disapointed in this site

I guess I need to change my profile picture to have someone comment on anything I post.....THIS IS NOT WHAT I LOOK LIKE ANYMORE PEOPLE!!!!!!

I am here for support and motivation...JUST LIKE YOU....I am at my heaviest EVER and I am trying to get in shape for my wedding. I am an ex fitness competitor that has packed on 25lbs...I am 5'3" that is a lot for my frame. I currently weigh 150lbs and believe me folks it is not muscle. I got here the good old fashioned way...no exercise and LOTS of eating. I have battled compulsive eating my ENTIRE life...so please dont judge me for my picture...this was a time I was at peace with myself.

I am really saddened by this site I have posted several topics and gotten responses such as "even though your problem isn't like all of ours, welcome to our group."

What does that mean....I thought this was a place to embrace eachother and make weight loss goals a success no matter how big or small....

I would love to help others, I have a ton of experience in training and weightloss and I would love for any one of you to pick my brain...that is what I am here for....what are you here for?!


  • nades33
    nades33 Posts: 14
    I guess I need to change my profile picture to have someone comment on anything I post.....THIS IS NOT WHAT I LOOK LIKE ANYMORE PEOPLE!!!!!!

    I am here for support and motivation...JUST LIKE YOU....I am at my heaviest EVER and I am trying to get in shape for my wedding. I am an ex fitness competitor that has packed on 25lbs...I am 5'3" that is a lot for my frame. I currently weigh 150lbs and believe me folks it is not muscle. I got here the good old fashioned way...no exercise and LOTS of eating. I have battled compulsive eating my ENTIRE life...so please dont judge me for my picture...this was a time I was at peace with myself.

    I am really saddened by this site I have posted several topics and gotten responses such as "even though your problem isn't like all of ours, welcome to our group."

    What does that mean....I thought this was a place to embrace eachother and make weight loss goals a success no matter how big or small....

    I would love to help others, I have a ton of experience in training and weightloss and I would love for any one of you to pick my brain...that is what I am here for....what are you here for?!
  • Marz
    Marz Posts: 22
    Sorry you haven't gotten the responses you were hoping for.
    Good luck with your weight loss & congratulations on your upcoming wedding.
  • cjbranson
    cjbranson Posts: 121
    It's so ironic that you just posted this because I was reading a post you had made, looked at your profile. logged in to send you a message and then I lost you! I was looking for whatever thread it was I saw you on! I was thinking exactly that... how great it would be to see what advice you had for those of us looking to get in shape. My husband and I have just started P90X and it's an awesome program. We're on Day 16 (tomorrow) and I'm telling you, it's fantastic. I've been at a plateau for like several months now and I'm hoping that changes soon. I can already tell some changes are happening to me and him but it's like I want everything NOW! What things are you doing to get into that wedding gown? Ha!

    Ugh! Oh well. Check out my blog sometime and welcome to the board. I'm relatively new here too.

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm sorry you feel like no one's hearing you! :flowerforyou:

    There are a lot of great people here and sometimes it really depends on when you post. I can post at one time and get no responses and later in the day get a ton! We're all busy people doing a million and one things at a time so don't get down and out if you don't hear from us right away.

    Stick to it and you'll hit your goals. Looks like you have a leg up on a lot of us, being familiar with training. :laugh:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I would also like to say welcome and Im sorry I have never seen any of your posts. Im all about picking your brain but I like to pick my nose. :laugh: Sorry I have to say something silly otherwise its not from me. Welcome again and good luck.
  • Ohh! I can so relate! I remember a time not long ago when I was around 150 lbs (I'm now @ 183), whenever I made a comment about going on a diet or losing weight people would look at me like I was nuts and tell me I didn't need to lose any weight. It was so frustrating to know I needed to lose a few pounds, for a heathier me, and everybody was unsupportve.

