Why up and down.



  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    rahmat805 wrote: »
    Sodium..is it kind of salt? I have some friends who implement mayo diet by consuming zero salts foods for a 13 days. But I think thats not good based on our understanding, right. I will googling what is sodium ?

    Zero sodium is pretty difficult. Many things have naturally occurring sodium including vegetables, eggs, meat, etc. Unless you have a medical reason for lowering it (I do), don't worry too much. Be reasonable about amounts. It's all a balance.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You don't want zero sodium. You need it.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Too low sodium can cause problems thinking clearly.
  • rahmat_hidayat
    rahmat_hidayat Posts: 62 Member
    Hi good news, we get a blog "ask the dietitian, what causes weight loss plateu?" by Elle Penne. She advise to down size callorie target and do workouts when our weight got stagnant. Im waiting her coming blog.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    rahmat805 wrote: »
    If we follow the callorie rules then weight trend should be down continuesly. But my experience, i got stagnant after 5 kgs loss and just varies in that range. On the other words, its fast to loss 5kgs but very hard to get more. Do you have same experience, and what to do to assure the more weigh loss will come...

    We wish it were that way, but it doesn't happen that way for us all the time. We go through weeks of "following the rules" with zero indicated weight loss and suddenly several pounds drop off in just a few days. We don't know why it happened that way.


    This article does a good job of explaining some of it:


    There's obviously a lot more going on, but it does go some way to explaining some of the weirder variations in weight over time!

    To the OP: weight loss isn't linear, alas. Partly because we're using weight loss as a proxy for fat loss, which will be (somewhat) more linear and weight includes a lot of things you have less control over. I would weigh at an interval that suits you, but not sweat the individual up-and-downs. Rather look at the trends over time.

    Good luck!

  • caammph
    caammph Posts: 105 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Gamliela wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Your weight throughout the day can best be described as:

    Current Weight = (True mass + food mass + drink mass + clothes) - (pee + poop + other metabolic excretions).

    Weigh at the same time of day and in the same type of clothes (or naked) and you will figure out pretty quickly if the scale is going up or down. I weigh daily and the past month looks like this:


    As you can see it bounces around all over the place... but the overall trend is down!

    Thank you Sarah. I love it when people post these weight drop graphs. A graph is worth a thousand words! :)

    Back in the Stone Age when I first lost (right before having kids, 5 years ago) I used to graph my trends manually in Excel...

    I totally did this as well.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Food, sodium, water retention, hormones, bowel content, etc. will all alter your weight.

    This is why it is recommended that you weigh yourself in constant settings (Same time, in same clothes -naked is best-) to minimize the effects of outside variables.

    Your weight won't only fluctuate during the day... even your height does!
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    i weigh every day. i weigh in the morning and at night. always weigh more at night. i do it just to keep track. sometimes weight goes up day over day, but keeps trending down over time. its to a point where i can predict what i will weigh in the morning based on weight the night before.
  • rahmat_hidayat
    rahmat_hidayat Posts: 62 Member
    Based on all advices, I think weekly weight progress is the most fair to conclude our diet success or not during a week. Daily can not be referred since our body is on going processing. But it is not false to record day by day if you wish, just enjoy it. Agree...?
  • rahmat_hidayat
    rahmat_hidayat Posts: 62 Member
    This weekend I felt it works, even I ate many yesterday like lamb satay for one and half plate but happily I got my weight down 600 gr constantly. Yes yes yes...