
I need tips or thoughts please.
Here is my issue. I eat healthy all day. Balanced, exersize and I feel great. But every day around dinner (about 5-7 for me) I binge eat a large dinner and I normally don't stop until I go to sleep! This has been since I have been a teen. It is very hard for me not to eat non stop during that time!
Help please! Feeling defeated


  • jamesshute3
    jamesshute3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi steph, i am no personal trainer and have only been going to the gym for only the last year but have always had a keen interest in nutrition for a lot longer. The first thing i would say is that if you are a healthy weight and your exercising regularly then dont worry about it, bedtime and through the night is the optimum time for your body to repair, not just from excersing but from day to day activitys and running around, this doesnt even have to mean giving your body clean calories, your body just needs fuel and downtime!!
    If you do feel like it is effecting your lifestyle and weight then try and a decent snack in at about 3:30 ish something that can be made up the night before and left in the fridge like oats with berries and greek yoghurt with honey refined sugars and low gi carbs introducing this in your diet every day should start to help you feel more sustained for a lot longer and reduce the snacking in the evening. I usually havemy dinner about 6 then about 9 have oats with berries peanut butter and proteign powder to fill me up before bed. I hope this helps a little james.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Plan your meals and prelog, don't eat too little early in the day, and don't go back for seconds.
  • stephede15
    stephede15 Posts: 6 Member
    I like the prelog idea. Thanks I'm going to try that :)
  • e92girl
    e92girl Posts: 2 Member
    Try to binge in healthy food at lunch noon and eat again around 3pm by dinner time you'll be full. Mix in a protein shake but watch calorie intake. Logging what you eat will make you feel bad and disgusted at how much you eat and will help you control your portion. Or start working out an hour after dinner or find activity to do besides having access to food and not being active after dinner. You said it yourself, "defeated" by food. Your life is controlled by food, train your brain to conquer food and anything else in your life. You have the control, no one else. I had same problem after dinner and I gained 15 lbs, horrible. Tough love! Be undefeated!
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I get really hungry at night, but I'm not a fan of eating much until the afternoon. So I go really light during the early part of the day and plan really filling dinners. I find steamed veggies fill in the gaps really nicely as far as feeling full with dinner as well. I do up to three cups steamed broccoli, for instance, and I eat that before I start anything else on my plate. Helps A LOT.

    Another trick if you're still feeling hungry after your planned dinner...promise yourself that you'll wait a half hour before eating any more. Your hunger signals will have stopped by then.
  • stephede15
    stephede15 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you. I think you are on to something. There has always been information pushing eat lots during day and less at night. But I recently read an article that said if you naturally feel hungrier in the evening, don't eat a ton during the day because no matter how much you eat during the day, if you are a night eater.. You will still eat regarless in the evening.
    I think I will try this as I find I am forcing myself to eat breakfast.
    Thanks for the reply :)