Not loosing weight ?

TreaKath Posts: 3
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
So, my problem is im not loosing weight at all... My ribs are starting to show, my lower body is getting smaller so are my breasts, I was a 34 DD and now im about a D,but my belly it is still big. I have gone to smaller sizes in alot of my clothing, but my belly is still there it just stays there haha! I kinda starve myself, I work in an amusement park where im active for 8 hours, and I get my lunch break at 12-13 and I get no more food till im home at 20:30, and that has given me another problem , I cant eat as much as I did before, my stomach hurts like crazy! :frown:

I want to loose weight, Ive been following my callories each day and im always 500-1000 under my goal, and im active all the time, but im not going anywhere close to my weight goal. My body stops me from everything, aka go out, have fun, eat and get a boyfriend ( i think like this : who wants a chubby gf?")

any of you people here who might know what im doing wrong ? :indifferent:


  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I want to loose weight, Ive been following my callories each day and im always 500-1000 under my goal, and im active all the time

    found your problem.

    who wants a chubby gf?
    *raises hand*
  • hopebuck
    hopebuck Posts: 138
    hmm..interesting about the "tummy" while everything else is small. I do agree that you should NOT be eating so few calories...but, have you thought about food intolerances?? like dairy or fructose or maybe even too much salt intake?? just a thought.

    eat more food!!!! you would probably notice a change....
  • Melbel85
    Melbel85 Posts: 240 Member
    If you are that active everyday you need to be at least eating all of your allowed calories. You are putting yourself straight into starvation mode.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Is there any chance you may be pregnant?
  • Fat around the stomach area is always one the hardest and last places that you will lose wait. I suggest if you can at work, packing a small lunch type cooler and packing food in that, that way you can eat while you work....that it what I do anyways. Part of the problem is your body is going into starvation mode, which means that everything you put in your mouth it is hoarding it essentially. try really really hard to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories:) You can do this!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    One of the reasons you are not *losing* weight is you are probably in starvation mode from not eating enough. With your job, I imagine you burn a lot of calories working out in the sun. Make sure you stay hydrated. If you are coming in 500-1000 calories a day that is going to slow your metabolism down and make your body hold on to whatever you put in it. You also need to be exercising so you can tone up your body. It would be a lot easier to help you if you made your diary visible. Its hard to give advice when your diary is private.
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    We gain weight in different areas at different times so when we lose weight it reverses. Most likely your body gains weight in the stomach first so that is the last place it will come off. Try doing crunches or sit ups to build the ab muscles that will help you burn calories even while resting. The myth that muscles weigh more than fat is a lie....a pound is a pound. Muscles are just denser but they help burn calories faster. Also I agree with everyone else. It is the under eating of calories. Your body is definitely in starvation mode. You need to eat at least 1200 calories a day. Improve your calorie intake and keep in mind that your intake should be a 40-30-30. It will take a while for your body to come back out of starvation mode but you should see improvement in 5 weeks.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I want to loose weight, Ive been following my callories each day and im always 500-1000 under my goal, and im active all the time, but im not going anywhere close to my weight goal. My body stops me from everything, aka go out, have fun, eat and get a boyfriend ( i think like this : who wants a chubby gf?")

    First of all, Go out, have fun and believe in yourself. If your clothes are fitting better/looser than you are making progress. It takes time.

    Now, if you are eating 500 to 1000 under your goal you are not eating enough. If you set up MFP right to begin with than the calorie goal you are given already has a calorie deficit built in to lose weight By going under this number by another 500 to 1000 calories you are likely putting yourself into "starvation mode" and causing your body to horde fat. You should be eating close to your calorie goal each day including eating back most of the calories burned through exercise. If you do this I think you will get better results.
  • Evieqvc
    Evieqvc Posts: 3
    Most likely you are not eating enough.,if you are always under your goal alot your body thinks its starving and it holds onto the fat that is on your stomach. I have the same problem. I don't eat enough meals a day or sometimes skip a meal which is not the thing to do. I hope this helps somewhat.
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I won't repeat the above posters cry of 'eat more' but i will say OMG I HEAR YA.

    I haven't shifted any weight but every bit of my body is getting smaller. My damn frame is so small that i hold all my weight on my stomach and as soon as i started to eat right again, i look nearly anorexic on other parts of my body due to weight falling of me -.- wish you could pick and choose where it gains/looses but alas, you cannot.
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