Any other ladies out there who are 5'4.5 and weigh 145 looking to lose 20 pounds?

Myjourney2345 Posts: 116 Member
edited May 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone! I lost 27 pounds last year for my wedding and unfortunately gained 10-12 pounds back...thorough good old fashion binge eating. I actually got down to 126 pounds and was losing weight while consuming 2,000 calories a day, but then I started to binge again ( it is something I have been struggling with my whole life). The good thing is that I never gave up exercising while eating poorly.

I am back on track and I am looking to get back to being 125-130 pounds again and I was wondering if some of you who have similar body stats to mine would be willing to share your caloric allowance for the day and exercise plan? I currently eat between 1400-1600 calories a day and workout 5-6 days a week (spinning 5 days a week and doing bootcamp in the morning 3 days a week).


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited May 2016
    If you lost weight before on around 2000 calories, why not try that level again? Unless you've reduced your activity level from then, you could probably still lose on that amount and restricting to a lower level might actually cause a binge.

    I'm 5'4.5" and currently in the low 120's. I just switched to recomp a week ago (although still slowly upping to maintenance calories which is in the 2200-2300 range), but before that was eating 1800-2000 calories to lose (1871 had me losing 0.7 lbs per week, but I found it hard to keep to that level constantly). Before my switch I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 and running 3 x a week. In addition to that I was trying to keep my step count at 10k with a goal of 12k or more. Since switching to recomp, I've changed my routine to Strong Curves Booty-ful Beginnings 4 days a week and running 2-3 x a week. Still aim for 10k steps with a goal of 12k or more.
  • kimdawnhayden
    kimdawnhayden Posts: 298 Member
    I'm 5'4". Currently 150 lbs (plus an extra 3-5 because of Creatine) I'm looking to hit 135 Lbs again. When I lifted heavy that was as low as I could go without serious effort. I wore a size 4. I'm around 2000 cals a day and doing Body Beast by Beachbody. I have a hard time hitting that mark. I usually come in at 1800.
  • FatMomRun
    FatMomRun Posts: 28 Member
    5'3.5" I was at 178.7 pounds in December, just weighted in at my doctors appointment this morning at 132.8. :-). My doctor says she will support me dropping to 129 but no lower as she thinks my body is lean enough.

    I currently eat 1,500-1,800 a day and am training for a 10k in June and a half marathon in November. (I would have laughed at you if you told me in December I was going to run even a half mile in 2016).
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    edited May 2016
    Wow amazing work Fatmomrun!
    I'm 5'3 and currently 175. I wanna lost the last 20lbs of baby weight (just had dd2 in February). After that, I'm gunna focus on fitness goals rather than weight.
    I'm struggling right now with being starving with breastfeeding and exhausted from a new baby combined with a 3 year old. I did well yesterday but cluster feeding is kicking my will powers *kitten* :s
  • happymom221
    happymom221 Posts: 73 Member
    I am 5'4" and 145 is the lowest that I like to go. I have packed on muscle and lost 80 pounds and am concentrating on STRONG
    My face looks too thin and wrinkles when i am under 145
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    mg2012 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I lost 27 pounds last year for my wedding and unfortunately gained 10-12 pounds back...thorough good old fashion binge eating. I actually got down to 126 pounds and was losing weight while consuming 2,000 calories a day, but then I started to binge again ( it is something I have been struggling with my whole life). The good thing is that I never gave up exercising while eating poorly.

    I am back on track and I am looking to get back to being 125-130 pounds again and I was wondering if some of you who have similar body stats to mine would be willing to share your caloric allowance for the day and exercise plan? I currently eat between 1400-1600 calories a day and workout 5-6 days a week (spinning 5 days a week and doing bootcamp in the morning 3 days a week).

    What are you doing to address your binge eating? I found cognitive behavioral techniques useful, as well as self-soothing with exercise rather than food.
  • mom2wessarah
    mom2wessarah Posts: 72 Member
    Wow, I'm 5'4" and am very happy at 140-145. I've lost and gained weight three times in my adult life. Keeping it off is hard. However, I know that maintaining anything under 140 would be difficult for me.

