How come i didn't loose weight this week?



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    jemzyw01 wrote: »
    Ok dont need to be rude

    Who was being rude? Disagreeing with a myth that has been debunked over and over again scientifically is rude?
    It's just that, the body won't hang onto fat if it isn't getting enough calories, ever. People can and do starve to death.
  • Day_knee
    Day_knee Posts: 85 Member
    barbie934 wrote: »
    So I've been watching what I eat and logging everything I eat and I've stayed under 1200 a day. I think I don't want to go to far as far as measuring my food that's kinda to far for me. No offense to anyone that does that .The problem is that I lost 4 pounds last week, and this week I stayed the same and I'm not to sure why? Also I have a fractured ankle in witch I can't workout or go running, sucks but I'm watching everything I eat to the extreme at least I think.

    if you don't measure what you put inside you then how can you be sure of the amount of calories you're eating? you can't

    This! You really have no idea how much you are eating if you don't weigh and measure. Period!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    barbie934 wrote: »
    So I've been watching what I eat and logging everything I eat and I've stayed under 1200 a day. I think I don't want to go to far as far as weighing my food that's kinda to far for me. No offense to anyone that does that .The problem is that I lost 4 pounds last week, and this week I stayed the same and I'm not to sure why? Also I have a fractured ankle in witch I can't workout or go running, sucks but I'm watching everything I eat to the extreme at least I think.

    If that is your current picture, looks like you may not have a lot to lose.

    Basically, you lost 2 lbs a week, the last 2 weeks. That's a fast weight loss.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    jemzyw01 wrote: »
    I was trying to help and share my opinion i wont bother anymore .

    At least you have said one sensible thing.
  • laurenehopkinsx
    laurenehopkinsx Posts: 14 Member
    Some of it could just be water weight :) I agree though the scale thing can be a bit far sometimes, I weigh somethings but not everything haha
  • Bella77007
    Bella77007 Posts: 78 Member
    edited May 2016
    Agree about the scale, actually I lost weight at first without weighing my food but being heavy I simply had more wiggle room so going over on calories a bit was obviously not an issue at the beginning, I lost anyway, then I hit a rut and the scale came into play, the differences between pack guides and guestimates were quite an eye opener, my weight soon started to budge again when I used a scale.

    Also you will not lose the same every week, my goal was 1 pound per week, I would lose 0.5 some weeks, 2 pounds others, a few weeks I lost nothing and one time I gained a pound and all of those were weeks where I was being very accurate with logging and my activity was the same too, that is why I liked to look back at my progress over a 4 week period after a while rather than placing too much importance on the 1 week changes.

    If you are accurate and eating 1200 calories your weight will drop even if you can't be very active at the moment, I was sedentary through much of my weight loss journey but on 1200 still lost weight, try not to fret over 1 week, it's the bigger picture that counts but a food scale is a great investment.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    Don't stress the numbers so much - really.

    @HamsterManV2's graph is an excellent example of the nonlinear nature of weight loss. I've had my weight drop and increase by five pounds within a week, stall, go back down, go back up... that's how it goes. However, the OVERALL trend is that I'm losing, which is ultimately what's important.

    You might find it helpful to focus less on numbers and setting non-scale goals. I tried losing weight several times before, and found the nature of weight going up and down so discouraging that I almost always stopped after a few weeks. This time I forced myself to be patient and realistic, but also I made a goal - run 5K. Having a goal that has ZERO to do with my weight has helped immensely in that yeah, I might be heavier than last week, but I ran further. I would strongly encourage you to set a fitness goal for yourself that has nada to do with your weight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    jemzyw01 wrote: »
    I have met loads of people that dont eat enough and when they eat what are supposed to they lose weight .

    What is likely happening is that their undereating trigger binges, which wipes out their calorie deficit, and when they stop undereating, they stop binging.

    If starvation mode was a real thing, the Minnesota Starvation Experiment men wouldn't have ended up like this:


  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    jemzyw01 wrote: »
    I have met loads of people that dont eat enough and when they eat what are supposed to they lose weight .

    I think what happens jemzy is that the liver is holding on to stuff because thereisn't much food coming in,so then if someone eats more, like a big meal or a short binge then the liver lets go of that, also motility in the bowl is restored and the body feels a little lighter for a day. It doesn't have much to do with actual fat loss, but it can make a person feel better for 24 hours.

