Your most intense pain ever?

ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
Someone brought up roller derby in H&F, which made me think of skating and reminded me of this.

I had a lot of fun skating...still sometimes daydream about getting new gear...and it also indirectly lead to the most intense pain of my life so far.

And I've known some pain...acute appendicitis, concussions, big gashes that needed stitches, migraine headaches, broken bones (just my nose has been broken at least 3 times IIRC), and labor. I'm sure there are more.

But the worst ever started skating.

I took a hard fall at the rink and my knee swelled up to something between a softball and a grapefruit. I couldn't drive myself home...had to get a ride to an ER.

I called in to work the next day and said I had hurt my knee and couldn't come in. I was told that I had to come in or else (implied I would be fired) and that I just shouldn't climb any ladders. I was 18...older and wiser now, but I went in to work.

I was helping a customer with some patio chairs in one of the sales areas I covered. No memory of what specifically happened. I was helping her then...

Just white...white white pain.

Then I heard a voice saying "shh, shh, shh...stop screaming."

And I thought "Screaming?"

Then "What is that noise?"

"Yeah that is screaming."

"Oh, I'm screaming...guess I should try to stop that."

So so strange...all the circuit breakers tripped. The world gradually came back in to focus.

The obvious conclusion is that I fell on the injured knee, but I seriously do not remember it. I had pain PTSD for around a year after. I couldn't watch violent stuff in movies without empathising with with the pain that would be felt.



  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member
    edited May 2016
    My knee popped out of its socket one time.. then popped back in. I thought I was going to pass out. That's probably the worst I've had.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    edited May 2016
    While skating, figure skating, I was as one doctor put it "wish boned" when I was skating in a line of people holding onto shoulders and one side went faster than the other. I had to finish the session with my had in my pocket because I couldn't support my arm and any time I moved it was crazy pain. I drove people home and then couldn't move my arm the next morning.

    Recently I walked into my kitchen island, broke my baby toe, and had to figure skate the next day for a competition. I went to practice the next morning to make sure I could skate. I couldn't really put weight on that foot so I changed some steps so I could skate. Not sure how I skated really since I couldn't walk on that foot but hey yay for adrenalin and pain killers.

    btw it's now 5 weeks later ( I might have skated for 2 weeks after the initial injury) and finally I think I might be able to put my foot in my skate. I plan on trying it out tonight!
  • TheAwakening22
    TheAwakening22 Posts: 2,409 Member
    My knee popped out of its socket one time.. then popped back in. I thought I was going to pass out. That's probably the worst I've had.

    Same thing here. Playing basketball. I still cringe thinking about it. Pops out every once in a while still. But, none nearly as bad as that first pop.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    My second c-section. I could feel the knife go across my belly and then it felt like my whole mid-section was on fire. I was in tears and kept telling them it hurt so bad. As soon as the baby was out they pumped something into my iv that knocked me out.

    I'm pretty sure they miscalculated something when administering my epidural. I've had 3 c-sections and that was the only one that hurt.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Torsed ovary
  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    I've had the popped knee multiple times, it's great compared to a kidney stone.
  • Panda_brat
    Panda_brat Posts: 291 Member
    About a month ago I have sciatica in both legs. I Was bed ridden for week.
  • pfreeme
    pfreeme Posts: 42 Member
    Optic pregnancy was excruciating, inflamed wisdom tooth had to b pulled while I was 9 mos pregnant could not take pain meds when novacain wore off O M G!. Giving birth! Threw my back out in my 30s was on my back for 2 mos I still have to b carefull. Broke my knee in a bike accident couldnt stand on it excruciating and migraines all in all pretty lucky.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Having a "natural " birth of a child that is 10 lbs 12 oz and his head was 15 1/2 inches, ripped from you with forceps.....That was nearly 17 years ago, I think having an arm ripped off in a freak accident would hurt less.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    pancreatitis was the worst pain I ever had. Started out manageable and then got to a point it felt like someone was just sticking sharp instruments in me and poking around. Luckily it was acute and only really lasted 36 hours.
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    My entire pelvic/sacral/hip region felt like it was made of shards of glass that would grind. I rated the pain 9.5, the chiropractor asked why not 10, I figured I'd pass out at 10. I was afraid to move because of the intensity of the pain, the only position that was bearable was to stand and lean over the counter. I don't know what it's called, I just say "my hips are out". I really hope it never happens again.
  • nitroalley
    nitroalley Posts: 3,599 Member
    First kidney stone. You could have cut me open with a rusty knife.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    Migraines and PCOS.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    bone marrow biopsy. stupid pathologist was new. took an hour and a half to do a 15 minute job. It was made worse by the fact that it was completely unnecessary, but i was basically being held hostage by the fact that the kidney transplant team wouldn't allow me to continue with the donation process if i didn't do it...despite the hematologist (the actual expert in this area) saying my numbers didn't really necessitate a biopsy or aspiration. So it was kind of like...."choose to let yourself be tortured for 6 times the usual length of this procedure even though local anaesthetic has 0% effect on you (something they were well aware of beforehand) and we're not willing to do anything else to mitigate the pain.....oooor go ahead and let Dad die...your call."

    Some people thought I was just being a drama queen, but normally I don't feel pain (like the time I broke a toe and didn't even know it happened until I saw it sticking out perpendicular to my foot and turning fun colors), so the fact that I would absolutely NEVER consent to doing that again even if i DID have a medical issue that would warrant it should say something...I put it in perspective, I did donate my kidney. The general anaesthetic was mildly effective, though they had to use more for my size than usual I think...and I did wake up sooner (and immediately fully with it) than expected in recovery....but other than that I didn't have so much as a tylenol, either in the hospital or afterwards at home. I immediately had no problem sitting up, standing myself up to move from the gurney to the bed while the nurses/orderlies discussed how best to move me. I didn't feel a lick of pain through the whole process and would donate 1000 times over if i had another 1001 kidneys to work with. But i'd rather die than do a bone marrow biopsy again.
  • sindirella21
    sindirella21 Posts: 60 Member
    I've dislocated a shoulder 3 times and had repairitive surgery on it. I've given birth. I've broken a wrist that had to be surgical set. Worst pain ever was a recent uti. Pain so bad I was nauseous, started hyperventilating, bright spots in my vision. Yeah, a uti.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Last year, I had an awful TMJ flare up throughout most of the summer.

    It's a sharp, stabbing pain from the end of my jaw to my inner ear. It would wake me up every night, one night was so bad, I stayed up for a couple of hours desperately trying to do anything to make it stop.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    CooCooPuff wrote: »
    Last year, I had an awful TMJ flare up throughout most of the summer.

    It's a sharp, stabbing pain from the end of my jaw to my inner ear. It would wake me up every night, one night was so bad, I stayed up for a couple of hours desperately trying to do anything to make it stop.

    oy....face pain is the worrrrst. that's one of the only spots I've ever really felt stuff normally. Like dental pain. yowza. I'd probably have lost it if i were you going for so long with that!