So fed up, feel like crying

How do slim people manage to maintain a social life and stay slim??? I feel like since I have been on this I have turned into a hermit, terrified of seeing my friends incase I am influenced to drink/eat and thus put weight on.

Last week I had had enough. I organised a girls night in on the Friday and a night out on the Saturday. Time to start living like a normal person I thought. In the build up to the weekend I exercised every day and stuck to the daily amount as best I could (sometimes I go over by about 50 calories).

Then on the Friday I enjoyed a takeaway with the girls and some dessert and on the Saturday I ate healthily but had a bit to drink. I picked at a few chips when I got back but didn't really eat many of them.

As soon as I got back I was back on the diet wagon and I was fully expecting my weight to stay the same but no, I've put on a pound. I know it's not a lot, but that is the entire previous week's hard work out the window and I honestly feel like crying. Not because of the weight, but because I feel like I can't be my normal sociable self and let go once in a while without undoing loads of hard work and feeling crappy.

I just needed to share this. I am on the verge of quitting and going back to starving myself/purging or whatever else actually works.


  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    How do slim people manage to maintain a social life and stay slim??? I feel like since I have been on this I have turned into a hermit, terrified of seeing my friends incase I am influenced to drink/eat and thus put weight on.

    Last week I had had enough. I organised a girls night in on the Friday and a night out on the Saturday. Time to start living like a normal person I thought. In the build up to the weekend I exercised every day and stuck to the daily amount as best I could (sometimes I go over by about 50 calories).

    Then on the Friday I enjoyed a takeaway with the girls and some dessert and on the Saturday I ate healthily but had a bit to drink. I picked at a few chips when I got back but didn't really eat many of them.

    As soon as I got back I was back on the diet wagon and I was fully expecting my weight to stay the same but no, I've put on a pound. I know it's not a lot, but that is the entire previous week's hard work out the window and I honestly feel like crying. Not because of the weight, but because I feel like I can't be my normal sociable self and let go once in a while without undoing loads of hard work and feeling crappy.

    I just needed to share this. I am on the verge of quitting and going back to starving myself/purging or whatever else actually works.

    You may find intermittent fasting to help. Don't eat breakfast and save up the majority of your calories for night out situations.
  • Tracey_Smith
    Tracey_Smith Posts: 199
    You need to chill :flowerforyou: . Up the water on the days after your night out and just get back to eating healthily. The weight is only temporary and you'll drop it soon enough. Don't be scared to go out, have fun, chosse places where you can dance the night away, laugh loads and enjoy every minute x
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    The secret is body fat composition. People that can go out and look to eat what they want and drink what they want generally have a body fat % that is really low, so their muscles are stomping out those calories. I have a co-worker that's about 8% body fat. His metabolism is like a furnace! He'll eat so much freaking food and never worry about it. Eventually, if you workout and build up your muscle, you're body will get to that balance point where you can cheat ever now and then and not worry about it :)
  • csmkat
    csmkat Posts: 4
    My dear, that is not the way to go, i promise you that. Althought it is a quick fix in the long run you are hurting yourself even more than you may know.

    Going out is not the problem it is what you consume and do when you go out. Night out with the girls is a great thing to do but really you cannot continue to simply look at the scale. Drinking and whatever you mave have actually eatten can contribute to water weight gain, nothing to drastic and it will go away.

    Don't worry so much my dear stay strong and healthy and it will all come to you. I have lost a total of 25 lbs prior to joining, stopped so that is why I decided to join and kicked it in to gear and already have lost another 6 lbs but again I am stuck so it's time to re vamp my plan of action and kick it in to high gear.

    Might be time for you to throw your body a curve ball.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Bless you, I know exactly how you feel. Nobody else understands when you're trying to lose weight. One of my friends asked me to go for cheese and wine and then said, "Well don't bother coming if you're just going to be all annoying about being on a diet". People just don't get it.

