Frustrated. It's just NOT working.



  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    LindseyC87 is right! I started on a well-balanced 1500 calorie/day diet on September 1st and I've lost 45 pounds doing 1 hour of cardio, 3-5 times week. Cardio is what gets the pounds off for me. I've just started the strength training in the last month. Good Luck!
  • nula721
    nula721 Posts: 2
    sorry about your frustations, I hate that too. I do also recommend to increase your calories to at least 1300.
    But do not cut out carbs, they are great for you and you need them when you are working out. Circuit training is great, do not stop lifting those weights, that increases your metabolism and adds muscle. Now people who say you are gaining muscle that is not true. We are women and can not gain muscle like that. Muscle is dense and takes up space, but does not have an effect on the scale. As far as your cardio.. try some intervals.. try one minute of walking and one minute jog. Try that for 10-15 min. and combine that with circuit training and I am sure you will see some results. Good luck to you!!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    It is a matter of calories in and calories out. You need to MEASURE EVERYTHING that passes your lips (not estimate) and have good estimates of your caloric burn (i.e. use a good heart rate monitor). Despite all the anecdotal comments on here that you are not loosing because you have too great a deficit, that has never ever been demonstrated to happen when dietary intake is actually controlled. Even in the Minnesota study where adaptive thermogenesis was first well described, people with caloric deficits continued to lose weight. I would recommend really tracking everything and cutting down your carbs from all sources. You don't have to be draconian, but cut back.

    Good luck.

    this. whenever I see people post about not losing I usually see things like "mostly" "ish" pretty good". Not to be a ***** but unless you are totally positive that you are dead on with your calorie count I would NOT up your food. Get more serious about being sure you know EXACTLY how many calories you are taking in,then if there is still no weight loss up your calories by 100 for a week.

    Yes. I have been tracking everything I eat. I'm a nurse. I'm well-aware of what good nutrition means. And I'm very much controlling my intake and recording everything. I said 1200ish, because MFP recommends 1240, I'm obviously not hitting that to a tee, but I'm around 1200-1260 every day - for the last 4.5 weeks. I'm hesitant to up my cals at this point, but I agree that I can certainly cut carbs. I have stopped eating carbs - refined anyway, as in breads, rices, potatoes - at dinner and later. That change alone should have had some impact. I wish I was screwing up with what I am eating. But, the fact is, the changes in my diet and added exercise have not made the difference yet. I will be checking my BMI and measurements next week (the end of the contest)... til then.. it's only the scale telling me what I'm doing.

    Great, if you know you are right on with your calorie counts then try upping your calories and maybe try zig zagging. I tend to lose easily by just making a few changes and I forget that not everyone does. Sometimes it just takes a while. I can lose in a few days what it takes my best friend weeks to lose. But stick with it, you are doing good things for your body and the results will come.
  • Tiffanyluvsaaron
    I would hang in there a little while longer...sometimes when you add exercise in you can be gaining muscle and as we all know 'muscle ways more than fat' so even though the scale is not showing the numbers going down your clothes might fit looser :D

    keep at it and it will eventually work
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    I agree with the majority of the majority of the suggestions here, it sounds like you may be shorter on calories simply because you're burning quite a bit more during the week than a sedentary person. But check with your personal trainer as well. Many of them start out with a range and see how it works, and if it doesn't they'll adjust it. I also agree that you could be building some muscle now that you've upped your exercise; muscle weighs as much as fat, so you could be trading off.

    I feel your pain though; it's been 6 months for me and I've only lost 10lbs, but people tell me I've lost inches (okay, to be fair, I've measuread myself and I know I've lost inches off my waist, hips, thighs and bust) but it is frustrating to not see the scale move as fast as I thought it would.

    But the main thing is to keep it up. This is a lifestyle change, not just a diet. You will see results, but some of us don't respond as quickly as others. The laws of physics will have to kick in, you're eating better and exercising, the weight will come off!
  • ceeceew
    ceeceew Posts: 21
    Just wanted to update you all. After I posted this, I went to my next weekly weigh in and FINALLY saw 5lbs. Even just seeing SOMETHING has made me happier. THanks for the support!
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    congratulations! Next time you are stuck, remember this and keep on keeping on!
  • evilbanks
    evilbanks Posts: 166
    This is my fifth week of working out with a personal trainer, four times a week. In that time I've been eating a pretty strict, well-balanced 1200ish calorie diet. I have not lost ANY weight. And, I'm about 40-50 lbs over weight. 19 of which I put on in the last 2 years.

    I'm eating natural foods. Lots of fruits and veggies. Protein, good fats, whole grains.. all the right things.

    I'm working out 45 mins 4x a weeks, and usually at least a 15-20 minute cardio warm up before (treadmill run at 4.0-4.5). Before this I hadn't really exercised in a long time. So I would have thought that the weight would come off. But I'm not seeing any results.

    5'7" 205lbs

    Do you guys have any suggestions?

    Why not tack on an extra 15 minutes to each workout? You would work out for an extra hour every week which would obviously cause you to burn more weekly calories. Just an idea.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Lots of good suggestions. If the scale hasn't moved in that long, your body has regulated to your 1240 calories. You need to shake up your metabolism. When I plateaued for a few weeks, I started zig-zagging (calorie cycling). can set it up for you based on your stats. That worked for me. Lost 3lbs. in a week, after the scale not budging for 2-3 weeks. Some people say that even taking just a couple days off and not recording, and going over your values by a couple hundred calories can do the trick (same principle as zig-zagging). Worth a shot in my opinion. I also feel that 1200 is not enough for someone who works out as much as you. There's no "standard" one-size-fits-all number. You have to play around w/ what works for your body. Try setting it at 1lb/week instead of 2/lbs. You really have to eat back most exercise calories to rebuild muscle, and fuel your body properly. Hang in there, the pounds will start to come off.
  • Hodar
    Hodar Posts: 338 Member
    Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) has you at 1,687 calories/day.

    This is what it takes to keep you at 98.6F; if you were in a coma. You are probably in the 98.6F range; but I'll wager you aren't in a coma. Now, add to this the fact that you are working out like a mad-woman ...

    The golden rule is to eat most of your exercise calories back - which you don't appear to be doing. So, your calorie deficit is likely in the 800 calorie range. You are fighting your body.

    Eat your 1,687 calories, PLUS most of the exercise calories back. The MFP goal is based on a 3,000 calorie/week deficit; which is a comfortable 1 lb per week loss.

    Hope this helps.
  • ritafay2011
    up your cals /up your carbs...don't eat @ 8 in the evening ...have crystal light!!!!!!!!!!!!///h20...Don't forget that breakfast will boost your "M" 25 percent more than if not having breakfast!!!!!...snack on grapes and nuts about 5 every time you feel like hungry!!!!...hope this helps...It works for me,but we all are different!!!! good luck....don't forget the h20 very important won't lose if you don't drink at least 6 glasses a day!!!!!!!!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Eat more for the love of god. You pretty are trying to kill yourself and you wonder why your body won't let you. This does not have to be hard, painfull and difficult.
  • ceeceew
    ceeceew Posts: 21
    Guess I didn't update fully -- I have FINALLY started to lose weight. I added at least 300 cals, so I'm up to 1500+ but i'm not counting as closely. I'm just comfortably eating healthful foods. I'm also drinking more water. Trying to get 3L in per day, especially since it's hot out and I'm working out.

    Long story, short... You guys really helped me out and I feel better about everything over all. I also went to the doctor for a regular physical. With my allergies, I may not be sleeping well/breathing well while sleeping. That can totally kill your fat burning at night. So, I'm hoping on some allergy meds and hoping the combo will help.