    Keep working at it and don't give up! :wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    im new here just started tues but i would totally pick your brain on excercise tips that is my achilies heal in getting healthy. dont feel discourage and congrats on the wedding thats amazing.
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    This is my first post and I also and fairly new here. Your picture gives me the impression that you are someone who knows what you are talking about and I would welcome any info that you wanted to share! Lets face it wheither you look like that now or not you once did and CONGRATS!! It didn't happen by accident and I'm sure you'll get there again. Go luck and stay moviated. My husband and I just stared P90 and we are on day 18, (wiegh in an picture day). Keep up the good advice and hang in there!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Sorry to hear you have gained weight and when you posted no one responded. I would have had I been on here. I usually try to respond to every new post if I am on at the time that they posted. Congrats on getting married soon. You will get to your goal weight and look amazing in your wedding gown. My cousin was also a body building competitor and seeing you reminds me of her. She was also about your height. I know you can do this so don't feel like we don't care. I love supporting people and love having someone support me in return. If you have any information and help you want to offer up, then I am more than willing to listen to you. Hope to hear more from you. Take care and lots of luck to you!
  • BBCoachKel72
    BBCoachKel72 Posts: 67 Member
    This is one of the reasons I stopped coming on the message board and posting. I use to ask questions that were related to eating, exercise...ect! But it seem liked if you weren't playing around nobody would respond. It got boring and became a waste of time to even post anything. I still read posts, but very rarely comment or start new posts.
    Best of luck to you, Kelly
  • i have a question on useing the eliptical. when i use it around 15 min my feet start to fall asleep and then my legs and i have to get off around 30 min i would love to do more but my whole body might fall asleep what can i do to fix this problem. help please
  • justsalad
    justsalad Posts: 132 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling disappointed in the site -- I've only been on here about 5 days.

    How long did you do fitness competitions for? I have a friend doing the same thing.
    You do seem to have a leg up on us with knowledge and all -- what do you do about stretch marks? What about extra skin?(in the chin area/stomach area), I suppose there is no easy solution?

    What machines/exercises do you recommend the most for toning upper arms/thighs/belly.

    Congrats on everything, 25lbs may seem like a little bit to us, and a lot to you, but even 5lbs is a lot to me! So I really hope you reach your goal in the limit you set! I'm here to listen if you need it, if you want to add me as a friend then you can :) I may not be good at advice, but I have an ear!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I haven't been on here much this week and haven't seen any of your posts up to this point.

    But I can "weigh in" on the subject... pun intended!

    There are a lot of people that come on here and want to reach an unhealthy weight. After being on here for a while, you get kind to the point where you need to stop answering certain types of posts because it can be distracting from your own goals. I am definitely not saying that you are in that category, but I am saying I do feel that way sometimes.

    Also, it has been really busy on here lately! I think maybe a lot of posts are going unanswered because some threads get really popular and bump other ones before they are seen.

    I wouldn't take a lack of responses as anyone passing judgement on you or being unwilling to help. This is a great community and I have found it very supportive. It is at times a little hard to understand other people's situations because there are all types of people looking for support here. Hang in there and hope you change your mind. :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    This is one of the reasons I stopped coming on the message board and posting. I use to ask questions that were related to eating, exercise...ect! But it seem liked if you weren't playing around nobody would respond. It got boring and became a waste of time to even post anything. I still read posts, but very rarely comment or start new posts.
    Best of luck to you, Kelly

    Ahh Kelly......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: please dip your toes back in and begin posting again!:cry::flowerforyou: I'm so sorry you felt that way and the it seemed that way, I do know EXACTLY what you mean. I am a misfit here to the 'in crowd' but it's gotten to be ok, because frankly I'd much rather have real friends than those who run hot and cold.

    I have found I had to make my own way...it's not been easy, I was easy prey for those on the board that were feeling they ran the place and were...well, less than kind but I've decided that what really matters most is how I feel about myself not strangers on here I'll never meet.

    Would you like to chat?:happy: I am more than happy to hang out and get to know you, It's NO FUN to feel you are unheard on a message board most especially a supportive one, geesh what a crummy feeling.

    I've really had to dig my heels in to even decide to stay but here I am, pushed around a bit, poked at yet I still stick around because the folks that have done that to me and still sometimes do simple don't matter to me, we reap what we sow in life. My buddy Marla told me, forget THEM...they don't count, they are unkind stuck up ppl that every message board has, internet trolls simply trying to get a rise to get attention on themselves....

    I guess I thought this place was different too, but this is the internet after all:wink::noway: ...silly naive me for thinking MFP would be full of ALL kind folks. There are many many giving, kind, motivating and inspiring ppl here...but there are also the others who anyone here for even a bit of time will not be able to miss, I think from the sounds of it, you've already run across the players.

