Need some encouragement!!

Hi everyone,

I've been off this site for a while, trying other things (that obviously have not worked). So, I',m back and ready to make some healthy changes. I would like to be friends with anyone so we can encourage each other.

Thanks :)


  • pcsd203
    pcsd203 Posts: 16 Member
    I just signed up like 30 minutes ago. I am all for helping others as I know I need the help! Still have to figure out how to add friends! :o
  • centermom71
    centermom71 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm only on day 2 but need some friends to stay motivated and hold my feet to the fire! Not sure how to send friend requests either - gosh that makes me feel old.
  • salyerssommer
    salyerssommer Posts: 110 Member
    Same! Add me, we can keep each other accountable!
    Everyone & Anyone can add me!
  • pcsd203
    pcsd203 Posts: 16 Member
    I guess I am too new. When I click a name I only have the option to message or ignore.