How to quit Planet Fitness..??



  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    "so if I (very likely) quit, what is a good thing to say that she will not 'pry' to find out why..?"

    The truth. Why does the person, with whom you claim to be almost friends, deserve a lie, a story or some half truth, instead of the real reason you're leaving? The management has a right to know how they let you down that is causing you to leave. If you feel that the truth is beyond your capabilities, just leave saying nothing.
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    I was considering joining Planet Fitness until I read this heard about the set up being mostly cardio and I hate cardio! Anyway, yea, you can cancel your membership at any time but if you just recently signed a one year term with them...they might make you pay it in full to break it. Best of luck.

    I wouldn't let a few comments deter you. You should take a tour of your local PF. Yeah there's a lot of cardio machines, but I use them as a warm up and move on to the weight machines. I could see the issue if you're really advanced and the weights just aren't heavy enough for you, but I don't get all the hate on PF. Some stuff is weird, like the pizza, bagels and tootsie rolls, but I just ignore that crap, do my work out and leave.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited May 2016
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    When I was in college I got escorted out of the gym one day because I had jeans on while walking on the treadmill. I wasn't planning to go, but was in the mood, so I just swung by before going home. They had a "no streetwear" sign.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited May 2016
    posted in error
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    MSH2930 wrote: »
    When I first joined PF, the first few months were great. The gym was still brand-new to our area, so it was never busy. That was Sept-Oct-Nov-Dec of last year. Then come January, they got busy. Crazy-busy. The parking lot is usually so filled that I have to wait for someone to leave, and I am just one that is not comfortable with people right next to me on the treadmill hacking all over the place for whatever reason (how am I to know they are or are not sick..?)--which surprisingly happens way more than you think. The locker room is always even busy. I am just not comfortable with a place being that busy (read: anxiety).

    And then there is the dress code. I know it seems silly, but I really wish I could wear sandals when I am on the treadmill, or other 'no-no' clothing. I am not in the weight room area, so I do not understand. But that is their rules.

    And for the love of God they play the same 10 songs over and over. When I go there almost daily for 2 hours at a time, it is like hearing the same CD over and over 3 or 4X a day!! Blah...(I do not like to wear ear plugs)

    Yes I know the bulk of my issues are my own personal issues, but there are what they are.

    What do I need to do to quit Planet Fitness..?
    I am sure the manager (whom I kind of get along with well) will want to know why, and I just prefer not to say, so if I (very likely) quit, what is a good thing to say that she will not 'pry' to find out why..?

    Thanks so much!! :)

    There's no other nice way to say this... but be aware that your reasons for quitting this gym will lead you to quit most every other gym out there.

    Gyms will be busy - and they should be. I have issues with anxiety, as well, but want to know what helps? Realizing that literally NO ONE there cares about what you're doing, just the same way I'm sure you couldn't care less what the person next to you is doing. If you're focusing on someone else's workout and you're not their trainer, then it's best to mind your own business. Unless their methods are going to lead to immediately safety concerns.

    Your gripes are a little silly, sorry. Wear appropriate clothing and bring your own music and bam, problems solved. Sandals are not appropriate - buy a pair of sneakers. Even the most comfortable pair of sandals will be inferior to a decent pair of a walking shoes. I wear flats all the time, both at work and on the go. I've made the mistake of going on evening walks with my sister wearing flats... there's a very stark difference between those and my RUNNING shoes... I can only imagine how much better on your body a pair of shoes designed for walking will be. Spend a little extra money to take care of your body - it'll thank you for it.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I was a member of PF years ago, but moved away from that area in 2011. I just went in and filled out a 1-page form to cancel. I'm not sure if anything has changed since then, but it took only a few min.

    My current gym (which is a community gym run by a small town's parks dept.) is much smaller, but still has cup holders on treadmills. They are not large enough for a gallon water jug, but they can accommodate my 24 oz. water bottle and I refill it at the water fountain if needed. So during a 60-90 min. workout including both cardio and weight lifting, I might drink 24 - 48 oz. I can't fit a gallon jug in the cup holders and it is much more prone to breaking and releasing water everywhere than is my smaller and sturdier refillable bottle. I would think there is more risk of spilling from a gallon jug while drinking also because of the large mouth on that bottle. There is no rule at my gym regarding the size of container, but we are not supposed to have any liquid aside from water. I think someone must have been making sticky messes with gatorade or powerade and caused them to create that rule. I've seen guys slamming protein shakes in the locker room, which is allowed as far as I can tell... just not on the gym floor. As for weight lifting areas, I try to put my bottle against the wall if not at a bench, or under the bench I'm using. It isn't a rule, but I feel it appropriate to make it difficult for someone to trip on it.

