Are my goals okay?

I just got back from college which means I can finally get back to trying to lose weight. Last spring I started at 162 and got down to 140 by the end of last summer. I currently weigh 138 and am 5'4".

I used the TDEE calculator on IIFYM and it's telling me I should be eating around 1900 calories a day for fat loss, which I feel like is really high. Last time I was trying to lose I was eating around 1400 a day.

For exercise I rock climb anywhere from 3-6 times a week for 1-3 hours a session and am going to be starting strong lifts 5X5 tomorrow.

I guess I just want to know, is 1900 a day an accurate goal for me? I feel like it's too high and I won't be able to lose. I suppose the only way to find out is to just try this intake for a bit and see what happens, but I want to double check it first.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited May 2016
    It's hard to say. 1900 calories would have me losing weight. I'm 5'4.5 and currently in the low 120's and maintain on 2200-2300 calories. That said I lift 4 days a week and do some form of cardio everyday. I typically aim to have at least 10k steps in a day with my ultimate goal being 12k +. I started recomp not to long ago.
  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    I guess I will just have to try it out for a little bit and see what happens.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    1900 seems right to me !
    Sometimes it takes some trial and error to figure out what your calorie needs are . play around with it and see how it goes. Just be as accurate as possible ( use a food scale for all solids and measuring cup for liquids ) and be consistent . also be patient.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Maybe invest in a food scale and weigh out portions if you aren't already. It can be pretty eye opening. The plus is that it's less clean up then measuring cups and more accurate.
  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    I do have a food scale. It was a huge help last year and I'm continuing to use it this time around.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    stephchadz wrote: »
    I do have a food scale. It was a huge help last year and I'm continuing to use it this time around.

    Good ! Using your scale will help you to be accurate. Its easier to find your calorie sweet spot when your as accurate as possible.
    IMO - 1900 seems about right though. It took me a while to figure out how many calories I needed to lose. Just be patient and be consistent.