It's my thyroid....



  • beckbop
    beckbop Posts: 75
    i dont think its realistic to blame weight gain on the meds/thyroid. before i got on my medication for my underactive thyroid i was a fairly normaly size 10 (UK) and since taking them i have went up another 2 to 3 sizes? even though i eat a smaller amount than i used to, so yes i would blame the medication on weight gain.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Since you've just had it checked and it sounds like you haven't talked to your doctor yet, please make sure you write down ALL these questions- and ask him to explain it all to you as clearly as possible.
    He is the one who can best answer them for you.

    I imagine everyone's case is different- just as high blood pressure.

    I am on synthroid, a rather low dose- been on it for about a year. The thyroid controls SO MANY facets of the body, and sometimes it can regulate itself once again after being on a hormone replacement- that will depend on WHY it got screwed up in the first place- it may be pregnancy triggered it but not sure anyone can answer that either.

    Whether the weight gain caused it, not sure you can know that either.
    But doing all that you can do- what is in YOUR power to do- keeping track of your food intake, eating a well-balanced diet, getting adequate exercise, and drinking the am't of water your body requires can ONLY HELP- even if your metabolism might be sluggish.

    And, be patient- sometimes it takes a while to get the right dosage- it's one medication that comes in so many increments, that it's easy to "tweak" to get your balance right where it needs to be- THAT will be up to you to be vocal about- most doctors are happy with "close enough". My suggestion is to go for the generic ( some places are only $4)
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    keep in mind its not impossible, my mother in law has underactive thyroid as well and she lost lots of weight.

    Exactly! Between my 2 and 3rd child I lost 65 lbs on my own with healthy eating and going to gym, and now Ive lost 34 lbs this time around and still going, I think we have to try a little harder but its still possible
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hi, I've had hypothyroidism for 11 years. It was also discovered after I gained 40lbs in a year. Starting the pill, I didn't lose any weight. I think this is due to the fact that I was overweight because of my sedentary lifestyle.

    This is what you can expect:

    *your Dr will probably prescribe you T4/levothyrox/or whatever is called where you live. This is a hormone. For some people, finding the right dosage is tricky, for others -like me- it is not. Other people swear by taking T3 instead of T4, but I couldn't explain the difference to you. Maybe you can ask your Dr, but I'm pretty sure most doctors prescribe T4. This is a controversial subject, from what I've read.

    *You'll have check-ups every 6 months, to see if the dosage needs to be adjusted.

    *I found it beneficial to be aware of the symptoms of it, so if you go back to feeling low energy, for example, you can talk to your Dr, get tested and the dosage changed.

    Good luck!
  • Liss_79
    Liss_79 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there,

    I also have thyroid probs since having my son last May. It was picked up quite quickly - probably around Julyish? The doc put me on Synthroid and I think it's working. My levels are coming back pretty normal now.

    Unfortunately for me, I have not lost any weight since I have been taking my synthroid. I take it every day and nuttin. :(

    Also, my doc pretty much said that it was permanent thing. I want to talk to him though cause I did read that it may be a post-partum thing that MAY clear up. But he was doubtful.

    I hope everything works out well for you!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I don't have thyroid problems but I just wanted to say best of luck to you. Be sure you discuss all your questions with your doctor before starting the meds :)
  • lynnellis2010
    lynnellis2010 Posts: 3 Member
    I think the best advice is to write down all your questions and take them to your endocrinologist. I have an almost non-existent thyroid and have to take 250mgs a TSH level was in the 200's when I was diagnosed and my PCP was surprised I had not already gone into heart failure. As diseases go it isnt such a bad lil disease to have in the world of chronic diseases today just annoying. You take a pill a day and you are ok if you dont take the pill you will eventually suffer the symptoms. The weight thing bothers me but I just keep pluggin along. As long as you live a healthy life and eat properly the weight will come off ( I am here on this site to practice what I preach). Again just talk with your doctor and he can help you with maintenance. Have a great day!
  • greatdaneaddict
    greatdaneaddict Posts: 30 Member
    sometimes it takes a while to get the right dosage- it's one medication that comes in so many increments, that it's easy to "tweak" to get your balance right where it needs to be- THAT will be up to you to be vocal about- most doctors are happy with "close enough". My suggestion is to go for the generic ( some places are only $4)

    Just a note, that there are a few different options as far as medications are concerned. Synthetic (Synthroid) is not your only option.
  • Jamiemielke
    Jamiemielke Posts: 40 Member
    Hi..I was diagnosed about 1.5 years ago with Hypothyroidism,,my number was 104.8..Crazy huh??...Anyways I did not drop weight like crazy..I also heard that too, but it didnt work for me..however it did level my numbers out which then makes you feel way better,and will make you want to try to lose weight,..But now since I have lost over 50 pounds I have gone into hyper, which isnt fun either..Hairloss, and insomnia..So I did get my meds adjusted and am waiting to feel better again..When I was diagnosed I asked if it was permanent too. My doc said yes..But we will see..I am hoping my weightloss will help..Good luck to u!
