Anyone want to start the 30 shred tomorrow?



  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Day 2 done! Felt much better, managed to get lower doing punches and the weights felt a little easier.
  • DiazD01
    DiazD01 Posts: 6
    Hi, I had never heard of this DVD, but I will buy it and join the group...even if I'm a little late by 2 days! sounds like a good workout.
  • coffeye
    coffeye Posts: 20

    I just spied this topic and thought I have a look as i have Jillian's DVD at home tried it for a week and gave up. But now will get started as i think being in a group will definitely encourage me to keep it up. Looking at the info re: time spent on levels and amount of calories burned really good to know these things. So will go home today and blow the dust of the DVD:)
  • omgamg
    omgamg Posts: 7 Member

    I'm a day late too but am starting this evening. Fingers crossed my latest venture into weight loss is a successful one!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have been thinking about treating myself to a new workout dvd, and reading all this has convinced me to go for the 30ds...!!

    i think i will order it right now!!! Thanks guys!
  • slheflinVA
    slheflinVA Posts: 47 Member
    Comcast On Demand has levels 1 & 2 (in my area anyway). I'm starting tonight - woohoo!!
  • BrookeMax
    BrookeMax Posts: 46
    Just finished day 2!! I decided to get it done this morning so I won't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. I feel good! Thanks for the encouragement everyone!!!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    if it makes it easier, its also available thro Amazon :)
    Well done everyone!!
    I am fitting it in in the mornings (about 4.30am!!!!!) to make sure i dont just come home and say "ah actually im too tired!"
  • jackrokal
    jackrokal Posts: 18
    Did day 2 this morning!! I can really feel it today, especially in my arms!!! Had a harder time today with the squat and press and lateral lunge and arms raises then yesterday, hope it gets easier...
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I got Day 1 done yesterday after work, going for Day 2 later today. Since I did this workout before I'm kinda OK with just seeing the workout and not hearing all the comments, although don't get me wrong, I LOVE that Jillian says what I am thinking... "If you are looking for modified jumping jacks you won't find 'em here... I have 400 lb people that can do jumping jacks, YOU can do jumping jacks"!!! Dang it, I wanted "easy" jumping jacks, lol!

    But since I've heard it all before I need another form of distraction to get past the point of wanting to lie down and ignore her.... SO, I put the DVD in my LAPTOP, then I turn on my TV! Yesterday I did Level 1 while I had on a rerun of the show Las Vegas - was able to get through more reps with the TV distraction!

    On to Day 2 today - keep up the good work Shredders!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • bmwells1
    bmwells1 Posts: 10
    I did day 2/30 today! YIPPEE! I feel good that I got up today and did day 2. I love having this board to come to for motivation.

    I also think the push ups are the hardest. I do the girly ones but at least its something. I feel it in my arms and chest so I know I'm getting something from it. In general the first set is my hardest and it gets easier as it goes. By the end I have sweat dripping off my face so I know I its a good workout.

    Thanks again to everyone for all of the motivation.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    the wife ordered the biggest loser game for xbox kinnect and it arrived today so i'm having to wait til she finishes 'playing' on that before i can pay jillian a vist.

    how does everyone else get on with the stretching cool down at the end. i must be the least flexible person in the world coz i could get nowhere near my ankles when stretching and even just sitting there with my legs out and my arms pushed out behind me was a killer for me! i was all happy to get the workout over and then by the time the stretching was going on it didnt seem like such a cool down. lol. guessing it'll get easier i as i get thru the workouts.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    hey i wanna join with you all too!! i actually started yesterday... sounds like fun fun fun... :)) oh and i have a question... are we going to post weekly weigh ins or something?
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    hey i wanna join with you all too!! i actually started yesterday... sounds like fun fun fun... :)) oh and i have a question... are we going to post weekly weigh ins or something?

    i like the sound of that. i weighed myself yesterday and was planning on a weekly weigh in anyway so sounds like a plan.
  • BrookeMax
    BrookeMax Posts: 46
    I think its a great idea to post weekly weigh ins! I took my before measurements yesterday and took before pictures...I hope I see some improvement! Its crazy how much having this board motivates me... each day I look forward to hearing how everyone is doing with it! Thanks!!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    level 1, day 2. DONE! 28 to
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    day 2 level 2 done! this is going to be fun
  • Soziberry
    Soziberry Posts: 115
    Well done everyone, me too Day 2 done! Found it much easier today, used heavier weights and more or less did everything apart from full push up. That is my aim for tomorrow. To complete it 100% with weights and full push ups.
  • hollagolla
    hollagolla Posts: 44
    I actually missed it yesturday so am looking forward to doing it later today after I cycle home from work and before I go to rehearsal, I may find time to eat somewhere . . . . .
  • coffeye
    coffeye Posts: 20
    Well day 1 completed yesterday and boy do my arms hurt! I dread to see what level 2 will be like as i was gasping for air after 27 mins of level 1 and my arms were shaking afterwards and i only have 2.5KG weights will do it again tonight but i am hoping that after a few days the soreness in arm muscles will go away.
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