    As for shoes / sandals, my gym's rules are that we must have closed-toe gym shoes (not street shoes) on the gym floor. The locker room is in the back of the gym, so if I need to change clothes, I go in the door, stop at a bench, change my shoes before walking across the gym floor, and then go into the locker room and change. I think they have this rule to protect the gym floor (and keep it clean), which is a soft material, and the cardio equipment.

    I believe there is logic to these rules. Some may still disagree and argue the logic is not good enough to make such a rule, but it is a private business and they can make those rules if they want.

    As to the parking lot issue, I'm not sure how far you would have to park if there is no space, but my gym has no parking lot. There is street parking, but sometimes I have to park and walk a block or 2... no big deal when I plan to exercise anyway.

    On the music complaint, there are some headphones that fit over your ear and not in your ear. I have very sensitive and tiny ears as well and haven't been able to find earbuds that work until the last 2 years when new designs have finally been put on the market. Even those are a slight bit too big, but they work and are decently comfortable with the silicone bits. Keep in mind that if they play music, it is not legal for them to just buy a CD and broadcast it throughout the gym. PF must buy "public performance rights" in order to play music. They may not have bought those rights for many songs because they are trying to save money (my guess).
  • Tsartele
    Tsartele Posts: 683 Member
    When I came to Albuquerque I was given a one year membership to PF. I tend to go early in the mornings around 430-5am and there is normally not many people there. My take on PF is that if you want a place to do Cardio then its perfect for you but if you are a serious lifter than your going to need another gym. I go because its really close to the house (less than 3 miles) and its free. I use it for my cardio days and so far its worked out well for me. I wish they were more friendly to the weight lifters but I have free access to the gym on Kirtland AFB for that..
  • sallygroundhog
    sallygroundhog Posts: 133 Member
    I think you should let them know about the staff that have been rude to you and unresponsive to your complaints about rules not being followed.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've quit PF twice. The first time I went in and they asked me why. I told them it obviously wasn't working cause I was still fat. LOL (they did explain that you actually have to come in and exercise.)

    The 2nd time I quit because I joined the Y. I just told the truth. But then I could never get a lap lane at the Y for swimming so I quit that and I'm back at PF.

    My PF actually has free weights, but the music still sucks. Yesterday they had it on 80s ballads. Not want I want to hear when running. But I had my ear buds so no biggie.
  • lizde217
    lizde217 Posts: 11 Member

    Dammit! You beat me to it!! Ha!! :smiley:
  • ktwebb25
    ktwebb25 Posts: 135 Member
    I also go to Planet Fitness but im lucky enough in my area and the time i go, its not usually that busy.. But all you have to do is go in there and tell them you want to cancel your membership, i believe there maybe a cancellation fee and you have to sign something but thats it.. pretty easy
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member

    Haha This is what came to my mind immediately...Priceless
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    pick up a dumbbell from the floor

  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    yusaku02 wrote: »
    pick up a dumbbell from the floor


    Why do they not allow deadlifts??? I get that it could be a liability issue, but imho it could easily be resolved by having participants sign a waiver and hiring a trainer for the floor specifically there to show newcomers how to use the weights and equipment, assuming they don't have this already...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited May 2016
    I don't get it. Most of these complaints against PF has to do with liability. In what universe is sandals on workout equipment a good idea? or having gallon jugs that people can trip over? or wearing street clothes? Like, your clothes can get caught in equipment if you're wearing jeans, or a long skirt. They don't want to get sued, it's common sense.

    And policies are there for a reason, how do you not know any of this stuff when you sign up? Does PF not have a membership agreement that outlines all their policies?

    Would you go on a rollercoaster or carnival ride with super long hair that could get caught in something> no. You'd tie up your hair into a bun or something to prevent an accident. Same thing.

    As stated earlier, that not a corporate "hazard" policy. It's to maintain their "no gymtimidation environment", whatever that means.....per their FAQ page.

    Not that it really matters on the water...but yes, agreed on the sandals and that this should be pointed out and known when you sign up. Problem is, many gyms don't go through that with you when you do and they really should.
  • noodlynoods
    noodlynoods Posts: 4 Member
    When I quit I just said "I don't want to come here anymore" and they gave me a form to fill out and that was it. I just skimmed but is there a reason why we are lying and making it harder?
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited May 2016
    yusaku02 wrote: »
    pick up a dumbbell from the floor


    This depends on your Planet Fatness. Mine has free weights, squat racks, the whole 9 yards.