Starting my journey

RebeccaCargill Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself

I have had this app for awhile but now I am shooting for the stars and am in need of some accountability!

I am 250 pounds aiming to loose 130 pounds. I have always been heavy and have had such a hard time losing weight. I am trying something new and seeing if accountability pushes me to stay on top of it!

I am doing this to be healthy. Any advice or help you al can pass my way would be so appreciated.


  • munozchavarri22
    munozchavarri22 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm trying to lose 75lb... You Are More Than Welcome To Add me
  • tifflong109
    tifflong109 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey Congrats on the journey! Im in the sane boat as far as always being on the heavier side. I love this app and always turn to it. So far Ive lost 4 lbs with the help of this app, and you can sync this app to another app that is called pact. The app really holds you accountable, you get paid to workout and if not, you get charged, so, to be honest, thats whats keeping me going and sticking with it! I know you can do it! Lets hold eachother accountable
  • JenniferSchaffer1
    JenniferSchaffer1 Posts: 69 Member
    I don't have that much weight to lose. But I did start out very heavy 400 pounds I am down to 210 pounds I had gastric bypass though. I still have about 60 pounds to loose you are more then welcome to add me as a friend . I am very active on this site and post daily.
    Losing weight is not easy we all struggle with ups and down each and every day is different and we all battle are own demons. We just have to give it are best !
  • MrsMacW7
    MrsMacW7 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Rebecca. I too have lots to lose, have managed 12lbs with this app. Please add me
  • crystalldenny
    crystalldenny Posts: 1 Member
    You can add me if you want to :-) I am trying to lose about 70 pounds. And need all the support I can get. I will also be there for support and encouragement. ♡