How do you cook your Salmon??



  • oedipuss
    oedipuss Posts: 51 Member
    edited May 2016
    Foil boat with a little butter and fresh ground black pepper, seal together the boat along the top leaving a nice gap and bake for 20 minutes or a little less if you don't want it tto dry. This will effectively steam the fish.
    Always try to get the wild salmon, it's another level compared to the farmed stuff and much better for you.
  • vze57n4a
    vze57n4a Posts: 1 Member
    Here is my family's favorite salmon recipe. If you mix up the dry rub ahead of time, it's ready to go when you are. I usually bake it in the oven, 400ºF for 10-15 minutes. Yum!

    Charred Sugar-Crusted Salmon
  • slappy01uk
    slappy01uk Posts: 12 Member
    I wrap mine in parma ham and dry fry till the ham starts to crisp up
  • ChristopherLimoges
    ChristopherLimoges Posts: 298 Member
    edited May 2016
    Roasted and basted with a lemon based Italian/Greek style herb seasoned sauce if I get the chance.
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    I make a garlic butter. Add whatever dried or fresh herbs you like to the butter; dill is tasty. Pat dry the salmon (I buy a side) and spread it on. Slice up two lemons very thinly. Place the slices in rows on the salmon. Bake at 425 degrees till it flakes with a fork...I tend to undercook mine slightly because I hate over cooked dry fish. The leftovers are great in a salad the next day :)
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I love the pan seared skin side down in a super hot pan and then flipped and finished in the oven for about 5 min. I do blackened salmon with a microwave baked sweet potato and some frozen veggies it is my favorite 10 minute meal.

    I also like to marinade in bourbon, soy sauce, and pineapple juice and then grill for about 10 minutes.

    Sesame ginger marinade over sesame or peanut noodles.

    Grilled with just lemon juice, salt and pepper, then flaked and mixed with pasta with pesto.

    Those last two are also great leftover served chilled.

    OP you mentioned being afraid your salmon was underdone. If it is good quality salmon, it's ok to eat it a little less than well done, if you enjoy it that way. I like mine about medium but my husband has to have his well done so I put his on about 3 minutes before mine. I never cook salmon longer than 10-12 min whether on the stove, the grill, or in the oven.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    1t Dijon mustard
    1t mayo
    slather only desired amount on salmon then sprinkle with fresh or dried dill
    Bake 350 about 15 min
    Stays moist
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Wrap in leaf lettuce with a marinade of lemon, soy, honey, and sesame oil drizzled over, microwave covered on 50% for 5 minutes, then let sit for 5 minutes in the microwave. Heavenly!
  • BookgirlA
    BookgirlA Posts: 2 Member
    My daughter loves salmon so we eat it regularly.

    Chilli and Soy - mix together sweet chilli sauce and soy sauce and pour over the salmon, leave to marinate for as long as you can. Fry in a pan adding the marinade as it cooks.
    With hollandaise - make up the packet!!
    Ginger and orange - slice up a ginger ball in syrup, then mix together the some of the syrup and orange juice, with a little chilli. Marinate, and cook as above.
    Tandoori - mix up low fat Greek style yogurt with tandoori powder and a little bit of lemon juice. Marinate and then bake in a medium oven.
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 113 Member
    I mix a 1/4 cup of honey and 1/4 cup of soy sauce with a little regular mustard mixed in to taste. Then I put 4 salmon filets in foil boats and cover with the mixture. I also make a bigger foil boat and throw a bag of frozen mixed veggies in there and cover with the remaining mixture. Cook at 400 for 20 minutes and you're good to go! It's a bit high on the sodium, but you could use reduced sodium soy sauce.
  • tmshank18
    tmshank18 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you all so much for the ideas...I've tried some of them out and they've actually been very easy to do and the Salmon tastes great!!
  • gerryspeirs
    gerryspeirs Posts: 1 Member
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Last night's dinner was a salmon fillet with no skin - just panfried in a non stick pan with nothing added.
    I cook it for long enough that it gets all crispy and delicious on the outside and is cooked right through without being dry. Experts would probably call it overcooked, but that's how I like it.

    When it was done I served it on brown rice and steamed broccoli with just some fresh lime squeezed on top and a little bit of salt and pepper.

    And I used to be an "I hate seafood" person, but this was delicious!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    In a frypan with a drop of oil over med-high gas skin-side down for a few minutes till the skin is browned, flip, then turn the heat to quite low and put a cover over it and leave for another few minutes and it will be cooked through but not dry.

    I eat it with steamed veg and rice or risotto, and some Byron jalapeno sauce.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    2 5oz salmon filets
    salt/pepper to taste
    place in oiled/sprayed dish
    cover with 1/2 cup crushed French's French Fried onion rings mixed with 1/2 cup shredded cheese of choice.

    Bake for 25 minutes.
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    The way to cook salmon is this.
    Take the fillet, rub in salt since this will draw out the water.
    After about 10 minutes put the fillet, skin side down onto a plate of flour. so it coats the skin This will protect the skin when you put it in the pan and make it lovely and crispy.

    Heat up a flat based frying pan with a little oil. When it is hot, put the fillet in the pan skin/flour side down.
    Cook until about 75% done on a medium heat. Turn over the fillet, add some butter and squeeze of lemon. Cook the fillet in the liquid.

    You can serve with a Buerre Noissette sauce which is simply butter which is heated added to which is , dill, parsley, teaspoon of capers and lemon juice.
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member

    I have two recipes to share. This is one of them....very easy and delicious!! Hubby was pleasantly surprised and said we pay big bucks for such meals when we go out. You have to click on the pic. Sorry was too lazy to write down the recipe.
  • babysteps2skinny
    babysteps2skinny Posts: 76 Member

    This is the second one. I am craving for it now....yum yum Tell me what you think if you try it. :)
  • acbraswell
    acbraswell Posts: 238 Member
    OldHobo wrote: »
    Pan searing fish is one of those simple techniques that you really want to master. Here's a video that keeps it simple and clearly shows the key points.

    Agree with pan searing. I just salt and pepper my salmon, bring to room temperature, then sear with skin side up for about 3 minutes, then flip so skin side is down in the pan for another 2-3 minutes depending on preference for doneness. I use med-high heat. When done, let sit for a minute or so, then squeeze lemon juice. So yummy!
  • ChxSurf782
    ChxSurf782 Posts: 169 Member
    tmshank18 wrote: »
    I'm trying to eat more fish in my diet and I struggle with cooking Salmon...I seem to always overcook it as I fear it will be undercooked. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    IMO, it's hard to undercook salmon! I suppose it depends on your personal preference, but salmon should retain a vibrant pink center, and even tend towards rare for best taste.

    Eating overcooked salmon is like eating a "well done" steak. You can do it, but why?