Recurring knee injury has deflated my motivation - does this happen to anyone else?

Hi Community, I'm currently 60 lbs from my goal weight and a recurring knee injury with unknown origin pops up every time I get back into my stride.

The worst event happened last August when I was walking in a pair of cork sandals. I didn't feel anything (no twist or slip), but suddenly the swelling came on just above the knee and to the right side and I was unable to bend it. I'd been doing Zumba 2-3 times per week leading up to this, so it may have been a factor as I like to work hard and sweat in those classes, perhaps adding strain.

The very next day, we had a mini 2-day family vacation planned to a waterpark and I couldn't let the kids down. The entire time, I was taking it easy (no waterslides or anything) but the swelling persisted. Each night, I wrapped and raised my knee above my heart and used a brace. By the end of the 2 nights, I had a knot in the back of my knee which popped into place on the way home (sorry, graphic, apologies) and I could feel the fluid move through so apparently it had been sort of gathered in that area. It took another 5-7 days of constant tender care and raising the knee before it healed and I could walk normally again. I didn't see a doctor - maybe I should have, but so many folks advised me that knee injuries are hard to diagnose.

I didn't go back to Zumba after that. Instead, I slowly picked up walking. I stayed off heeled shoes and as a result, I put on 8lbs or so over the holiday period up to recently. Two weeks ago, I got my stride back. I took it slow and easy on the treadmill and each week I've increased the pace from 3.2 to 3.3, 3.4. Recently I got it up to 3.4 and raised the incline to 1%. Then, unfortunately, the knee injury returned.

As I write this, it's swollen again and I can't bend it. I'm going to the doctor today to have it reviewed, but I feel like I'm stuck. I know my weight is a factor on my knee and losing the extra pounds will help my knee do better - but I just can't seem to get there. I'm feeling very demotivated and deflated today.

Anyone else have this happen? How did you cope?


  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Starting weight January 1st 2016 288 pounds current weight May 6th 237 pounds.
    Give you a little background February 2015 double hip replacement. Left knee bone on bone arthritis. Left shoulder doctor told me the best thing to do is get a joint replacement. Whoever told you need injury injuries are hard to diagnose is nuts. Any orthopedic surgeon can tell you what the problem is and how to address it.

    I totally agree with you the weight was an issue on my knee for me, since I lost the weight and I'm currently losing more there's been less pain in my knee. As simple as it sounds calorie in calorie out deficit does work even if you can exercise and I know that exercise has a positive mental aspect but if he can't do it at this point you can't do it .

    I'm not that familiar with Zumba but from what I've seen on The infomercials on TV there is some shock or low impact but depending on your knee I don't know how it's affecting you only the doctor can tell you that.

    If you have access to a swimming pool my recommendation is that you do you're walking in the pool. I've had a physical therapist tell me that the swimming pool is one of the best low impact workouts possible.

  • MciPanda
    MciPanda Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks, Steve - you're right and this is definitely what I needed to hear. You've got more than just a knee trying to hold you back, but you're winning anyway. I truly do need to focus more on calories in/out and not rely so much on the muscle to carry me through. Unfortunately I'm very far from a pool where I live, but I've signed up for physical therapy to get some good advice on using the knee properly to continue exercise. Maybe not Zumba (lots of twists/turns and step motions), but maybe just walking.

    Thank you again!
  • shibster612
    shibster612 Posts: 18 Member
    Both my knees are terrible. I feel your pain.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    A little PT can go a long way with a bad knee. Ask your doc for a referral to learn what stretches and strengthening will help you best. If that doesn't bring enough relief, a steroid injection can calm things down, too. Beware doing a steroid injection without PT-- you'll get relief but will probably re-injure it down the road.

    Pool exercises or other off-weighted exercise will help in the mean time.
  • oopk100
    oopk100 Posts: 2 Member
    Invest in a really good supportive shoe (sneaker, cross-training, etc.), and wear them often!! Minimizing the daily impact that comes from walking, stairs, etc., will help. Good luck and keep taking care of yourself!!
  • MciPanda
    MciPanda Posts: 9 Member
    @Cheesy567, I followed your advice. The doctor gave me a PT referral and I start on 5/16. I am confident that it's not too late and hopefully the therapist will agree!
  • fredgonzini
    fredgonzini Posts: 77 Member
    Try working out on ellipticals that are really low impact and you can get a good calorie burn off of them.
    I have a bad knee also. It's from repeated gout attacks. Sometimes the lubrication in your knee can spasm and fill your knee up with fluid.
    Good luck
  • DarthSamson
    DarthSamson Posts: 172 Member
    13 knee surgerys off to YMCA elliptical and swim !