New on June 6 and now I'm prego! - anyone else?

I began MFP on 6/6/11 all fired up and excited about this site! It really motivated me to eat right and exercise and was looking forward to meeting my diet and exercise goals. I was on a mission to lose my pregnancy weight plus some from my first baby born in May 2009. On 6/16 I found out I am pregnant with #2 (hooray!) and today is the first time I've logged in since then. Is there anyone else pregnant using this site? I know ultimately I need to seek Dr's advice (appt is on Friday) but I'm too anxious to wait til then. I have a history of gestational diabetes and want to nip it in the butt from the get go as much as I can with diet and exercise. BUT I have been feeling AWEFUL with morning sickness 24/7. All I want to do is sleep. Any suggestions for healthy pick me ups? I have to be careful with my carb intake and of course that's ALL I want to eat IF I feel like eating at all. I want to continue using MFP to monitor my diet but even the thought of logging my food makes me want to barf! My current calorie allowance is based on losing 1 lb a week which I'm sure the Dr. will tell me no, no. Any ideas what a healthy calorie intake is for someone pregnant who would like to maintain as much as possible and not pack on the pounds?! I'm hoping this pregnancy is different in that it doesn't knock me out for the next 7-8 months!

Thank you for any positive feedback/suggestions!


  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    First off, congrats on #2!!!!! We'll hopefully be in the same boat in a few months :-)

    Second, there's an awesome website I used to track food and exercise during my pregnancy called It has an awesome program tailored for women who want to maintain a healthy weight while pregnant. Also, they have great message boards you can join with all the other women due the same month as you! I know MFP can still help during pregnancy, and I myself will stick around here then, too. But babyfit is specifically designed for pregnant women.
  • SlimmerSteph
    SlimmerSteph Posts: 19 Member
    Awesome! Thanks so much, I'll be checking it out!
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member

    Look into a book called, Eat Clean, By Tosca Reno It was really helpful for me. I shifted my focus from diet to healthy.