    I'd say stick to what helped you lose in the first place. Make a conscience decision not to binge -- I know form experience too that it's very hard. I "binged" the other night, but I stuck to eating grapes, but putting them in a bowl and only eating those. I'm trying to re-frame my binges.

    Good luck!
  • Myjourney2345
    Myjourney2345 Posts: 116 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    mg2012 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I lost 27 pounds last year for my wedding and unfortunately gained 10-12 pounds back...thorough good old fashion binge eating. I actually got down to 126 pounds and was losing weight while consuming 2,000 calories a day, but then I started to binge again ( it is something I have been struggling with my whole life). The good thing is that I never gave up exercising while eating poorly.

    I am back on track and I am looking to get back to being 125-130 pounds again and I was wondering if some of you who have similar body stats to mine would be willing to share your caloric allowance for the day and exercise plan? I currently eat between 1400-1600 calories a day and workout 5-6 days a week (spinning 5 days a week and doing bootcamp in the morning 3 days a week).

    What are you doing to address your binge eating? I found cognitive behavioral techniques useful, as well as self-soothing with exercise rather than food.

    Hi there, exercise does not seem to help me ( if anything it prevents me to ballooning up to 200 pounds). I have done therapy and the only thing that seems to work for me is completely eliminating sugar and specifically chocolate from my diet. Seriously, if I even have one piece of chocolate it completely sets me off. I rarely eat out and I eat pretty healthy food, but I also have a problem spacing my meals out, I would rather consume all of my calories until 2pm, and I don't think it is very good. I also work and go to school from home so I find that being outside the house prevents me from eating all of my calories by 2-3pm.
  • Myjourney2345
    Myjourney2345 Posts: 116 Member
    Wow, I'm 5'4" and am very happy at 140-145. I've lost and gained weight three times in my adult life. Keeping it off is hard. However, I know that maintaining anything under 140 would be difficult for me.

    I'd say stick to what helped you lose in the first place. Make a conscience decision not to binge -- I know form experience too that it's very hard. I "binged" the other night, but I stuck to eating grapes, but putting them in a bowl and only eating those. I'm trying to re-frame my binges.

    Good luck!

    Yes, I have learned to control my binges, by having "controlled binges", if I know a binge is coming and I really can't prevent it I allocate myself 1,000 calories worth of food and only "binge" on those specific foods. It prevents me from having massive 4,000 calorie binges.
  • Myjourney2345
    Myjourney2345 Posts: 116 Member
    I am 5'4" and 145 is the lowest that I like to go. I have packed on muscle and lost 80 pounds and am concentrating on STRONG
    My face looks too thin and wrinkles when i am under 145

    I used to weight 215 pounds back in 2009, I have lost and maintained that weight loss, but I find that anytime I lose more weight and deep below 135 I start to lose control. I personally feel and look better at a lower weight. I am trying to not only focus on cardio, but also gain muscle.
  • Myjourney2345
    Myjourney2345 Posts: 116 Member
    FatMomRun wrote: »
    5'3.5" I was at 178.7 pounds in December, just weighted in at my doctors appointment this morning at 132.8. :-). My doctor says she will support me dropping to 129 but no lower as she thinks my body is lean enough.

    I currently eat 1,500-1,800 a day and am training for a 10k in June and a half marathon in November. (I would have laughed at you if you told me in December I was going to run even a half mile in 2016).

    Wow, amazing job! I will see how this week goes and if I lost too much weight I will increase my calories to 1,600-1,700 calories.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    mg2012 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    mg2012 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I lost 27 pounds last year for my wedding and unfortunately gained 10-12 pounds back...thorough good old fashion binge eating. I actually got down to 126 pounds and was losing weight while consuming 2,000 calories a day, but then I started to binge again ( it is something I have been struggling with my whole life). The good thing is that I never gave up exercising while eating poorly.

    I am back on track and I am looking to get back to being 125-130 pounds again and I was wondering if some of you who have similar body stats to mine would be willing to share your caloric allowance for the day and exercise plan? I currently eat between 1400-1600 calories a day and workout 5-6 days a week (spinning 5 days a week and doing bootcamp in the morning 3 days a week).

    What are you doing to address your binge eating? I found cognitive behavioral techniques useful, as well as self-soothing with exercise rather than food.

