5'7" man 215lbs looking for what works for similar body type

If you are a guy that is about 5'7" and started around 215-225 lbs, then I want to know what worked or is working for you. I have a hard time finding something that works. I find myself just doing cardio, because I have little to no upper body strength. I'm trying to change that. But I would like to know what you did to lose 30-60 lbs (anything from diet to exercise and back).


  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    many programs will work if you stay with them. I have tried many and my best ones are the Beachbody programs. I love p90X and power 90. I am a beachbody coach.. But only after i became a believer of there programs and nutrition.

    Just keep bringing It 100%
    Make the right choices and the results will follow!
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    You are in luck, I'm 5'9 and I started at the same weight 215. What works best for me (especially for the last 2 months) has been cross training. I switch exercises every day:

    Treadmill - Run for 15 minutes, I start at a comfortable pace then every 2 and half minutes I add .5 on speed.
    Ride a bicycle for 40 minutes or Elliptical for 20 minutes. Switch with all of this every other day.
    Strength training
    Sit ups- 3 sets, first set 35 - 30 - 25
    Pushups- 3 sets, first set 35 - 30 – 25
    Quads machine - 3 sets, first set 20 – 20 – 20 with 50lbs weight

    You can change all of this to fit your own strength and pace. And of course a good diet. I hope this helps you out.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    If I were a young dude with muscle to build and some fat to lose, I'd do P90X in a heartbeat and gradually learn to eat clean. I know this flies in the face of my usual, but honestly. If I were young, in relatively good health and could do it over, P90X would be my choice. If I'm ever in good enough condition to do it, I will. You read it here.

  • yapyap23
    yapyap23 Posts: 8
    I'm 5'7" and started at 240 lbs. I'm now at 225 lbs and plan to get down to 180 lbs as well. What works for me is counting calories and lifting heavy. I do cardio but its not as important as lifting weights and counting calories. You should lift weights, its fine if you cant lift as much weight as the rest of the guys.
  • jonco
    jonco Posts: 17 Member
    I am also 5'7" and I started at 241 lbs. I lost to 200 then went back up to 227 through laziness and lack of discipline. I'm now at 196.

    I started off by counting calories and using cardio DVDs. However, I got tired of the same DVDs every day, so I bought a stationary bike that I ride each morning while watching TV. Since I joined MFP, I have been religious about entering my calories every day. I've heard it said that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I don't restrict myself from any food, as long as I have the calories to use.

    I've also heard some people swear by losing the weight first and then working on building up muscles. And there are people that say you should do it at the same time. Right now, I'm focused on cardio and getting the excess pounds off. I'll deal with strength training a little later.

    I feel like I've rambled a little bit. I know how hard this is. A lot of us here do. I hope I've helped you, and feel free to add me as a friend if you want more motivation. Good luck.
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    P90X/Insanity are all good programs, but wouldn’t recommend it right away. I think is best to start at your own pace and build confidence in yourself. Once you get used to working out and want to challenge yourself is when you should look into this type of programs.
  • buchajo
    buchajo Posts: 2
    Well, I'm the same height as you - and I'm 32 years old. I was 208 just a couple of months ago. I'm now down to 182. I don't believe in diets because I don't think they're sustainable for the long term. My goal was originally just to lose 10 pounds but what I'm doing is working so well that I'm fast closing in on 30 pounds lost. I've tried to eat a lot of the same food I've always eaten but in much smaller portions now. The first thing I did was kick the once/day Starbucks latte habit. That bought me 200-300 calories/day. No more alcohol or soda either. No sweets.

    Then I amped up the exercise. First a mile of walking/day. Then two. Then four. Now I'm between six and ten miles/day of walking - at a rate of 4 mph. I got my bike ready to go today and I'm going to start biking a few miles/day too. Right now I'm exercising something like 2 hours/day. I don't plan to do that for the rest of my life. I'm just doing that now because I want to get down to my desired weight as soon as possible and I'm willing to work hard and go all out for it. I've been positive from the start and I know I will accomplish my goal. I'm incredibly motivated and determined to win this battle. My confidence has continued to build the more I've continued to lose weight. I can do this and I will. I'm not trying to be some big athlete or train for a marathon. I've found what works for me - and I love walking - and so that's what I do. To the person that brags about being able to run a 6 minute mile I would ask them why I should care. If I walk 6 miles/day at the rate I am I'm burning a heck of a lot of calories. With adding biking to the equation it means more calories burned.

    Like I've said I try to eat fairly normal food. Heck, I even went out for Mexican food tonight but was cautious on the portion control. I do try to eat fairly light most days though but I don't starve myself. I've added a lot of fruit and vegetables to my diet. Right now I would say I'm taking in 1000 - 1200 calories/day on 'most' days. A bowl of fiber-rich cereal with fruit in the morning. A light turkey sandwich at lunch. More fruit and/or veggies for the mid-morning/mid-afternoon snacks. And then for dinner anything that my wife happens to be making - unless it's something crazy outrageous like pizza or something. And 1/2 - 3/4 gallon of water every day. Maybe some would say I'm starving myself. They are entitled to their opinion. If I don't feel hungry though then I'm not going to eat. I used to eat constantly - sometimes out of sheer boredom. But, now I live to exercise not eat. It's a completely different train of thought. I'm hoping to be down to my target weight (165) in the next 6-8 weeks.

    If you're not continuing to lose weight I would say to you that you either need to take in less food calories and/or ramp up the exercise even more so you're burning more calories. Good luck! It's a very rewarding journey!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    lots of walking and yoga for me. I would run and do more intense forms of resistance, but i've too many old injuries. Diet -- eliminate processed sugar, white flour and starchy food from your diet -- thats a good place to begin and start out easy with whatever exercise you decide to do.
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    lots of walking and yoga for me.......Diet -- eliminate processed sugar, white flour and starchy food from your diet -- thats a good place to begin and start out easy with whatever exercise you decide to do.

    Yup, what he said.

    I'm 5'8" SW:234 CW:153 GW:149

    Your success in getting to your goal weight will come from you putting 80% of your time, energy, and discipline into the food you eat and 20% into what type of exercise you do.

    Kick absolute butt on eating a perfect diet, then just do something active 5 or 6 times a week and you'll hit your goal straight away. This formula, and just about only this formula, will continue to work once you make your goal weight and try to maintain.

    BTW; Yoga is great, and I bike and jog.