Anyone else dealing with depression while trying to lose weight?



  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    @kcongel90 constant battle with this. I keep just putting one foot in front of the other. More bad than good, but I look to the success stories, motivation and support, and I also look up things/quotes on pinterest/self-esteem/self-help, etc. on the internet. It does help!!
  • sakat726
    sakat726 Posts: 20 Member
    Clinical depression and anxiety for about 5 years now. My weight is up 30 lb since it really started! I had one other major depressive episode before this one, and what saved my was my bike... Hundreds of miles with a group of other riders and on my own. I was in the. Set shape ever! But then life changed, I moved and got a job and got married, and the depression is back. And the weight is new. And I'm trying to spend the time on the bike again, but having a hard time with job and family. You're not alone! We can do this.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I'm finding myself in that hopeless place too, after yet another weekend of failing to log or to even be remotely mindful of my choices. My husband reminds me that together we are making good changes, our dinners together have gotten less carb heavy and including more veggies. We buy less junk over all.

    At times, I just can't get passed all this awfulness I have done to myself. How can I be to blame yet feel powerless at the same time? How can I be proud of 5lbs lost when I've gained 50? I followed my plan today and will all week, I'm sure, because I did it last week. But I just don't see how I can do this for life, every time I turn around (or at least every weekend) I undo all my hard work. It ends up feeling so fruitless, that all the math and all the steps and and small exercise I manage is just utterly useless in the face of how far I have to go. Even if I lose every ounce of fat I have put on myself, I won't be happy with myself or my body. I will still nitpick, maybe my clothes will fit but I will still dislike what I see. So it feels like, sure I can eat less perpetually and occasionally exercise but nothing will really change.
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Yep!! I suffer from severe post pardum depression. I gained 100lb with my last pregnancy and I spiraled into a really bad place in my life. Faking the smile, crying that you have to get out of bed, eating as the only thing that made me feel "good", guilt BC I hate the way I look and feel, only making me eat more. Trying 10 different meds only to find that id rather feel bad then numb. It's been 2 1/2 years and I'm finally getting ready to find myself again. You are definitely not alone. I truly wish you the best of luck. And getting started is the hardest part. I just tell myself I'll only do small steps, like just walking a half mile, and once I start the endorphins do their job and I just get through it and every day I start to enjoy the exercise more and more.
  • wrrly
    wrrly Posts: 26 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm going through a cycle of depression right now, I spiraled over the weekend. My husband is diagnosed with depression (on medication for it) and was there to help me through it. Looking back, I went through a similar bought 7 to 8 years ago when I'd lost 80 pounds. My depression makes me want to control everything (let's toss some OCD in there), especially what I eat which is *great* when losing weight, but makes me miserable while going through it. It makes me not want to eat and smoke too much. Whee.

    But - for me - there seems to be a correlation between my depression and weight loss. I've been on this weight loss journey for over a year and have more weight to lose. However, I cannot keep going on like this. ::sighs:: Right now I'm focusing on the small things and talking to a counselor, perhaps getting myself on some meds. As with everything in life.. baby steps.

    Hugs to those who are going through something similar. You are not alone.
  • missuswells
    missuswells Posts: 35 Member
    Like everyone else has said, you're not alone. I have bipolar disorder and GAD, as well as severe physical illness. The physical pain makes exercise incredibly difficult. Sometimes i feel totally stuck and helpless.
  • erikwwikstrom
    erikwwikstrom Posts: 20 Member
    Oh yeah. Absolutely. I didn't read through all of the replies, but I'm sure that you really do know that the "dream job" is not the solution. Only the daily slog, looking at each temptation and saying, "Not this time. Maybe later I'll drive through Burger King, but right now I'll pass it up." Not easy. Not always even possible. But then there's always the next temptation. (There may well always be a temptation.) As I hope all these replies indicate, none of us is alone with this.
  • mlkb13
    mlkb13 Posts: 11 Member
    I think I may be struggling with bouts of it.