    You do need the odd splurge though, just to stay sane!!! As long as you're not doing it every night weight will come off eventually. The whole process is dead slow anyway!!!

    One pound is nothing though, that could be just water retention, TOM on the way, anything. Don't let it worry you.

    Hang in there!!!

  • csmkat
    csmkat Posts: 4
    Also not a good idea, it may work now but damage is going to be done. Your body needs fuel to run! Do not make the mistake that so many people do.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I say take pride in being healthy and maybe you will inspire a friend or two. Your so ial life doesn't have to revolve around food and drink, and you can always make healthy suggestions when it does.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Did anyone actually look at her? If that's you in the profile picture, I would consider you to be slender.
  • csmkat
    csmkat Posts: 4
    Did anyone actually look at her? If that's you in the profile picture, I would consider you to be slender.

    Yes, she is but she doesn't feel she is at a good place so she is going to try and change that, there is no faulting her for that.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I hear ya OP and I have to confess to falling of the wagon big time recently.

    I had a week off work and it was my Birthday so I had several meals out, a picnic, a BBQ, plus lots of wine, cake etc.. and I have kind of lost my way a little bit.

    When I am taking my weightloss seriously I try to live by the 80/20 rule and I keep healthy 80% of the time. So I can still have a few vodka's on a Saturday and a meal out... But for the majority of the time I stick to my plan.

    I am a bit older now and I'm not single - most of my friends are the same so our social lives aren't as hectic as they used to be LOL! It is hard though and you need to find a balance. You need to find a way to have a social life but also lose weight effectively. Also to make it a long term loss you really need to find a sustainable way - you don't want to feel like you are missing out on something?

    I always work out more when I know I am having a few drinks? Plus I really try to eat well the day before and the day after. I don't starve myself but I try to eat as naturally as possible (lots of veg, salad, lean meats)

    I now try to prevent 'one night' off the plan becomming a few days off the plan.

    I've managed to lose weight and maintain a semi decent social life on the premise that I know I cannot cope with being super healthy 100% of the time - so I give myself an evening off her and there.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    You deprived yourself of nights when you needed one you went over the top and had a few!! Done be hard on yourself...if you are goodf the majority of the time then one night wont hurt. You may weigh more the next day (so dont weigh yourself) BUT i call this temporary if you get back on it straight away your weight will regulate again...but 2-3 nights out in a week WILL have an effect!!
    Be kind to yoruself....skinny people arent affected cause they dont have the mental battle...a night scales obsession..back to eating normally nexty day..back to being skinny again...
    Chin up...i was down yesterday after training so hard all weeked and not losing but stick with it..i am
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    Did anyone actually look at her? If that's you in the profile picture, I would consider you to be slender.

    The (full length) picture I have on there is of me 3 years ago- before weight gain. I put it on there to motivate myself.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    You'll probably find it has a lot to do with the alcohol and sodium intake making you hold onto more water than normal, just flush it out.
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 295 Member
    How do slim people manage to maintain a social life and stay slim??? I feel like since I have been on this I have turned into a hermit, terrified of seeing my friends incase I am influenced to drink/eat and thus put weight on.

    Last week I had had enough. I organised a girls night in on the Friday and a night out on the Saturday. Time to start living like a normal person I thought. In the build up to the weekend I exercised every day and stuck to the daily amount as best I could (sometimes I go over by about 50 calories).

    Then on the Friday I enjoyed a takeaway with the girls and some dessert and on the Saturday I ate healthily but had a bit to drink. I picked at a few chips when I got back but didn't really eat many of them.

    As soon as I got back I was back on the diet wagon and I was fully expecting my weight to stay the same but no, I've put on a pound. I know it's not a lot, but that is the entire previous week's hard work out the window and I honestly feel like crying. Not because of the weight, but because I feel like I can't be my normal sociable self and let go once in a while without undoing loads of hard work and feeling crappy.

