Can't seem to loose...what am I doin wrong?

I have tried everything I can possibly think of. I can't seem to loose any weight. I have become so frustrated and stressed out. I feel fat, I look fat, I feel like everyone sees me as fat. I am constantly scruitinizing myself for my weight gain. I know that being unhappy and depressed can add to my problem, but I just can't find the uplift I am looking for.... For every one pound I loose, I gain 3-5 back. I am so frustrated. It has gotten to the point where the weather is hot and humid and I still find myself wearing jeans and sweat shirts because now...I am uncomfortable wearing a t-shirt!!!

I need some insight...please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks/feels like this?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you open your diary people can make suggestion.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I"ve been going through the same problem. I've been on this site for awhile and just cant shake off any weight. Everytime I lose I gain back. It sucks. I'm trying to take out as much processed foods and to work out more. I pretty sure its my lack of workout and the choice of foods I eat. At least thats what I'm hoping. I don't work out everyday so I'm hoping to try and change that. We can do it Don't get discouraged. It took awhile for you to gain and it will take awhile to lose. We just gotta train our bodies!
  • denyse24
    denyse24 Posts: 62
    I am kinda the same the weight no matter how hard I try comes off really slowly , turtle pace even. This site really does help greatly. Althought I do not lose quickly it does come off in 75 days or so have lost 9 pounds , that equals to about 1 pound a wek so at least that will come to 52 pounds a year. Slow but steady wins the race, Don't dispare it will eventually come off just make sure to keep up with MFP and all will work out in the end. Good luck to you
  • vicky_unni
    vicky_unni Posts: 24
    What is that?
  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    What is "everything you can think of"? How often are you exercising? What are you doing for exercise? What are you eating? Are you attempting to crash diet?

    Weight loss is pretty typically simple math. Have you been tracking your calorie intake? Are you taking in less calories than you are burning without eating less than 1200 calories?
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    eat lots of fiber, only whole grains, eat lots of fruits (NOT dried) and veges (but not peas and corn or potatoes) Drink low calorie beverages, but cut out the fake-sugar stuff such as diet sodas. Hopefully this will help...
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    I can relate, I battle with myself on a daily basis about my weight and my lack of motivation. I know I don't have a good view on my self image and I'm working on it, some days are harder than others. Talking about it with friends and family helps me, whenever I go to the gym or go out for a walk I usually try and find someone to go with me (my mom, my sister, my boyfriend, etc., you can probably even find people around you that use MFP that wouldn't mind having a workout buddy) and if I can't find someone I take my music.

    Exercising with someone else or even playing music helps me concentrate on the task/exercise at that moment and I usually exercise longer than just working out by myself. It always going to be a struggle, but I've learned I don't get anywhere if i keep beating myself up, if I cheated or didn't exercise one day then I acknowledge it and make sure tomorrow will be better.

    Good luck to you
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
  • SheaSheaKoolAyd
    SheaSheaKoolAyd Posts: 4 Member
    My personal trainer said that my problem was that I was not eating enough so my body was clinging too all the calories. You MUST eat breakfast, light snack (fruit/nuts/yogurt/veggies), lunch, light snack, dinner.

    Because I work long hours, I dont get home until after 8pm which you should not eat after 8pm. So I only eat lean meats and veggies for dinner (even though it is after 8pm) and I save the carbs/starches for lunch the next day. So my heaviest meal is lunch instead of dinner.

    Stay away from the scale for now as it will deter you and seem as if you are not losing anything. I went from an XL/14-16 to a M or L 11/12. The scale says I gained 4 lbs but my clothes are fitting bigger now to the point where i had to get rid of all of my old jeans and a few shirts.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Honestly lay it all out for us and Yourself. WHAT are you eating? (open your diary) ARE you logging honestly? IS your activity level truly reflective of your job? WHAT is your workout routine currently like? HOW long have you been doing this consistently? DO you have cheat days? IF so how bad do you cheat? ARE you being realistic with your expectations?

    This isnt the first time Ive been on this journy, but its the most Ive ever lost and Im still going
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    why do people ask for help with private diaries?? no one can help unless you actually want them to!

    make sure your eating all your calories; and choosing healhty foods to fill them up; if you excercise be sure you are eating back those calories.

    be sure your drinking the right amount of water for your body weight; 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day; extra cups if you excercise, go over sodium, or drink caffeine.

