SUGAR - The culprit!

Is anyone else watching their sugar intake? I've been tracking my sugar like a bloodhound and have noticed significant losses (approx 2 lbs a week) and other changes - such as sleeping better, MORE energy (if you could believe that? and I generally don't feel like crap anymore.

Anyone else have these experiences?


  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    I have bee eating low sugar for month now. The other day I went significantly over my sugar limit and felt like crap. It felt like I swallowed a huge rock and it couldn't be digested. I guess it has to do with the sudden insulin spike. Don't know.
  • pdm3547
    pdm3547 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Are you restricting all carbohydrates? And if just "sugar", are you specifically referring to sucrose, fructose or glucose?
    I ask because your body converts most carbs into glucose and stores it in the muscles or liver. Fruit contains high levels of fructose, and I wouldn't advocate cutting down on that.
    Do you mean just table sugar? This is sucrose.
  • LAC73167
    LAC73167 Posts: 114 Member
    I have bee eating low sugar for month now. The other day I went significantly over my sugar limit and felt like crap. It felt like I swallowed a huge rock and it couldn't be digested. I guess it has to do with the sudden insulin spike. Don't know.

    Sugar makes you produce more insulin which throws your entire body into defense mode. I feel fab since I lowered my sugar - (it takes me 5 hours to grocery shop now (HAHA) but I read EVERY label and I must know 100 different names they use on labels to disguise the sugar in the ingredients.

    Good luck to you!! Feel free to add me. I love to have others following the same path to compare diaries and chat with.
  • LAC73167
    LAC73167 Posts: 114 Member
    edited May 2016
    pdm3547 wrote: »
    Are you restricting all carbohydrates? And if just "sugar", are you specifically referring to sucrose, fructose or glucose?
    I ask because your body converts most carbs into glucose and stores it in the muscles or liver. Fruit contains high levels of fructose, and I wouldn't advocate cutting down on that.
    Do you mean just table sugar? This is sucrose.

    Hi, No way!! I love my carbs -in Moderation :) 50% (150g) of my calories are consumed in carbs. I'm no nutritionist, and this has been trial and error - but where I am at now is working for me.

    Edited to add: I have cut my fruit intake drastically - but have not eliminated it. I eat tons of organic veggies and grass fed meats - I defiantly don't add table sugar to anything. I don't ingest anything bottled/canned or boxed and if I do- I read the heck out of that label and if there is added sugar, I don't get it.

    This may not work for everyone -but gosh darn it, Its working for me :)
    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    Yes, I've greatly reduced the sugar in my meals & snacks. Right now in the fridge, I have cherries--- they're delicious but I won't eat simple carbs and rarely eat processed foods. Saying goodbye to sugar has been a huge help overall.
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    Is anyone else watching their sugar intake? I've been tracking my sugar like a bloodhound and have noticed significant losses (approx 2 lbs a week) and other changes - such as sleeping better, MORE energy (if you could believe that? and I generally don't feel like crap anymore.

    Anyone else have these experiences?

    There's a million threads about this already-you can use the search function to find them (though many of the threads end up getting locked).
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Sugar was "the culprit" when I was eating ridiculous quantities of it. And I maintain that it is devilish in that it's possible for me to consume ridiculous quantities. Everything else fills me up before I can hit ridiculous. But in small quantities (comparatively small to me, often deemed moderate to others), I seem to be doing just fine with it. I tend to feel a little hungrier again when I go over my MFP sugar goals (but not over in calories), but I rarely do anymore.
  • LAC73167
    LAC73167 Posts: 114 Member
    Is anyone else watching their sugar intake? I've been tracking my sugar like a bloodhound and have noticed significant losses (approx 2 lbs a week) and other changes - such as sleeping better, MORE energy (if you could believe that? and I generally don't feel like crap anymore.

    Anyone else have these experiences?

    There's a million threads about this already-you can use the search function to find them (though many of the threads end up getting locked).

    I didnt realize that. I don't post much. Thanks
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    edited May 2016
    Is anyone else watching their sugar intake? I've been tracking my sugar like a bloodhound and have noticed significant losses (approx 2 lbs a week) and other changes - such as sleeping better, MORE energy (if you could believe that? and I generally don't feel like crap anymore.

    Anyone else have these experiences?

    There's a million threads about this already-you can use the search function to find them (though many of the threads end up getting locked).

    I didnt realize that. I don't post much. Thanks

    No problem. Sugar is the current 'bad guy' in the dieting market, so sugar is one of the more popular topics right now on MFP. You're going to pretty much get the same people jumping in, and will get the same arguments, so it might save you some time to just browse through those threads :)
  • LAC73167
    LAC73167 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks for the heads up!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Nope. Cutting calories is what causes the weight loss, not cutting "sugar".

    By the way-fruit and veggies also contain sugar.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    No. I don't have any medical problems or allergies over sugar. If it works for you, good. :)
  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Nope. Cutting calories is what causes the weight loss, not cutting "sugar".

    By the way-fruit and veggies also contain sugar.

    This is true and should be understood but it's also true that sugar is a weak point for many people, that it is rediculosly easy to sink your goals with sugar and lastly entirely apart from calorie count, many people find that reducing sugar intake noticably improves their general sens of well being.

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Too many calories, the culprit!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Nope. Cutting calories is what causes the weight loss, not cutting "sugar".

    By the way-fruit and veggies also contain sugar.

  • Chuck1446
    Chuck1446 Posts: 1 Member
    I am watching amount of sugar I eat using Fitness Pal. I was wondering if that number indicates daily added sugar or total sugar. For instance, a soup may have natural ingredients that contain sugar and then also added sugar. You can tell this by reading the ingredients label. I wasn't sure what that sugar number represents in the fitness pal program.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I cut way back on sugar, and my total carbs too since they are converted to glucose (sugar) in the blood. My sugar intake is always belw 10g per day; often belw 5g. I feel so much better eating this way that I have no plans to ever go back to higher sugar or higher carbs.

    Quite honestly, the hardest part about giving up sugar was the anticipation - just thinking about it. Doing it wasn't too hard after a couple of days.

    Glad you are feeling better.