Underactive thyroid anyone?

LorrissaNicol Posts: 10 Member
edited May 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone
I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I am literally finding it impossible to lose weight. I started my meds 2 month ago and have had the dosage put up too but I am really struggling, not just with my weight but other symptoms too.

Anyone have any tips? I am now currently on 1200 calories a day and trying my best to avoid foods that have a bad effect on the thyroid. I need to lose around 70lbs if possible

Feel free to add me as a friend too x


  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Hey everyone
    I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I am literally finding it impossible to lose weight. I started my meds 2 month ago and have had the dosage put up too but I am really struggling, not just with my weight but other symptoms too.

    Anyone have any tips? I am now currently on 1200 a day and trying my best to avoid foods that have a bad effect on the thyroid. I need to lose around 70lbs if possible

    Feel free to add me as a friend too x

    There's lots of people here with thyroid issues. Here a link to a group here on MFP for thyroid issues that has lots of info and help available;


  • LorrissaNicol
    LorrissaNicol Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited May 2016
    Once you are properly medicated, weight loss becomes as doable for you as anyone else. I have Hashimoto's and have lost 75 lbs. :)

    If you continue to not lose weight, the problem may not be your thyroid but rather your logging. Do you weigh your foods? If not, that's the first change you should make.

    Here's a chart that may help you out:


  • LorrissaNicol
    LorrissaNicol Posts: 10 Member
    Yes I weigh everything (slightly obsessed)

    I need to lose around 70lbs & the fact that you have lost 75lb has just gave me inspiration, well done that's amazing!

    I just have to persevere. I am still under observation by doctors and more test are being done in a few weeks so hopefully things may speed up a little once it's properly sorted.

    That chart is very helpfull too thank you very much

  • shed77f
    shed77f Posts: 41 Member
    I'm hypothyroid and have lost just over 17lbs so far. So it's definitely doable, I'm also finding that mfp estimations of how many calories I need / burn are not too far off either
  • curlyblue21
    curlyblue21 Posts: 78 Member
    I have a under active thyroid and I have lost 70lbs, taken me just over a year...got 11 lbs to go
  • HollyJans1
    HollyJans1 Posts: 2 Member
    I have lost around 100 lbs and have hypothyroidism caused by post-radiation thyroid oblation. I also have Type 1 diabetes. I'm a firm believer that it's possible to lose weight with most conditions. Just might have to work a little harder than most :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    HollyJans1 wrote: »
    I have lost around 100 lbs and have hypothyroidism caused by post-radiation thyroid oblation. I also have Type 1 diabetes. I'm a firm believer that it's possible to lose weight with most conditions. Just might have to work a little harder than most :)

    Completely agree. The many people who use their non or under-active thyroid as the reason or an excuse for their inability to lose weight need to realise that - when properly medicated - they can lose weight pretty much like anyone else. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Definitely work on getting your thyroid hormones stabilized, TSH and T3/T4, and take your meds absolutely per instructions (1st thing in AM, with water only, waiting 1/2-1 hour before eating, etc. - whatever the package insert details tell you).

    Beyond that, the normal approach to weight loss should work: Set an achievable weight loss rate you can stick with over the long haul, then stick with it.

    Like anyone (hypothyroid or no), you may find you need to set your calorie target up or down a little, once you have a month or two of weight-loss experience and log data to review. Most people's calorie requirements cluster close to the population average that's built into the calculators, but there is some variation.

    I'm hypothyroid, and have lost over 60 pounds since this time last year - and I'm 60 years old, and menopausal as well, two other things that some say hinder weight loss. At 5'5", I'm now around 120 pounds, which is my maintenance target. (Yes, this would be too thin for some body types at my height, but it works for mine.)

    You can do this!
  • keluncch
    keluncch Posts: 12 Member
    I'm also hypo! I was diagnosed in November and my thyroid hormones have stabilized as of April. I decided to give myself a break while all that was going on, but now I'm trying to lose the 30ish pounds I put on before being diagnosed. I tracked for a while before my diagnosis and didn't lose a thing! Now, I'm only one week in but I lost 2 pounds that first week, so that (along with all of these great responses) has given me hope! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    I agree with what everyone said. Take your medication properly, weigh and log your food and if possible get an activity tracker to determine your calories out. I had blood work in early August 2015 that came back hypothyroid and didn't get in to see a doctor for medication until the end of October, but I still started eating less calories and moving more at the end of August 2015 and I've lost 40 lbs since then. I've also won 2 weight loss contest in that timeframe so if I can do it anyone can. It just takes maybe a bit more effort. I'm now 5-10 lbs away from my goal.
  • LorrissaNicol
    LorrissaNicol Posts: 10 Member
    Wow you all all amazing! I have been eating healthy for over 3 month now & going to the gym up to 5 times a week and my weightloss has been stagnant which is very frustrating but I'm staying strong & not gonna give up! All your stories are great inspiration for me. I actually lost a few lb since last week which is hopefully a sign that things a finally moving forward.

    If I have half the success you guys have I will be happy, I'm definitely not giving up