anyone go to zumba?

I want to start doing something active outside of my house and i've always heard that zumba is a great thing to do to lose weight. Anyone else do zumba and if so have you lost any weight?


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I do!! I love it.
  • ilbcnuz
    ilbcnuz Posts: 48 Member
    I Love Zumba!!!!! But it's a killer . . . . . . . . : )
  • Emismom77
    Emismom77 Posts: 56
    I participate in a Zumba class twice a week at my job. I'm hooked! It's something that anyone can do and you'll have fun doing it!! I'm insulin resistant, so I haven't lost a lot of weight, but I feel SO much better after I Zumba! I look forward to the classes and have even bought the game for my Kinect for home!! Give it a try & if 1 instructor isn't to your liking, find another... I've found every instructor is different. Good Luck!!
    Peace, Love & Zumba!
  • ski0721
    ski0721 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I do zumba at least twice a week and it's truly a great workout. You can have fun dancing around and you can easily lose weight. Good luck!!
  • rmancha
    rmancha Posts: 14 Member
    Before I started MFP I just wanted to get active and so without changing my eating habits I lost 12 lbs from January to May just by doing that I have been logging in my food I have lost an extra 5lbs. in the month of June!.. Zumba is the first workout I actually look forward to doing, it doesn't even bother me that my class is at 5:30am..its become something I just do and actually enjoy...which ideally is what a workout should be!...good luck : )
  • PatBeard
    PatBeard Posts: 6
    I love Zumba! I went this morning and burned 405 clories in an hour! It is a great workout and lots of fun. The instructors are all diffenrent and the music they use is different. I prefer the current pop hits rather than the latino. A lot depends on how hard you work in the class. The best dances keep your heart rate at your target heart rate or higher.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    In Feb all I did was Zumba at home and two classes a week. I lost 8 lbs and 4 inches in my waist. I love it.
  • ljw556
    ljw556 Posts: 43 Member
    Zumba is epic! I LOVE it!!! It's SO much fun! When I come out of my class, I'm always in such a great mood. The key is to do everything to your level - so if you can't do everything as fast for instance, just do it at your pace. That way you'll enjoy it! :-)
  • sahalcomb
    sahalcomb Posts: 86 Member
    @PatBeard...How did you calculate the 405 calories burned? I've looked on here and it isn't listed? Just curious for when I log in my Zumba time! Thanks!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    @PatBeard...How did you calculate the 405 calories burned? I've looked on here and it isn't listed? Just curious for when I log in my Zumba time! Thanks!

    They probably have a heart rate monitor that tells you your calories burned while working out based on your info your set it up with.
  • sahalcomb
    sahalcomb Posts: 86 Member
    That's neat! Wish we had those to help calculate.... Hmm. Thanks! Guess I will just put in dancing or aerobics. That should get close enough! & Yes, Zumba is lots of fun! Almost like your not even working out! :)
  • ljsmamma07
    ljsmamma07 Posts: 30
    i used to do it 1-2 times a week and i LOVED it! and i did well loosing weight during it.
  • OMG! I was just thinking about having some dinner before my zumba class tonight when I clicked the community link! Zumba is so much fun and just puts you in a good mood. Its my absolute favourite class and I sleep really well after it. If you like to shake it then you really need to try it.
  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    I participate in a Zumba class twice a week at my job. I'm hooked! It's something that anyone can do and you'll have fun doing it!! I'm insulin resistant, so I haven't lost a lot of weight, but I feel SO much better after I Zumba! I look forward to the classes and have even bought the game for my Kinect for home!! Give it a try & if 1 instructor isn't to your liking, find another... I've found every instructor is different. Good Luck!!
    Peace, Love & Zumba!

    How are you liking the game??? I just bought it for the wii and I think my game is defective. In the learning section, it speeds up, slows down and skips a lot . Is this normal??
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I love zumba! It is such a nice break from running and lifting weights everyday.

    It's so much fun. Definitely see if there are any classes around town in your area or see if you can find a cheap dvd to pop in the player and do at home. You will get hooked.
    You dont realize how much you are burning with all the fun you're having while shaking your hips! :)
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I LOVE Zumba!! It's so much fun and you really shake it off!!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I know people love zumba, but the never ending Latin music sent me screaming from the room! It was like listening to the same song over and over.....shudder. Do they know any other moves beside hip thrust and shimmy? Sorry for the rant, but yuk.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    I do Zumba 3X a week to mix up my workouts and I LOVE IT....and Im a country music kinda girl (and a lil shy) so I didnt think Id enjoy it, but I am addicted! Its something you should try at least a few times to really get a feel for how much you like (or dont like) it.

    I enter my Zumba as high impact aerobics for my exercise., but I do the higher impact moves... Its the closes Ive seen. Entering modern dance wasnt even close.

    I hope you love it!
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    I do Zumba 4 times per week and I absolutely love it - in the beginning I wasn't so sure because I was little embarassed by some of the moves, but now I just don't let it worry me and I get much more out of the classes :laugh:

    Yes you may not like every instructor, but try out a few before you decide you don't like Zumba. I currently have 3 different instructors across the 4 classes I do and I actually left my Thursday evening class after about 10 minutes the first time I went because the instructor was all over the place, but I went back and she has grown on me :wink:
    @PatBeard...How did you calculate the 405 calories burned? I've looked on here and it isn't listed? Just curious for when I log in my Zumba time! Thanks!

    I put this under Aerobics-general because I don't feel as though I am doing this at a high intensity level.