    Hi there, exercise does not seem to help me ( if anything it prevents me to ballooning up to 200 pounds). I have done therapy and the only thing that seems to work for me is completely eliminating sugar and specifically chocolate from my diet. Seriously, if I even have one piece of chocolate it completely sets me off. I rarely eat out and I eat pretty healthy food, but I also have a problem spacing my meals out, I would rather consume all of my calories until 2pm, and I don't think it is very good. I also work and go to school from home so I find that being outside the house prevents me from eating all of my calories by 2-3pm.

    If you eat all your calories by 2-3 PM, and then aren't hungry for the rest of the day, that's fine and is a variation of intermittent fasting.

    But if you are ravenous later, having a limited eating window isn't for you. If that's the case, maybe you're not eating foods that satiate you? Please change your Diary Sharing settings to Public:
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    Hello! We have similar stats. I'm 5'4.5 and my starting weight was 140. I got down to 132 the last time I used MFP, but I kinda fell off the wagon because life. I restarted at 138 three weeks ago, and I've dropped to 135-136 in that time. I have my calorie goal set to 1300, since I'm sedentary (desk job). The amount of exercise I do fluctuates each week, so I find it easier to add it back in manually, and eat back however many exercise calories I feel like I need. For exercise, I try to run 3 times per week (5-7K per run). I also do the 30 Day Shred a couple times per week.

    This is working for me so far. (Granted, it's only been a few weeks... Hopefully it continues!) My goal is to get down to 120-125, then focus more on weight training to build some muscle.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Yes! I'm 5'3 and about 145 lbs. I was going to aim for 1,400 cals, but this week I've been hovering around 1,500. I'm a little shorter, plus I know I can't weigh every little thing I eat so I'm allowing some room for error which is why I'm only aiming for 1,400-1,500.
    I've started working out five days a week - two days heavy lifting, two days treadmill for one hour, one day walking - but it is a LONG walk - I'm up to 11 miles, I burn over 1,000 calories per my heart rate monitor. I'm training for a three-day walk that comes up in October.
  • fit4itall
    fit4itall Posts: 101 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 5'4.75, losing between 15-20 more lbs.
  • Rawr619
    Rawr619 Posts: 82 Member
    I am 5'5 and started at 164 last fall. Got down to 132, then fell off tracking and eating right. I got up to 141 and just started back with myfitnesspal this week. I currently weigh 139 and am hoping to get to 115-120 lbs. I just started full time grad school while working full time so I hope not to fall away from eating healthy again!
  • MelissaLimeKiwi
    MelissaLimeKiwi Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 5'3 and started at 146. Currently at 130 and headed to 120. My diary is open.
  • veliia
    veliia Posts: 70 Member
    Wow u lost 40+lbs in less than 6 months? Congratulations :)
    FatMomRun wrote: »
    5'3.5" I was at 178.7 pounds in December, just weighted in at my doctors appointment this morning at 132.8. :-). My doctor says she will support me dropping to 129 but no lower as she thinks my body is lean enough.

    I currently eat 1,500-1,800 a day and am training for a 10k in June and a half marathon in November. (I would have laughed at you if you told me in December I was going to run even a half mile in 2016).

  • NikkiMichelleS
    NikkiMichelleS Posts: 897 Member
    Same here (mostly). Currently around 145-146; 5'3". 5 (have to add that half inch!)

    My goal is to get to 140 and see how I feel with it. May want to drop into the 130's, not sure yet.
    I mostly do cardio, running, for exercise. I haven't been able to stick to a strength training routine; I've started & fell off couple times.
    I have cals set to 1421, but eat back some exercise calories. On PMS days or those "I'm ravenous" days that pop up, I don't mind upping my calories to 1600-1800, sometimes even more.
    I definitely have been losing slowly because of these things, but still feel good. Got serious with counting & exercise late summer/fall and have lost 30+. I've started really pushing these past couple weeks & weight has dropped quicker.
  • courtniekrebs
    courtniekrebs Posts: 79 Member
    5 4 and weight 148. Trying to get down around 120 range and start training for bikini competitions. I eat 1200 to 1400 calories a day and doing LCHF