    Steer clear of them and you will succeed here and make some wonderful true friends. I found I cared to much what others thought of me, oops, my bad. It's really us and how we feel within ourselves. I have to say I have learned SO much even in the last week on what really matters here. It's me and my walk of health, my own journey, that's the most important thing. MFP is simply a tool we may all use to get results.

    Please try once again, I am sorry I'm not sure I can say I saw your post, if I see a post of new person I am always greeting and welcoming if I am online at the time. :flowerforyou: I was welcomed and I wish to pay it forward and make others feel comfy when they arrive.

    Here's to your journey being a postive successful one Kelly:flowerforyou: :heart:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    i have a question on useing the eliptical. when i use it around 15 min my feet start to fall asleep and then my legs and i have to get off around 30 min i would love to do more but my whole body might fall asleep what can i do to fix this problem. help please

    Hi not sure I can help you on your situation but I will share one thing, if you begin a new thread with the topic you're looking to understand you will more than likely get much more response than posting on this this particular thread. Folks look for the subject line on a thread to pop in and read...they may miss your post on this thread.

    Give it a try and see how that works for you!:flowerforyou: Perhaps something like 'Elliptical help need" ?

  • :flowerforyou: It is too bad that you feel that you have to post a picture like that to get attention. I have lots of pictures similar to yours of when I use to model but with out the muscle just the body:laugh:
    this is why I do not display my picture. I would like MFP friends to get to know me for me. I like you have a lot to offer perhaps not in the same way as you but in other ways.

    I did not read your post and maybe not everybody saw it, but as far as being a compulsive eater I can give you information and perhaps some encouragment in that area. I use to be a compulsive spender so I bought the book to help me understand why I was doing it. Send me a message and let me know how I can help you. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi,
    I'm pretty new myself. I am sorry to hear that you havn't been getting the feedback you wanted however, as others have mentioned it could have just been timing.
    I am starting power90 this Feb and using eggwhites and sportsformula from http://www.eggwhitesint.com/

    Best of luck, and congrats on the wedding.
  • Sorry to hear you weren't getting the feedback you needed.:flowerforyou: I felt the same way when I first started here...but you really should stay. The people here can be very motivating and helpful...I got advice with weight loss when I started. I'm sorry if you don't feel like anyone cares about your issues...like others have said, it depends on when you post and such. At least you have some experience and will have a better idea on what to do, unlike most of us. I hope you manage to get the support you need and meet your weight loss goal for your wedding day!

    Also, you're 5'3"? I'm only an inch shorter than you. Unfortunately I have a slow metabolism, so weight has always been a difficult issue for me. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here! One way you could make friends is by posting little-known weight loss tips on here for others to read. I'm sure many of us would find your knowledge insightful!:drinker:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    I guess I need to change my profile picture to have someone comment on anything I post.....THIS IS NOT WHAT I LOOK LIKE ANYMORE PEOPLE!!!!!!

    I am here for support and motivation...JUST LIKE YOU....I am at my heaviest EVER and I am trying to get in shape for my wedding. I am an ex fitness competitor that has packed on 25lbs...I am 5'3" that is a lot for my frame. I currently weigh 150lbs and believe me folks it is not muscle. I got here the good old fashioned way...no exercise and LOTS of eating. I have battled compulsive eating my ENTIRE life...so please dont judge me for my picture...this was a time I was at peace with myself.

    I am really saddened by this site I have posted several topics and gotten responses such as "even though your problem isn't like all of ours, welcome to our group."

    What does that mean....I thought this was a place to embrace eachother and make weight loss goals a success no matter how big or small....

    I would love to help others, I have a ton of experience in training and weightloss and I would love for any one of you to pick my brain...that is what I am here for....what are you here for?!

    Wow...you looked amazing in your picture! Im sorry if nobody responded to your post.....If I had seen one and had a response ,I would have responded to one! :smile: Please don't leave:flowerforyou: You are an inspiration!

    Congratulations on your wedding...how exciting! Good Luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey there!

    I haven't seen any of your posts yet, otherwise I would have gladly responded.

    I hope you stick around. I think things will get better and you will receive the support you need to reach your goal!

    Best of luck!:flowerforyou:
This discussion has been closed.