Tib-Fib Fracture

Krismarie247 Posts: 19 Member
edited May 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm not new here, but getting started again. The difference this time is I'm still recovering from a broken leg.

I had spiral fractures of my tibia and fibula in December 2015, and had surgery that same night. I had a rod and screws placed down my tibia, and was non-weight wearing for almost 8 weeks. I never needed a cast or even a boot, but had a setback when the surgical incision on my knee was ripped open just after I started bearing weight. I wasn't able to bend my leg for 10 days until that healed up a bit (needed 9 stitches).

At any rate, I'm walking now, but still have pain and a bit of a limp. My doctor has cleared me to do any activity I want, but I'm hesitant. (My favorite activities are rock climbing and skating, and I'm just not ready to go there yet).

I'm wondering if you had this injury (or something similar), and if so, how long did it take until you were fully back to normal? Or did you even get back to normal? Do you still have pain? Just curious about others' experiences.



  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    I broke tib-fib and also have a rod with screws in from my ankle to me knee. I didnt have any issues though after the surgery. Thats sucks about the rip in the knee. I broke mine riding motocross and was back out riding within 6 weeks after the surgery even though the bone didnt completely fuse back together the rod was enough support to be able to walk on it and do activities. For years after i did have some pain in my leg. Not so much at the knee where they opened me up and put in the rod but where the screws were at different points on the Tibia. Running and just high impact leg activities made the leg hurt for years. Its been over 10 years now and i have zero pain anywhere in my leg and can do any king of high impact activity now.
  • Krismarie247
    Krismarie247 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm impressed you were back riding within 6 weeks! It's good to hear someone got to the point there was no pain even with high-impact activities. I'm the same way with the pain - it's mostly in my lower leg where the fracture was, not in my knee so much. Thanks for sharing!