Cereal that is low in calories and doesn't taste like cardboard?



  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    I wanted to mention that I've replaced the milk in the past with a low carb chocolate protein drink such as Pure Protein. It hides the plain flavor of the less sugary cereals and is filling.
  • helen_demun
    helen_demun Posts: 33 Member
    Try Total Cereal!! 100 cals for 3/4 cup, and it has a great texture and lightly sweet and nutty. I really like it. It also has a TON of vitamins and minerals and all that so that's my go-to.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Not a cereal fan. When I weighed it out, I was shocked at how little I get for the amount of calories. And I'm usually still hungry after.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited May 2016
    jattardi wrote: »
    For breakfast, I usually have some Cinnamon Life cereal. But one serving is only 3/4 of a cup, and with milk it's 120 calories. 3/4 cup is not a lot, and so to avoid being hungry I have 2 servings, with milk that becomes 330 calories. For a bowl of cereal.

    Has anyone found any cereal that is less calorie dense but doesn't taste like cardboard?

    You know you like cinnamon, and you like crunchy. I suggest you keep with your Cinnamon Life cereal, but add two cups of puffed wheat to your 3/4 cup serving.
  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    I've found Frosted Cheerios to be really tasty, lightly sweet and only 100c per serving. The downside to having cereal for breakfast I've found is that it quite literally *must* be *a part* of a complete breakfast. It cannot be breakfast in and of itself, because I've yet to find any cereals that crank out around 20-30g of protein per serving or even close to that.

    Protein fires you up in the morning and gives you staying power. Without it, you spin the wheels of quick carb energy and then have to refuel before lunch. (At least I do!)

    Personally, I enjoy the Frosted Cheerios as a snack food.
  • zugunruhey
    zugunruhey Posts: 31 Member
    I once read that breakfast should be at minimum a 200 calorie meal, and I try to stick to that. You don't want to start off the day hungry and tired. 330 for one meal isn't bad even if your calorie goal is 1200.

    Personally I love bran cereal. Like raisin bran but without the raisins (which are usually drowning in sugar). If you have to have some raisins in it buy some unsweetened raisins and toss them in yourself. Or you could add some almond slices for more protein. A cup of bran cereal and a half cup 2% milk is only 180 calories, so I usually eat some nuts or fruit too. The fiber really helps you feel full.

    I don't know if that counts as something that tastes like cardboard or not, personally I enjoy the taste. I do hate the taste of those "all bran" cereals that look like sticks or pellets though.
  • 2wise4u
    2wise4u Posts: 229 Member
    Honey nut Cheerios and anything by Kashi. YUM
  • Dreamer_Aly
    Dreamer_Aly Posts: 29 Member
    I love Special K with strawberries and almond milk
  • degenerationwhy
    degenerationwhy Posts: 31 Member
    I eat kashi or raw grain medley in yogurt. I mix red quinoa, millet, buckwheat. Sometimes throw in some flax seeds or akittle granola
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Cheerios with vanilla almond milk and a scoop of chocolate peanut butter protein powder.

    I have no off switch when it comes to cereal.. I had a bowl of honey nut cheerios the other day, 192g plus full cream milk :confounded: 1 serving size is just not worth it!
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Puffed wheat or puffed rice. Haven't had it in a few years but I think one cup is 60 cal. It does taste alittle flat. I added a little brown sugar or some maple syrup. Love cereal !!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    40g of plain oats is around 143 calories. Probably the most filling cereal I've found. Again, a sprinkle of protein powder will help bulk it up.
  • chimaerandi
    chimaerandi Posts: 153 Member
    Is the milk that much of a thing? I ask because, for me, I really liked having cookie crisp, but as it turned out, the milk was a very small part of my enjoyment--cutting that out was must easier than changing cereals. Eating 60g of that was only 260 cals and it was really enjoyable.
  • amythomas2
    amythomas2 Posts: 14 Member
    I like porridge, chopped banana, chopped dates and a drizzle of my protein maple syrup :-) today it's 336 calories with a 70g banana and 20g dates.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Is the milk that much of a thing? I ask because, for me, I really liked having cookie crisp, but as it turned out, the milk was a very small part of my enjoyment--cutting that out was must easier than changing cereals. Eating 60g of that was only 260 cals and it was really enjoyable.

    Cereal isn't cereal without milk :lol:

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The only cereal I eat anymore is Weetabix (usually with Greek yogurt), and oatmeal. Nothing else fills me up for the calories, and it would just guarantee that I'd be hangry all day.

    I can't do almond milk in cold cereal, I just find it nasty, but it's what I use in oatmeal.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    All week I have eaten 1 cup Special K with red berries(well, the walmart brand because I'm cheap lol), with 1/2 original almond milk, and a string cheese. 220 calories, 13 grams of protein, and I'm not staring at the clock all day waiting for lunch time. :)
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Most cereals to me are a pleasure food - I eat it because I like the taste, but it doesn't do much for me as far as filling me up. If I want to have a filling cereal I go with fiber one brands - they have some good stuff. There's also special k with extra protein.