    I just needed to share this. I am on the verge of quitting and going back to starving myself/purging or whatever else actually works.

    Please don't get down & don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know exactly where you're coming from & the most likely thing is that the weight gain was just water weight, which usually disappears in no time. Keep on wagon and i'm sure you would've lost the 1lb & then some! When I go out I tend to eat lots of grilled stuff, salads etc... I also have in the past driven myself insane by obsessively worrying about my diet.. But now I have a little blow out once a month as a reward. If you could see what my diary was like over my birthday you'd be in shock! :)
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    The others are right, the gain is temporary and probably just your body retaining water after switching from healthy to high salt/fat in 24 hours.

    Try eating much slower – talk more & laugh more with your friends. Give the food more time to hit your tummy and you’ll most likely find that your body tells you you’ve had enough half way through the takeaway. Most of all, enjoy good friends.

    Good friends support you and understand what’s important to you. If they are real friends, they’ll help you and you’re doing so well so far.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    How do slim people manage to maintain a social life and stay slim???
    No matter how you slice it, dieting sucks. It involves to depriving yourself to some degree. Causing adaptations in your body takes time and concerted effort in your training.

    However, what people tend to forget is that once you have triggered those adaptations or slimmed down to a certain point that maintaining it is generally a lot easier (unless you are trying to maintain seriously low levels of bodyfat all year which can be really difficult.) You also get to eat more which means you can easily incorporate social situations into your life. For example, if I need to diet down I may train 3-5 times a week being a mix of weights and cardio. When I maintain all I make sure I do is two heavy weights sessions a week, everything else is a bonus. When I diet down I restrict alcohol to once every few weeks. When I maintain I drink when I want. Short term sacrifice for long term gain.

    Sure you can minimise the deprivation you feel when dieting by adopting the lifestyle approach involving everything in moderation. However, at some point you have to accept that you either suck it up or stay fat. It depends what is more important to you.
    I've put on a pound.
    A pound of what though? What you need to be concerned about is putting on a pound of FAT. That is not reflected in the scale and I sincerely doubt that's happened given the history of eating you have outlined. It could be anything really. Water, undigested food in the digestive tract, waste matter which hasn't passed.

    Listen, the scale is very good for some people: specifically obese people who need to keep a clear track of where their weight is going. For anyone approaching any kind of leaness (as you are as you have little left to lose and are about 14lbs away from your goal) it is beyond useless in isolation. Why? Because it doesn't tell you the full story on what your body composition is at this point.

    Just keep going. You will be fine. I would recommend ditching the scale and falling in love with something much more useful and attractive. Like me ;) Or seriously, things like fitness goals or body recomp goals.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Did anyone actually look at her? If that's you in the profile picture, I would consider you to be slender.

    Yeah, you look great!!!xx
  • girlontheseesaw
    Even if it was a lb of fat you put on (unlikely), you can work that off again in a week.

    If one weekend of fun gained you 3,500 cals then 500cal daily deficit melts it away in a week.

    You could have one or two weekends like that every month and be in full control of it.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Did anyone actually look at her? If that's you in the profile picture, I would consider you to be slender.

    The (full length) picture I have on there is of me 3 years ago- before weight gain. I put it on there to motivate myself.

    I've looked at this full length picture too, you look great, you've really not got much to lose at all! xx
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    Did anyone actually look at her? If that's you in the profile picture, I would consider you to be slender.

    The (full length) picture I have on there is of me 3 years ago- before weight gain. I put it on there to motivate myself.

    I've looked at this full length picture too, you look great, you've really not got much to lose at all! xx

    Thanks everyone for your support. I've just added a picture of me now (from my weekend!) so people don't get confused. I don't consider myself to be over weight but I would like to be happy with myself and be as slim as I was before University. There is a stone and a half difference between the pictures so that is what I am trying to achieve.

    Thanks for all you advice-I didn't realize sodium and water after a binge weekend could affect the scales. Going to up my workouts and hope for the best!