Home gym or gym membership

Should I buy weights and do cardio at home, or just stick with a membership... Looking for the more cost efficient way. It'll by my wife and I.



  • desiresdestiny
    desiresdestiny Posts: 175 Member
    Depends on your preference. My husband and I workout from home and that works for us. We are motivated and we keep each other motivated
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    mespreeman wrote: »
    That's so hard to answer.

    I find that I am more motivated to workout when I have to drive to the gym. I couldn't tell you why that is, but the evidence presented by all the coat racks workout equipment I have bought & sold over the years tells me it's true.

    Since I've gotten that gym membership though, I'm there 5-7 times a week.

    Same here. I have an elliptical at home I use once in awhile, but I'm typically in the gym 5 nights a week (and love it!)
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    It depends upon your goals and where you are in working towards them.

    I've done both but found that with home based work outs I had to devote some space and some money to creating something that was suitable for my needs (strength training). Eventually, the space became an issue and I sold my kit (power-cage, Olympic bar and weights, bench and platform) and joined a gym.
  • kpkitten
    kpkitten Posts: 164 Member
    As others have said, it depends on your preference.
    I would have a home gym if I had the space for a cross-trainer and floorwork as well as my weights, but in my flat I only had space for one thing, so I do weights at home and have a gym membership which I use far more regularly (3x a week). If I had everything at home, I'm pretty sure I'd use it, but having my trainer's expectation that I'll be at the gym definitely helps me stick to my plans.
    Things to consider are cost - long-term, a home gym is likely cheaper - space and your own preferences and motivations.
  • thetexasone
    thetexasone Posts: 24 Member
    Space isn't really an issue, my wife and I own a 4 bedroom with an add on and garage. Now when the babies come that maybe a different story :neutral:
  • HealthierRayne
    HealthierRayne Posts: 268 Member
    I'd say you have to take some time pricing things out. How much equipment are you looking to purchase? If it's just a few sets of dumbbells and you do your cardio outside, that would win over a gym for me as it would cost very little.

    If you know that you want to have a variety of options to keep you from getting bored there are a lot of decent 24 hour gyms now that have quite cheap memberships. I've seen them anywhere from $10/month and up, I'd say shop around and watch for no sign up fee promotions so you can save a bunch of money.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,496 Member
    I bought a treadmill last September and I love it. I can hop on at any time and get in a workout or just walk and burn a few extra calories while reading or watching a movie. A few weeks ago I bought a barbell and plates and I am now pricing power racks. I like the gym, but it just doesn't fit in to my schedule very well. I always seem to run out of time and I'm sick of waiting for equipment. I am much more likely to exercise if it is convenient. YMMV.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    I workout at home and at the gym. I like the variety and as long as I can afford it I will do both. I will say, my main workout is at home, I mainly go to the gym to classes.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I've bought gym memberships so many times and never used them. I bought weights for home use and workout 5-7x a week now. I may still buy another membership for the summer so that we can use the pool, but I doubt I'd go to a class or use the machines/weights there when I can do it at home.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Depends on you. For me, the gym is worth it. Far more equipment than I could have at home (squat rack, barbells, much larger selection of dumbbells, trap deadlift, good bench, weighted pull-up machine), it's near my office so I can go in the middle of the day, as well as before and after work, more comfortable for the purposes with mirrors and so on, and there are classes I enjoy and a pool.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I agree on the motivation factor. For me, space was definitely an issue, and I couldn't afford to buy a bunch of equipment all at once, but I can swing $20 a month for a gym membership. But the real issue for me is that when I'm forking out money at the gym, I feel like I have to use it to justify the expense. Some people do great at home, especially if they're doing it together. But I'm single, so there's no one at home to motivate me. Plus the TV and couch are a big temptation! At the gym, seeing other people there working out motivates me and pushes me to do more. So I'd definitely talk about what you think will be the most motivating for you. Weights and equipment at home are great if you'll actually USE them, so you have to be internally motivated to actually do it. I also find at home that I'm distracted with other things I could be doing. At the gym, it's just me and my workout!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I will stop working out either way, I've found. The 'waste of money' doesn't even motivate me to go to the gym either. Take a look at what the gym has, vs what you want to use, and decide if it's worth the time, effort, money, etc. to do one over the other.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I like my home gym.

    I have weights and bench and a rack...no cardio equipment yet.
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    I do so much better working out at the gym. It keeps me more motivated. I find working out at home it is so much easier to find excuses not to exercise. Anytime fitness is very affordable my monthly member ship fee is 25 dollars a month and my husband id an add on for a discount.
  • kirstinethornburg
    kirstinethornburg Posts: 300 Member
    We use our member ship at the gym four days a week for 78 minutes at the time
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    It's all about what you will actually DO. With my work day, I would only be going on weekends. By having a few pieces of equipment at home I removed the barriers I was using as excuses not to exercise. I spent about $100 on weights (small sizes and only one per size, I'd rather have to repeat on both sides than have spent twice as much) and a cardio equipment I knew I would enjoy using (m5 from bowflex if you're curious). It is a combo of stair stepper and elliptical and low impact so I love it and use it often. Right now I'm at 3x a week, and I do lower body weight exercises at work and my weights for my upper body at home on different days. It fits my schedule the best, and when I change jobs again I will likely be stronger and want access to higher weights, I may have a cheaper gym membership for a couple days a week.

    Do what will work for you! A membership is only worth what you do with it and same for home equipment.
  • thetexasone
    thetexasone Posts: 24 Member
    Well I priced the cheapest gym around me and it is $65 couple rate and is usually packed even after hours
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I do both. I have a 'passport' membership at my gym, so I can call in at one on my way home from work three times a week, and go to a different one at the weekend. One gym has a pool and jacuzzi, and the other has a steamroom and sauna (wonderful after a tough cardio session, especially in the winter).

    I have a treadmill and an eliptical in the basement at home and use those on the days I'm not at the gym, or when I'm not running outside.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I can't workout at home....It's too hard for me to focus with kids, hubs, TV, the fridge all in the same building. My will power just isn't that good.