    Eat low sodium. i personally dont pay much attention to carbs because it makes dieting to difficult for me to watch not only calories but every single other category and not be able to eat foods i enjoy as well.

    scale wont always move; i have weeks of plateau all the time; but just remember eventually it will come off if your eating enough food. If you arent eating enough you wont beable to loose cuz ur in starvation mode.
  • SmileSarah47
    SmileSarah47 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm going through the same thing, but if you really be honest you know what you are doing or not doing. I know I need to get up and get moving more. You also have to look at the things you like about your body I love my booty lol I get compliments on it. Find what you like about yourself and focuss on that. My new motto "What I don't like somebody else does"
  • Runshanrun
    Runshanrun Posts: 21 Member
    I've learned that I have to drinks lots of water, exercise at least five days a week (walking is great) and eat lots of fiber then I don't feel starved and I drop about a pound a week. If i don't exercise I feel starved...exercise cuts my desire to eat and gives me more calories I can consume.

    It also sounds like you could use a little TLC. Dress nicely (that always makes me feel better), do your hair and makeup and then GO SOMEWHERE. The library, the park, the store even and smile at everyone you see! As people smile back your mood will lighten-up instantly!

    You can do this!
  • lbelfrey
    lbelfrey Posts: 63
    Doing my workouts and making the right food coices makes ME feel GOOD. The weight will come off, it's not gonna happen over night. That's the harsh reality of it. When I'm slacking on my workouts and eating unhealthy food I feel so bad about myself. So that's why I'm sticking to this. I don't like feeling bad about myself. Also, try looking up food that HELP your mood and eat more of those foods. When we eat junk it affects our mood BIGTIME!
    Take care!
  • ritafay2011
    we all have our rough times.......just don't give up!!!!!!...h20 it!!!!! and use portion control,but get your cals and carbs....:drinker:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I don't know how long you have been at this, except that you joined here this month. Frankly, you have not given us enough information to help. We need to see your food diary so we can make suggestions on eating changes that might help. We don't know how tall you are, how active you are, how carefully you are measuring your portions or anything.

    My suggestions based on that lack of information are these:

    1) Measure carefully and log every single thing you eat. By measure carefully I am saying get a good kitchen scale (you can find them quite inexpensively at many stores I got mine at Canadian Tire for about $10) Often the problem is people are eating more than they think either due to estimating serving size or thinking that that one candy can't be too many calories. So measure and log everything. At the very least it will confirm the number of calories you are eating.

    2) Drink lots of water. It will help keep you full, keep you from retaining water, and more.

    3) Realize that for some people it takes a while until they start losing weight, but they are losing inches. Break out the measuring tape and start measuring you chest, waist and hips so you can see that even when the scale doesn't move.

    Please open you diary so we can help more.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    If you open your diary people can make suggestion.
  • kobeirn27
    kobeirn27 Posts: 3
    I'm sorry, still new to the site, I didn't know you had to make the diary appologies.

    I have tried everything from weight watchers to cleanses. I'm not gonna lie I love everything that is bad for me. over the last year I have most certainly tried to stop eating/drinking that of which is nothing but crap. My downfall is pop. I know it is probably the worst thing for me.

    I have an extreamly active job. I am lifting and walking all day for 8 hours a day. I always thought that was enough to keep me in the somewhat active regime. How ever, I was talking with the fitness instructor at my work(we are coming up with a fitness plan for myself this week) and he said that yes it is considered being moderatly active however my body is used to the walking for 8 hours and lifting, there for it does not recognize it as "working out".

    I know I am to blame for my eating habits as well as exercise habits, and I guess I figured I would try this site out to see if I could find the motivation I need to push me harder then ever. I have always gotten slack from my parents about my weight and i feel that the nagging is more of a put down rather then a pep talk. So I am open to listen to whatever any one throws my way, because I realize now that I am in a position where if I don't get help i need now then there is no where else to go but down.

    Thank you all for responding!
  • tifgail
    tifgail Posts: 2
    If you constantly tell yourself your fat and ugly tha's how you will look to yourself. Try telling yourself you are beautiful and skinny and you can lose weight. I have found that being positive about the things I am saying to myself helps keep me on track! Also... its ok to cheat once in awhile. Do not feel gulity. You over ate... ah well you will have a better day tomorrow!