
Hi all! Had some blood test come back bad and Doctor said "change your life or die." I thought I would try for the former so for the last week I have basically been eating like a rabbit. My question is about the nutrition charts and the goals, for example for today my vitamin C "goal" is 100. I am currently at 430 or -330% is this bad? I can see where going over on certain things would be bad. I'm new to trying to eat healthy, this app, and this forum so all thoughts are welcome. Thanks in advance.


  • timbushmire114
    timbushmire114 Posts: 8 Member
    Fruits and Vegetables, FRESH or quality frozen such as Stahlbush farms and good protein - chicken, fish, turkey and occasional red meat. Read everything about good food that you can get your hands on,( In defense of food, The organics cook bible, nourishing broth), just to name a few. If you don't make it at home with fresh, pronounceable ingredients, don't eat it.
  • pmason79
    pmason79 Posts: 93 Member
    If you don't make it at home with fresh, pronounceable ingredients, don't eat it.

    Excellent advice. Try not to get to bogged down in those sorts of details at the moment. The above advice is how we used to roll back in the day (and I mean way back) before the golden arches.

    Stick around and read, you'll get there. I look forward to seeing your progress.

    All the best