  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    jemzyw01 wrote: »
    Maybe your not eating enough .if you dont your body stores what you have

    ^Sorry you are wrong about this.

    OP, you can not expect to lose the same amount, or even any, weight every week. A lot of different factors may enter into weight loss. Sodium consumed, time of the month, inaccurate calculating of actual calories etc.
    Keep going, it will happen. I weighed food a couple of times, but mostly used measuring spoons/cups. I managed to lose over 1/2 of my current body weight. It is not as exact though. Give it more time.

    Exercise is not necessary to weight loss, but very beneficial to overall health. Weight loss is eating less calories than you are burning.

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    Nor would pictures of people in POW camps - they don't all look scrawny because they started eating too much and lost weight that way either.

    OP I think of weight loss like the change is seasons - ie from summer to winter it gets colder. You agree?
    But that doesn't mean every single day or even every week is colder than the one directly before it.
    But there is a downward trend.
  • jammer1963
    jammer1963 Posts: 106 Member
    barbie934 wrote: »
    So I've been watching what I eat and logging everything I eat and I've stayed under 1200 a day. I think I don't want to go to far as far as weighing my food that's kinda to far for me. No offense to anyone that does that .The problem is that I lost 4 pounds last week, and this week I stayed the same and I'm not to sure why? Also I have a fractured ankle in witch I can't workout or go running, sucks but I'm watching everything I eat to the extreme at least I think.

    How much water do you drink a day? I know water doesn't have any calories, but a glass of water does 0.5 pounds. If you drink 8-glasses of water a day, your drinking 4-pounds of water. Of course, you urinate that out during the day, but some water is most certainly retained. It may be nothing, but it's something to consider. Good luck with the weight loss. Hope that ankle feels better soon! :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited May 2016
    If you're not weighing/measuring your food and using a food scale there is no way you can know how much you are actually eating.
    I didn't want to start weighing my food either but I wasn't losing back at the start and it was eye opening when I did start to weigh it! I was guessing I was eating 1200 and it was more like 1600, sometimes even more. That's all it takes to stall any loss.
  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    Could be any number of things. It could be that any deficit you had was coming from your exercise, which you are no longer doing due to your injury. You may also be experiencing water retention, or maybe last week was a fluke. If you only weigh weekly, you could have weighed on a day when your weight was in a low spot last week and a high spot this week. You could be one of those people who lose nothing for a few weeks and then has a big loss. You could be eating more than you realize since you aren't using a scale.

    Weight loss is not as straight forward as we would like it to be. Bodies are not machines. Just keep doing your thing and if your continue to stall, think about what small changes you can make to get the weight coming off again.

  • PurpleOrchid531
    PurpleOrchid531 Posts: 28 Member
    My weight loss has not been linear either and I understand how discouraging that is. I've been trying to focus on other things that prove I'm doing it right. For example, my clothes feel much looser. I feel "thinner". I've also lost 2 inches from my chest, waist and hips the last 6 weeks or so. So while the scale isn't showing a consistent loss, I'm obviously losing.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    jemzyw01 wrote: »
    I have met loads of people that dont eat enough and when they eat what are supposed to they lose weight .

    What is likely happening is that their undereating trigger binges, which wipes out their calorie deficit, and when they stop undereating, they stop binging.

    If starvation mode was a real thing, the Minnesota Starvation Experiment men wouldn't have ended up like this:



    Was going to say the same thing myself. Anorexics that hardly eat anything lose weight, people who are ill and don't eat much lose weight.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I ate 500 calories a day plus did 2 hours of cardio a day for quite a while when I was actively anorexic and believe me I became very underweight and I did not gain!
  • Pocket__Cthulhu
    Pocket__Cthulhu Posts: 134 Member
    I would suggest getting a food scale. For a long time I was estimating that 1 oz of cheese was what I put in my omelette. I got a scale, and guess what? I was logging 1 oz and only eating .1 oz. That's a lot of tasty cheese I cheated myself out of. I also thought I had 1 oz of cashews and it was 3 oz. That's a couple cookies I thought was in my budget to eat.

    If you're already logging you might as well be accurate about it. You could be cheating yourself out of cheese and cookies.

    Think of the cheese.