
I started this program like three mons ago...and when i started i weighted 120...and now i still weight 120...havent lost a lb! and my goal is 110! idk how to lose it! i wrkout very hard and try to eat right...but sometimes i give in to all of the sweets and fattening food that I LOVE!!! :(((


  • Mrs_Hewi
    Mrs_Hewi Posts: 77 Member
    Sorry to hear you haven't lost anything... but dont give up! At least you havent gained :wink: (i know that doesnt help)
    There must be something thats going wrong... how long are you working out for? what do you do?
    when you give into temptation how much food are we talking?
    Sometimes giving in to things too often can un-do all that hard work :frown:
    For craving i usually avoid having fatening foods around the house to avoid temtation, i also drink water or tea when i am craving something that sometimes helps...
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I think you may have answered your own question. ;-)
  • sarahttini
    sarahttini Posts: 186
    Sometimes it just depends on how much you want it...I haven't had a starch, sweets or fast food in the past 3 weeks. It's super hard at times and I'd give anything right now to much on a bag of cheetos but when I weight myself in the mornings and see the scale go down, it's all worth it. Everything in moderation. You can do it!!!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You have to be strong and let all of that bad food go. Stay away from it.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    seriously, unless you are terribly tiny and/or short... you probably don't need to lose that 10 lbs. That being said however,have you tried something like the 30 day shred, or another program to help you get toned? How many calories do you eat? If you are eating under 1200, your body is in starvation mode, and will hang onto those 10 lbs like crazy. Read up on fitness and excersize, and what your ideal weight should be.
  • Just gotta give up those sweets! You can do it! The first week is the hardest... also there are a lot of alternatives to fattening/sweet food, you just have to be creative!

    You may want to lower your goal to losing .5 lb a week since you only have 10 lbs to lose... just a thought!

    Good luck!
  • bebecutie
    bebecutie Posts: 4
    i kno...i have to give up my sweets and other fattening food...but its just sooo hard sometimes living in CALI...especially in san jose...with all of the asian stores and restaurants where they carry all of the yummy goodies...sigh! and i do wrkout a lot...and when i wrkout...i usually do about an hr of cardio...sometimes idk if thats whats destroying my weight loss...coz i realized that the more i wrkout...the hungrier i get! :((
  • bebecutie
    bebecutie Posts: 4
    oh only 5 ft im a shortie! and 120 is kinda on the heavy side on me!
  • imprimez
    imprimez Posts: 36
    what do you mean you started this 'program'? are you actively counting calories?

    i'm pretty sure it's pretty close to impossible to not lose weight if you are consistently staying within your daily goals. as for the hour of cardio, that is definitely helpful but it won't do you any good if you're not watching what you eat-- a one hour work out burns only enough calories to make up for a soda or two... so if you're doing a lot of eating (and drinking) then it won't do you much good for weight loss.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    No amount of cardio will make you lose weight if you are not eating right.

    Weight loss is about 80% food intake and 20% exercise. You MUST stop eating the crap. Get your intake correct, and worry about exercise after that.

    And when you get the nutrition part on the right track, I would suggest adding some weight training along with the cardio you do. This can rev your metabolism and help you burn more fat to lose more weight. A lot of dieters who do only cardio lose muscle along with the fat when they shed pounds, which is not a good thing.

    But yes, avoid those restaurants and stores and replace them with something healthy. Make sure you are eating enough calories, and then work on exercise.
  • TeMpi
    TeMpi Posts: 53 Member
    Honestly, you may not like my response but, I am only going to be blunt and straight forward.

    No one here can help you. Only you can help you.

    The only thing I can do to help is to tell you to STOP BEING LAZY.
    If you want to lose weight then do what you signed up with MFP for and stay in your calorie range.
    If you want to make a change to your lifestyle then COMMIT TO A ROUTINE.
    Do whatever you need to do to get motivated.
    (Find a workout buddy that you want team up with/compete with, think about what you would like to look like, whatever works for you)

    In the end you can't rely on anything but, yourself and if you just let yourself slip here, slip there displaying absolutely zero willpower then, honestly, if I were you I'd close my MFP account and invest my time on some other web site that teaches you to love yourself who you are because you're never going change this way.

    Good luck,
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Perhaps you are not eating ENOUGH. Especially when you have such a small amount to lose and you are a regular exerciser, you must be NETTING your BMR in calories in order to lose. This means eating back your exercise calories.

    Here is a thread with a great explanation:

    I can't see your diary, but failing to eat exercise calories is a common culprit when people with not much to lose get stuck.
