
I get headaches and migraines quite a bit ,and when I do I usually take Excedrin Migraine. It seems to be the only thing that works without having to take the serious migraine medication (usually makes me sleepy). I know Excedrin has 65 mg of caffeine per pill. Does anyone know if this have any affect on my weight loss?


  • outwiththeoldinwiththenew
    It shouldn't make a difference.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    It actually makes it easier for me to exercise. Less pain and an energy boost. :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    hmmmm. Don't know. But in other news, when I get a migraine I am so nauseous that I throw up. *Not recommended as a weight-loss strategy*
  • masonmst
    masonmst Posts: 84 Member
    I was told not to take anything for a headache while trying to lose weight, but I dont know why. I didn't ask since I normally don't get headaches. But with the carb cutting I have been getting them quite often in the afternoons. I will ask my PT when I talk to him later, if i find out I will let you know. Sorry I couldn't help.
  • pixxistiks
    pixxistiks Posts: 10 Member
    Other than being a slight appetite suppresant, it shouldn't. It doesn't add anything as far as fat/calories/carbs. However, if you're taking a lot of Excedrine, you may want to talk to a neurologist about one of the preventitive medications, which you can take at night to avoid the sleepiness. Heavy use of over the counter drugs can 1. Make your migraines worse and more frequent, they're called Rebound headaches; from the Mayo Clinic; "if you take over-the-counter or prescription headache medications more than nine days per month or in high doses, you may be setting yourself up for a serious complication known as rebound headaches. Rebound headaches occur when medications not only stop relieving pain, but actually begin to cause headaches. You then use more pain medication, which traps you in a vicious cycle." 2. Cause abdominal problems. Those things can affect you as far as your ability to exercise. Migraines also come with food cravings, in a lot of cases, which can wreck your diet. I've suffered for 15 years, so I have some experience. Good luck!!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Caffeine is a diuretic, and helps get rid of water weight- but you also need to make sure you drink plenty of water, or it has the opposite effect.

    funny you should bring this up- I just am now recovering from a 3 day battle with a migraine...
    I use 100% pure peppermint oil ( applied topically) and even though it takes several re-applications,
    I broke thru it finally.
    This one was b/p related ( and getting back on the right dosage helped too).

    But, I can testify- that I haven't been to the ER in over 5 yrs for an Imitrex shot- I just keep a vial nearby and start "painting" my forehead/temples/back of neck.

    If you want to try it, I suggest using a light carrier oil if you have sensitive skin- it might burn.
    The fumes are intense, so you have to be VERY careful not to get it too close to the eyes- and remove contacts if you wear them.

    You can find it at GNC or other health food stores.
  • spinurbuttoff
    Other than being a slight appetite suppresant, it shouldn't. It doesn't add anything as far as fat/calories/carbs. However, if you're taking a lot of Excedrine, you may want to talk to a neurologist about one of the preventitive medications, which you can take at night to avoid the sleepiness. Heavy use of over the counter drugs can 1. Make your migraines worse and more frequent, they're called Rebound headaches; from the Mayo Clinic; "if you take over-the-counter or prescription headache medications more than nine days per month or in high doses, you may be setting yourself up for a serious complication known as rebound headaches. Rebound headaches occur when medications not only stop relieving pain, but actually begin to cause headaches. You then use more pain medication, which traps you in a vicious cycle." 2. Cause abdominal problems. Those things can affect you as far as your ability to exercise. Migraines also come with food cravings, in a lot of cases, which can wreck your diet. I've suffered for 15 years, so I have some experience. Good luck!!

    I've also suffered for years (14), but I've never worried about it in conjunction with my weight loss until now.
  • spinurbuttoff
    funny you should bring this up- I just am now recovering from a 3 day battle with a migraine...
    I use 100% pure peppermint oil ( applied topically) and even though it takes several re-applications,
    I broke thru it finally.
    This one was b/p related ( and getting back on the right dosage helped too).

    But, I can testify- that I haven't been to the ER in over 5 yrs for an Imitrex shot- I just keep a vial nearby and start "painting" my forehead/temples/back of neck.

    If you want to try it, I suggest using a light carrier oil if you have sensitive skin- it might burn.
    The fumes are intense, so you have to be VERY careful not to get it too close to the eyes- and remove contacts if you wear them.

    You can find it at GNC or other health food stores.

    I will most definitely try it! Thank you!!!
  • pixxistiks
    pixxistiks Posts: 10 Member
    [/quote]I've also suffered for years (14), but I've never worried about it in conjunction with my weight loss until now.

    Mine actually caused my weight gain; they got so bad that any physical activity brought one on. Exercise is a trigger for a lot of sufferers, so if they're chronic, getting them managed is an important step.