Healthier Lifestyle?

I've been killing myself slowly ever since I bought my first computer. I used to hit the gym for 2.5 hours six days a week and that was my fixation for a few years. I've never been successful doing things in moderation or taking baby steps. I'm trying something new this time, though.

I'm 43 years old, six feet tall, and weigh in at 244 lbs. Most of that isn't muscle these days. I'm a prime candidate for diabetes. The last few times I've had my blood pressure taken, I've run 170/110 or thereabouts. I'm looking to turn around and start living healthier, though.

I'm disabled now, so leaving the house and hitting a gym daily isn't an option. My doctor told me that three hours of light cardio per week should eliminate my diabetes worries. I'm also looking to eat healthier. I haven't written out a detailed plan yet, but I'm hoping to lose 44 pounds in 44 weeks.

The easy part was figuring out that I needed to keep my daily diet around 2000 calories. The tougher part is keeping to it. It's been a week, so far, and it's getting easier, but I've made a few mistakes already. One being cutting the daily calories to 1400. I was ravenous the next day and had difficulty sticking to the 2k plan. Another was eating too much before dinner.

I'm certainly open to suggestions and this is the primary reason that I'm posting this...for help and encouragement. My newer plan is to keep my morning intake around 500 calories, another 500 for lunch and early afternoon. Then I'll have 1000 to play with for dinner and a light snack in the evening.

Keeping the daily calorie intake around 2000 isn't overly difficult, but my wife and I are both newbies to eating healthy foods. We're trying to eat more fruits and vegetables now, for instance, but we're struggling to find recipes that sound appealing. So far, we've found about six that we really like, but we certainly don't want to eat the same things every week and burn out.

My doctor has also asked me to cut back in the carbs. Sugar isn't too bad, but pasta and breads not so much. Today, I plan to join a low carb group and try to get some new recipes, though. This is one of the areas that I'll need help with and any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Finally, I'm hoping to start exercising again, but this time in moderation. I'd like to start with an hour of light cardio five days per week. Again, leaving the house and joining a gym isn't an options. However, I'm able to walk briskly around our complex, but I'm looking for more options. I'm open to spending a bit on home exercise equipment. In the past, martial arts and Precor's Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers were favorites. Again, any suggesions for working out at home are appreciated.

Thank you all for your time and consideration and I hope to learn from everyone.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • Jido102
    Jido102 Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 2016
    I weighed in today at 222lbs. My goal was to lose a pound a week until I get back down to 200lbs. It's been less than six weeks, I've lost 22lbs., and I'm half way there now. Something seems off. I've been keeping my diet between 1700 to 2000 calories per day, so I've kept my goal, but it seems like I'm losing weight way too fast.

    I have been exercising some, though, where I put down zero exercise when I started the plan. I take our dog for one to three walks each day, depending on the weather, and I walk pretty briskly, getting the heart rate up. I've also started doing push ups and lying on my back and doing bicycle kicks. I guess the walks could be considered a weak form of cardio, but we're talking about less than 30 minutes per day. It just seems off still.

    Well, I'm meeting and exceeding my goals, at least. It looks like I'm losing muscle weight, too, though. Also, by some standards, I should be 165lbs. at my height and age. I can't imagine being that thin at six feet tall. It seems like I'd be a bean pole. Is that a healthy weight even? I think I'll be pretty happy at 200lbs.
  • Jido102
    Jido102 Posts: 6 Member
    Almost immediately after my last post, I stopped losing weight altogether. After three weeks of staying the same weight, I took another look at things and figured out I had really been slacking. I would eyeball ingredients that I'd add to a recipe and almost always round up, I'm sure. Then I was also cheating on my breakfast. A typical serving of most of the cereals that I eat is 3/4 of a cup and 1/2 a cup of milk. I figured who in the hell would actually consider that a meal and would pour a full bowl. That extra cereal alone probably accounted for 200+ calories.

    Anyhow, I'm back on track again and weighed in at 218lbs. today. My daily goal is to keep things under 2060 calories and I've been averaging between 1500 and 1800, so that could explain for the quick weight loss at first. Once I reach 200lbs, I'm going to take a good look at myself and figure out if I want to stop there. There's no way that I'll get down to 165lbs with my frame, but 185lbs is probably reasonable. We'll see how things look at 200lbs, though. First things first.
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    Way to go. Seems like you know what you want and how to get there. That's the biggest battle. Keep it up. I agree with seeing how look at 200lbs. Before losing more. Small steps. You can always adjust as you go. You can do this! We all can!
  • Jido102
    Jido102 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement. Down to 213lbs. and feeling better with each day. I've also started working on improving my mental and spiritual health, but those seem considerably tougher. I do feel rather weak all the time, though. Not weak like dizzy, but weak as in not strong. I know that I've lost a lot of muscle weight over the years, and strength, too, no doubt, but this weak feeling has only been persistent for the last month.