Over 50 ~ need to lose 100 lbs

Hi There! Well as you see I'm over 50 & need to lose 100 lbs ~ just had foot surgery 7 weeks ago and need some motivation or support! I'd love to hear from some of you that have the same issues or maybe have been successful! Any tips would be welcome!! I just can't seem to get started ~ it's really hard when I can't even exercise yet. I also am having trouble finding a weight loss plan that fits me. Thanks!


  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I am close to 50 and need to lose 100 pounds. If you can't exercise yet then maybe this would be a good time to look into different eating plans. Good luck to you
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    If you need support, there is a great thread on here for women over 50. Check us out and if you like what you see, just jump in!
  • rob504
    rob504 Posts: 79
    Hello and welcome.
    A year ago I damaged my Achilles tendons in both ankles which took roughly 8 months to fully repair.
    In that time I continued doing light exercise. Much as I love my gym sessions I am fully aware that it is diet that shifts the weight. I don't follow any specific diet, I simply count the calories by religiously using the MFP food diary. I have no targeted weight loss goal but I guess by the time I finish it will exceed 100 lbs. So as a fellow 50 something I can confirm it is possible. Best wishes and good luck.
  • candledeb
    candledeb Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for your great tips!!