast good lunch smaller dinner
  • paganvegan
    paganvegan Posts: 34 Member
    Personally if i don't work that day I'll usually skip bf myself. I'm just not hungry that early
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm not a big breakfast eater, I just want a bowl of cold cereal. But it was throwing my macros off for the day not having any protein at breakfast. So now I buy special k protein cereal with almond milk, which is tasty and boosts my protein.
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    edited May 2016
    My usual breakfasts are:

    Workdays, 1 egg, 3 egg whites, half oz of mozzarella scrambled in, 1/3 cup bran buds, 3 oz 2% milk

    Non workdays, 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 1/2 oz mozzarella scrambled in, 2 pieces very well cooked microwaved bacon, 1 slice whole wheat toast with 1/2 T light butter or 1 banana.

    Sometimes a piece of my crust less spinach quiche with either whole wheat toast or banana

    All of them work out to around 300 calories.